Jindan change

Chapter 201 Only this level 1

Chapter 201

Chapter 57 Only this level

Previously, when crossing the sea of ​​fire, the nine golden lotuses had all erupted.After saving their master's life, the golden lotus platform fell silent, without the protection of mysterious energy!So at this moment, a few of them are willing to fight against each other!Otherwise, even if everyone knew that Tie Wujian had obtained the three celestial artifacts alone, there would be no such confrontation.

However, all the immortals need the golden lotus platform to save their lives, but the casual cultivators around them are far inferior to all the immortals in terms of cultivation, so why did they survive so many immortals instead?
The immortal strikes at will, and the incomparable terrifying power shakes everyone's hearts!There was a crackling sound in the surrounding space, obviously a bit unable to bear this terrifying power!

"Hmph!" The faces of the others changed even more, almost dozens of times in a row!The eight people snorted coldly one after another. At this time, the faces of the eight people were ashen, wishing to immediately smash Tie Wujian into thousands of pieces and abandon it to the wilderness!But the opponent's terrifying fighting power is indeed shocking.

At this moment, everyone sacrificed and refined their own fairy weapons in an instant!All of them are top-grade fairy artifacts!This was a gift from the forces behind each of them when they descended to earth!Otherwise, it would be very rare for a golden fairy to be able to use a high-grade fairy weapon!
"Do you know why this sword is called the ultimate fairy weapon?" Tie Wujian seemed to ignore everyone, smiled slightly, and said to the ultimate fairy weapon Killing Immortal Sword in his hand: "This sword, the name is Slaughtering Immortal Sword! High-grade immortal artifact! Do you know the difference between the highest-grade immortal artifact and the top-grade immortal artifact? Today I will let you know what is called the highest-grade immortal artifact!!"

After finishing speaking, Tie Wujian was about to swing his sword forward!But at this moment, there were a few exclamations suddenly!
"Ah!! There is a stone tablet here!"

"Whoosh!" As if awakened suddenly, Tie Wujian disappeared in place in an instant and appeared next to the stone tablet. With a sweep of his spiritual sense, he immediately understood the general idea, disappeared again in a flash, and rushed into the vast expanse of sky not far away.In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into everyone's spiritual consciousness!

A few large characters on the stele, flickering into the eye.

"Only this level? What is 'only this level'?" Everyone was puzzled. The four simple characters on the stone tablet were very obvious. Only this level. Could it be said that there is only one level here?

"There are words on the bottom!" "There are also words on the back."

"What a weird place, surrounded by vast interstellar space, gray. Obviously not our original universe. What kind of place have we come to? It's so weird!" At this time, someone has already begun to hesitate.

"According to the words on the stone tablet, it seems that there is only one level of checkpoint here. But how to break through this level of checkpoint?" By the way, Tie Wujian!Earlier, Tie Wujian took a hasty glance, then flew away layer by layer, and flew towards this vast gray space. Could it be that this last hurdle is this gray space!

Suddenly, Lin Yuntian only felt that the golden lotus stand in his body wanted to fly out uncontrollably!Scanning with spiritual consciousness, several other people seem to have the same feeling!

Huhu, the golden lotus platform suddenly emerged from Young Master Lin's primordial spirit, floating above his head.After the lotus platform rotated a few times, it suddenly became larger, and three seats appeared on the edge.

The few people who owned the golden lotus platform all appeared in the center of the lotus platform and sat cross-legged in an instant.At this moment, a stream flowed into the minds of several people, suddenly realizing a lot of information!
"Let's go! Big Brother, come up! Senior Dragon Clan, I promised a seat to the Dragon Clan, who will take the seat this time?" Lin Yuntian, who understood, smiled slightly, and said to the experts of the Dragon Clan, his eyes were full of smiles.

At the scene, there are still many dragon masters.They didn't know how to feel when they saw that Lin Yuntian was still keeping his promise, so they chose one person to take the seat.Smiling to Lin Yuntian, he said, "Fellow Taoist Laolin is here! In Xialong Xinyuan, I, the Dragon Clan, thank you!"

"Please!" Lin Yuntian waved his hand slightly, and suddenly said to everyone in the place: "I have auctioned a few tokens in Haitian before, I wonder if anyone has a token?"

"Huh?" Everyone exclaimed a few times, but no one was able to produce this kind of token.Apparently, the owner of the token has been killed in flames!
At this moment, a bright light suddenly appeared in the vast sky, and after a while, the bright light approached.It turned out that Tie Wujian had returned! !He went out for a while, what did he do?

Before long, the few people who owned the golden lotus platform were full of passengers!Even Tie Wujian carried three dragon elders, twelve rays of light flooded into the vast sky in an instant!
In the vast interstellar space, there is no direction at all!Anyone who enters it will be infected by this terribly quiet, gloomy aura, and within a few days they will lose their mood and die on the spot!

Previously, Tie Wujian was the first to break into the gray space. If it wasn't for the golden lotus stand, he might have been quietly suspended in the void at this time, losing all signs of life!
The twelve lights flickered continuously, and the golden lotus platform was like a positioning system.Following a certain trajectory, each is rotating and constantly moving forward. All of a sudden, everyone feels that they have come to another mysterious space!

Several voices kept coming.Twelve golden lotus stands suddenly appeared in a space, like a master who teleported suddenly, the appearance of the golden lotus brought a mysterious wave to this space!Space came to his first guests!
"Here is it?" Suddenly, Lin Yuntian's expression changed wildly! "Here. This is where the Heaven-reaching Hundred Ladders are located!!"

Could it be that this is the last level in the third space deep in the Valley of Absolute Souls! !

Familiar pillars, familiar halls!Familiar mask!Familiar breath!It seems that there is still the breath of Lin Yuntian's breakthrough a hundred years ago!This is the Danshengyi Mansion! !
Many rules are still recorded on the central light curtain!But there are still many differences from the original!

"Article [-], this is the Holy Mansion of Alchemy, no killing is allowed in the Holy Mansion! Anyone who violates the rules - be obliterated!"

"Article [-], this pass is the Hundred Ladders of Tongtian! Tongtianzhong is not allowed to shoot at will! Violators - obliterate!"

"Third, don't stay in the Holy Mansion for too long, everything is calculated according to your own strength, more than - obliterate"

"Article [-], only one person can pass through the level at a time, otherwise——kill!"

"Article [-], it takes five days to pass the next checkpoint, otherwise - obliterate!"

"Article [-], do not spread this information to the outside world, otherwise - obliterate!"

"Article [-], those who own the golden lotus will have one chance to avoid death, only once, and if they violate the rules again - obliterate!"

The Seven Killing Orders are completely obliterating orders!Unscrupulous obliteration, but the original teleportation talisman was replaced with a golden lotus!Having a chance to avoid death means a rare opportunity!

———————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————— (Today’s first update, there will be three more in a while, brothers recommend collecting it!!)
(End of this chapter)

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