Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 113 Do You Dare To Punish Me?

Chapter 113 Do You Dare To Punish Me? (Fourth watch for tickets)
Zhou Niannian's voice was cool and calm, and he spoke clearly.

As soon as the words fell, the entire conference room was silent, and everyone looked at Xing Dehai and Zhou Niannian in silence.

The veins in Xing Dehai's hand holding the teacup were exposed, showing the extreme anger in his heart. Zhou Niannian slapped him in the face openly in public.

"Zhou Niannian, what do you mean?" He finally couldn't bear the strange eyes in the conference room, and slapped the teacup on the table.

The cold tea in the teacup splashed onto his sleeves, Xing Dehai didn't care to wipe it, and stood up angrily and stared at Zhou Niannian.

"Are you saying that I meddle in the management of other departments at will?"

Zhou Niannian looked at him without flinching, and calmly retorted: "Isn't it?"

"Manager Xing, you are in charge of personnel and general affairs. You are not responsible for the purchase and inspection of incoming materials. You asked Qi Jiayan to accept the pork. Didn't you intervene at will?"

Xing Dehai snorted coldly, stood up and pressed his hands on the conference table, trembling with anger: "I am the manager of the factory, don't I have the right to speak about this matter? I just said a few words, and I didn't force it." Order Qi Jiayan to accept the pork?"

"In the end, she decided to accept it on her own. What does it have to do with me? I just said a few words, so why did I become a random meddler?"

"Furthermore, I am the director of the Revolutionary Committee of the Mengjiang Brigade. I have done revolutionary work for more than ten years, and I have a clear division of rights and responsibilities. I don't need you to teach me here!" Xing Dehai pointed at Zhou Niannian, blackly face roared.

Qi Jiayan's face turned pale immediately.

At that time, Xing Dehai not only said that she was rigid, but also asked her to keep the meat, but now he clearly did not admit it, and no one else was present at that time, so she did not have any evidence to accuse Xing Dehai.

Qi Jiayan felt extremely remorseful, and felt that she had failed Zhou Niannian's trust. At first, it was Niannian who said that she was cold-tempered and principled, so she was asked to be the person in charge of purchasing and incoming material inspection. Stabbed the basket.

The more she thought about it, the more annoyed she became, Qi Jiayan's eye circles turned red with anger.

Zhou Niannian glanced at her, then looked at Xing Dehai with a sneer: "Manager Xing doesn't need to be so angry, I'm just talking about the facts, and I don't mean to criticize your revolutionary work experience. As far as the factory management is concerned, I think it's still the responsibility Clearly better."

"Regardless of whether or not you finally ordered Qi Jiayan to accept the pork in today's matter, two things are certain. First, you have intervened in this matter, and you have also come forward to speak for the second sage. Is it true?"

Xing Dehai snorted coldly, but did not speak.

"Secondly, Qi Jiayan, as the procurement supervisor, did accept the problematic meat in the end, so both of you are at fault for this matter. If I say this, you don't object, right?"

There was silence in the room, and everyone at the conference table shook their heads silently.

When Zhou Niannian and Xing Dehai pointed at the wheat light just now, everyone was so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe, and they really admired Zhou Niannian in their hearts.

Xing Dehai has been the director of the Revolutionary Committee for many years, and he still has a lot of momentum when he gets angry in the village. The villagers are very afraid that he and Meng Sanqiu will get angry.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Niannian, a young girl, resisted Xing Dehai's anger calmly, and even retorted so plausibly that Xing Dehai was speechless.

"Both of you have violated the factory's work regulations. According to our management system, each of you will be warned once. Do you have any objections?" Zhou Niannian announced calmly.

Qi Jiayan bit her lip lightly, and stood up with an annoyed expression on her face: "It is true that I am not thoughtful in doing things, and I shouldn't be influenced by others to make random decisions. I should be punished."

"Do you dare to punish me?" Xing Dehai's face twisted for a moment, he felt that he just jumped into the hole dug by Zhou Niannian.

He was preoccupied with refuting Zhou Niannian's accusation of meddling in the affairs of other departments at will. He only denied that he had ordered Qi Jiayan, but he did not deny that he spoke for the Second Holy Head Brigade.

Now that Zhou Niannian was catching on to his mistake, he couldn't refute it for a while. After all, he couldn't go back on what he said just now and say that he didn't speak for the Second Saint Head Brigade, could he?
Isn't this slapping yourself in the face?Xing Dehai clenched his fist fiercely and stared at Zhou Niannian, this cunning girl.

Meng Sanqiu patted the table with a dark face: "I want to punish you, not Xiao Zhou."

Xing Dehai looked at Meng Sanqiu in disbelief, obviously not believing this sentence.

How could Zhou Niannian not seize this opportunity to add insult to injury.

"Old Xing, you really did something wrong in this matter. As the saying goes, there is no rule, there is no rule. Our factory has just been established, and we must pay attention to work discipline. We can't be so lax at the beginning." Meng Sanqiu was silent for a moment, looked up meaningfully With Xing Dehai.

Xing Dehai realized that Meng Sanqiu was killing the chicken to scare the monkey. He let himself be the chicken. He sneered twice: "Old Meng, Director Meng, you can do it, you can do it!"

He turned his head and pointed at Zhou Niannian fiercely: "Just listen to her. If she said today that there is something wrong with Ershengtou's meat, you believe it. If she said tomorrow that there is something wrong with Niujiang's meat, would you also believe it? Then our factory Will it become her alone in the future?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Meng Sanqiu lowered his face.

Zhou Niannian glanced at him, "I, Zhou Niannian, have never been aimless. Since I said that there is something wrong with Ershengtou's pork, I must have evidence. If Manager Xing doesn't believe it, let's go to Ershengtou's brigade to have a look."

Immediately someone asked enthusiastically: "Director Zhou, are you going to the Ershengtou Brigade to argue with them?"

Zhou Niannian nodded: "Well, of course we can't just leave it as a matter of supplying our pork that died of illness."

Meng Sanqiu stood up and ordered Li Yu, who was in charge of personnel affairs, "Immediately draw up a notice for the punishment just mentioned, and put it up in the whole factory today. Xiao Zhou, Comrade Xiao Qi, let's go to Ershengtou."

Li Yu carefully glanced at Xing Dehai's face, and took a pen to record it.

Meng Sanqiu, Zhou Niannian, and Qi Jiayan left the meeting room. The people in the meeting room couldn't bear the excitement and followed them out one after another, wanting to follow along to see the excitement.

"We're here to argue, not fight, everyone go back to work." Zhou Niannian turned around and saw a lot of people behind him, he couldn't laugh or cry, and advised them to go back to their jobs.

Everyone wanted to talk about what to do if the second sage didn't admit it, what to do if the fight broke out, thinking of Zhou Niannian's skill, but also felt that he couldn't help in the fight, so they could only go back to the workshop in a dull mood.

In a blink of an eye, only Li Yu and Xing Dehai were left in the meeting room.

"Manager, take a look at this notice." Li Yu asked Xing Dehai for instructions while shrinking his head.

Xing Dehai roared with a dark face: "If I ask you to draft, you can draft it, please show me what to do!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and chased out of the conference room, he also went to Ershengtou to have a look, he didn't believe that girl Zhou Niannian could have conclusive evidence.

(End of this chapter)

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