Jindan change

Chapter 203 Chaos Origin Fire Jue [3 updates, please collect]

Chapter 203 Chaos Origin Fire Jue [Third Watch, please collect]

Chapter 59 Chaos Origin Fire Jue【Third watch, please collect】

Taking this step without any scruples, Lin Yuntian only felt his spiritual consciousness flicker, and his body transformed into this mysterious space again!Familiar stone table, familiar space.Even familiar walls!

However, apart from familiarity, there is a strangeness!An old man was smiling at Lin Yuntian!

"Eh? Why is the old man here?" Lin Yuntian subconsciously asked in surprise, his eyes were full of astonishment!He has been to this space before, but there was no such mysterious old man that time!

"Haha, the little guy is good! Not bad! The master did not choose the wrong person! The old man has been paying attention to you for a long time! It is really good!" The old man said to himself, his eyes were full of satisfaction!Obviously, this old man is very familiar with Lin Yuntian.And I have followed Lin Yuntian for a long time!
"What? Senior, what's going on here? Master? You chose the wrong person? You've been paying attention to me for a long time? What are these? Senior." Lin Yuntian opened his eyes slightly, as if in disbelief!

"Haha, it's understandable for the little guy to be ignorant. Let me tell you a few things, and you'll understand!!" The old man laughed loudly, with the expression in his eyes still unchanged, and said slowly, "Little guy, do you remember that a hundred years ago you just Entering Liberty City, when did you inadvertently trigger the rules of heaven and earth and kill the boy of Ximen's family?"

"Ah!!" This time, Lin Yuntian was really surprised!Liberty City, the edge of the wilderness, the pursuit of Ximen San Shao, Lin Yuntian created a heaven-defying magic trick!Resonance entered Lin Yuntian's mind for the first time, and it was also that time, Lin Yuntian almost died. Fortunately, when the Valley of the Dead erupted, several teleportation talismans erupted, and he got a few!This is lucky to survive!

"Senior, that time was"

"Haha, that's the time! The little guy is not simple! Just the martial artist realm can disturb the rules of the world, hahaha, against the sky? Haha is not enough to express!!" At this time, the old man seemed to roar excitedly, the expression in his eyes seemed to be Said, boy, you are awesome!You are very good!You have gone to the sky on the Made Bull! !

"The realm of warriors actually disturbed the rules of the world. Although it was only a trace of the rules, it was enough to shock the sky. It caused the shock of the entire universe!! Haha, I started to notice you at that time!!" The old man continued excitedly, the eyes in his eyes Jingmang flickered continuously.

"But at that time, you couldn't bear the power of heaven and earth with your body, so you were about to shatter. That's why I triggered the opening of Jue Ling Valley in advance. With this matter, I saved your life!" The old man admitted that he rescued Lin Yuntian, and directly for Young Master Lin explained.

"What! It's really you! Eh? No! It's the Valley of the Dead that you opened??" Young Master Lin suddenly realized what, what is the Valley of the Dead?How can the old man be opened in advance?Could it be that the Valley of the Absolute Soul is the old man's private property?is it possible?It's a little weird!

"Haha. Absolute Spirit Valley is just a tool! It's just a broken spirit treasure that the master once obtained! The master is dead. Before the new master appears, I can naturally control this broken spirit treasure!" the old man said. Still explain it carefully!

"Master?" Lin Yuntian had heard of "Master" many times.Who is this owner? Could it be that Lin Yuntian couldn't help thinking of the name of this place, "Sage of Alchemy!" Could it be that the old man's owner is this mysterious sage of alchemy?
"Hehe, the master is the master of this place, and also the master of this old man. He will be your master! What do you still don't understand, little guy?" The old man said hehe.

"Pill Sage? What is Pill Sage? And what kind of exercise is the mysterious Yuanhuo Jue that I practice?" Young Master Lin really had a lot of questions, so he asked them all at once.But the old man was dizzy, and then he waved his hand and sat up.The two started chatting!

Chatting almost non-stop, time passed quickly.Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and Lin Yuntian generally knew some information.About the entire Dansheng's legacy mansion, there is still information about Dansheng!Of course, three days is nothing, and the information he has learned is very limited!
Three days later, the old man suddenly waved his old arm!A thriving flame suddenly appeared in the space!It seems to be the pill fire in the dantian of Lin Yuntian's body!
At the moment when the flame appeared, Young Master Lin suddenly felt an unstable fluctuation in the pill fire in his body!A force of attraction from the soul appeared instantly, as if wanting to suck away the pill fire in his dantian!
Lin Yuntian tried his best to control the riot of the pill fire in his body, and at the same time the old man said calmly: "Quiet!" The flame in the space suddenly lit up, and then gradually dimmed.Immediately, the deadly attraction in the space also disappeared.

Lin Yuntian took a deep breath, and said in embarrassment: "Fu Bo! What's going on? Why does the pill fire in my body feel uncontrollable? It seems that this flame is from the pill fire in my body. Like a nemesis, it's so scary!"

Lin Yuntian still looks like he has lingering fears, the changes just now are indeed thrilling!Extremely weird!At this moment, seeing the flame on the opposite side quiet down, Lin Yuntian took a long breath!

Faber!That is the old man's name!At this time, he still smiled and said to Lin Yuntian: "Little master, this is the most important treasure left by the old master! This group of flames is called the source of chaos! It contains the Dao of flames! Once you understand It will reach the sky! This is also the true meaning of the Basking Ladder! It is this group of flames!"

At this time, Uncle Fu has already regarded Lin Yuntian as his little master!Inherit the will of the Alchemy Sage and become a new generation of alchemy masters. He is the successor of the Alchemy Sage!
"Little master, just burn your own spiritual consciousness into it, and then slowly comprehend it by yourself! The old master's own chaotic source fire formula was comprehended from it! And the source fire formula that the young master practiced himself is exactly what the old master comprehended It came out! The old master once left a message, saying that his successors can only comprehend it by themselves, and cannot follow his comprehension to practice the Primal Chaos Origin Fire Art!" Fu Bo continued.

"What? Can't practice the Primal Chaos Origin Fire Jue? Didn't I already start to practice? Could it be that I can't comprehend the Flame Dao again?" Lin Yuntian asked in surprise.

"Hehe, the little master is overthinking! The old master said that he can't always practice according to the original fire formula he has comprehended, but the first three levels of the nine-level source fire formula that the old master has comprehended can be practiced. This is just an entry-level exercise. That's all! There are not many other restrictions!"

"Oh, I was scared to death! I thought I couldn't practice anymore!" Lin Yuntian couldn't help but patted his chest, as if he was very worried!
"Little master, let's have some peace of mind and comprehend it here!" As he said, Uncle Fu pushed the flame in the space in front of Lin Yuntian. At this time, the hot flame continued to burn in front of Young Master Lin, emitting a A crackling sound.It's spectacular, very beautiful
As soon as the spiritual consciousness turned, it instantly penetrated into this small chaotic flame, and the slightest spiritual imprint was engraved on it without any effort, and then the whole flame disappeared and melted into the dantian with the movement of the spiritual consciousness. Pill and fire become one.Regardless of each other, the successful integration!
Perhaps because of the same source, or because the level of the chaotic flames from the external force is too high, in short, the Danhuo in Lin Yuntian's dantian was fused by the external flames without any resistance, and turned into a ball!
[Third watch!Ask for collection, please recommend! 】

(End of this chapter)

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