Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 118 Early Start

Chapter 118 Early Start
Accountant Wang counted Xing Dehai's salary in full, handed it over, and said vaguely: "It's okay, I haven't calculated the specifics yet."

Xing Dehai took the money, counted it, put it in his pocket, and looked at Accountant Wang with displeasure: "I said, Lao Wang, we have worked together for so many years, who doesn't know who? You went to the factory director's office when you came back , must have gone to check the accounts.”

"Besides, this account is not accounted for clearly, how can you pay wages? This is not your style of doing things."

As he spoke, he leaned forward, his eyes glanced at the ledger on the table inadvertently: "Old Wang, I don't mean anything else, I just care about the profitability of our factory, so just tell me the amount, I won't tell others of."

"We have worked together for so many years, you won't even hide it from me, will you? You are a bit uninteresting."

Accountant Wang pushed the thick glasses, picked up the account book and put it in the cabinet, locked it, and then said calmly: "Isn't it normal for me to hide it from you? You are not the leader of the accountant, I only belong to the factory manager." Tube."

He pointed to the newly posted factory management regulations on the wall.

Xing Dehai cast a glance, and his face suddenly sank: "Old Wang, what do you mean? Do you want to do business with me? I said that I have no other intentions. Is it interesting for you to put on such a face in front of me?"

Accountant Wang pursed his lips and did not speak.

"You have climbed a high branch, and you don't want to talk to me anymore," Xing Dehai sat up straight and sneered, "Don't forget, a few years ago, when your family was so poor that you couldn't solve the problem, who lent money to see your mother-in-law? .”

Accountant Wang's face changed, and there was a trace of hesitation in his expression.

Xing Dehai sighed, stood up and walked out, "Forget it, forget it, I won't embarrass you anymore, just treat me as blind before."

"Don't say that!" Accountant Wang couldn't help but said. Seeing Xing Dehai turn around and look at him coldly, he hesitated for a while and stretched out two fingers to compare, then sighed deeply: "I didn't say anything, Manager Xing , don't make it difficult for me."

Xing Dehai stared at those two fingers, squinted his eyes, a flash of light flashed, then nodded slightly, "I know, Lao Wang, you are the most principled."

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the accounting room slowly with his hands behind his back.

In the factory director's office, Meng Sanqiu and Zhou Niannian are still discussing about going to other places to sell products.

"I plan to go north from Zezhou to the provincial capital, then take a train from the provincial capital all the way to the northwest, choose a big city along the way, and finally arrive at Xincheng, then from Xincheng to Qingcheng, and then return to Zezhou." Zhou Niannian will Said his own route plan again.

Meng Sanqiu stared at the sketch of the route she drew for a while, hesitantly: "I want to go to Xincheng and Qingcheng, isn't it a bit too far?"

"Although it is far away, the country now supports the development of the frontiers. Both Xincheng and Qingcheng have construction corps and troops stationed there, which are most suitable for our sales of beef jerky and ham sausage." Zhou Niannian was not surprised by Meng Sanqiu's hesitation, saying that he had already Think good reasons.

Speaking of this, she showed a bit of shyness, but she still said it straightforwardly: "Uncle Captain, in fact, I still have a little selfishness. My parents have been sent to Xincheng, and my brother is in Qingcheng. I want to take this opportunity to Drop by and see them."

Meng Sanqiu was stunned, took a puff of dry cigarette, shook his head and teased Zhou Niannian: "Little girl, have you already thought about it?"

Zhou Niannian pursed her lips and smiled without saying a word.

Meng Sanqiu didn't delve into this point either, he knew that Zhou Niannian was really thinking about the factory, "Let's set the route tentatively. Tomorrow, you go to the county to ask Director Kong to write a letter of introduction. When do you plan to leave?"

Zhou Niannian calculated what he had to prepare, "In three days."

She just used these two days to go shopping.

Meng Sanqiu didn't object, "I'll give you the letter of introduction from the brigade in a while."

The brigade issued a letter of introduction for going out and staying, and the county gave her a letter of introduction to promote her products.

"It's just that the road is far away. It's not safe for you as a girl. How about I ask Li Yuanjia to go with you." Meng Sanqiu thought for a while.

Zhou Niannian disagreed, shaking his arm: "You forgot, I have supernatural powers, you send a boy to follow me, how inconvenient this journey will be."

"But it's too hard for you as a girl, it's not safe to say you're tired." Meng Sanqiu insisted on this point, "If you don't agree with Li Yuanjia to go, then go with another girl, at least I can share with you on the road, you Don't forget, you have to bring a lot of dried meat and ham sausage along the way."

Zhou Niannian was silent.

Even though she has unparalleled supernatural power, it is indeed very hard for a person.

"You go to the county to open a letter of introduction first, I'm thinking about who is more suitable to go with you." Meng Sanqiu made a decision.

Seeing this, Zhou Niannian knew it was not good to object, so she went out to the accounting office to collect her salary. She was the deputy factory manager, and the salary was 20 yuan.

This salary is already very high. With the 20 yuan in his pocket, Zhou Niannian thought about going to the bookstore to buy some legal books tomorrow and come back to read.

The next morning, she went to the county seat. When Kong Yuquan learned that she was going to launch a long-term sales strategy in advance, he clapped his hands happily and gave her a letter of introduction without saying a word, and asked the county magistrate Chen to personally write In a word, department stores in all cities are requested to focus on rainbow meat products.

After receiving the letter of introduction, Zhou Niannian went to the largest bookstore in the county.

The bookstore was very deserted, and there were almost no people there. When Zhou Niannian entered the door, he saw a pile of books randomly piled up in the corner on the right hand side, covered with a layer of dust.

After scanning the top book, Zhou Niannian paused, picked up the top book, shook the dust on it, and revealed its original appearance, which was "High School History Review Guide".

Zhou Niannian scrolled down, and found that the books piled here were all junior high or high school bibliographies, including mathematics, Chinese, and exercise sets, and even found a dilapidated English dictionary.

She pulled out all those books as if she had found a treasure, and asked the salesperson in the bookstore: "Comrade, are all these books sold?"

The salesperson was lazily sitting on a chair, reading a foreign novel with gusto.

Hearing the voice, he looked up and saw a young girl holding a stack of worn-out books, and after glancing at the books, the salesperson waved his hand indifferently: "No one wants those books, you If you want it, take it for two cents a piece.”

Zhou Niannian was overjoyed, picked up the dozen or so books in his hands and put them on the counter, "I want all of these."

The salesperson's eyes widened suddenly, and she stared at Zhou Niannian in disbelief: "Little girl, these are all high school study books, are you sure you want them all?"

 The first!
(End of this chapter)

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