Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 121 The Candidate for a Business Trip

Chapter 121 The Candidate for a Business Trip

Zhou Niannian put down the teacup, and rejected her calmly: "I'm so sorry, just before you came in, I had already decided who would travel with me."

Bai Yuqing's expression changed suddenly, and she clenched her hands subconsciously.

"Can I ask who Xiao Zhou chose? Is it... Qi Jiayan?" She hesitated and asked softly.

When she came over just now, she saw Qi Jiayan leaving Zhou Niannian's office.

Zhou Niannian showed a faint smile: "I can't say this yet, you will know when the factory notifies you."

Bai Yuqing's face turned pale, and then she showed a slightly disappointed smile, soft and beautiful with a touch of sadness, it was very unbearable to see.

"I came too late. I don't have much contact with the factory manager Xiao Zhou on weekdays. I can understand that you didn't choose me. I hope I can have the opportunity to learn from you in the future."

Zhou Niannian got up to refill a glass of water, with a cold expression on his face: "The candidate I chose was based on comprehensive consideration of the management and operation of the entire factory, and it has nothing to do with personal relationships. Comrade Bai was wrong."

Bai Yuqing didn't expect Zhou Niannian to refute her so sharply, she lowered her eyes in a panic, her long eyelashes trembled, and she showed a weak smile: "It's because I can't speak, I can't go on a business trip with you, I lost a good friend Learning opportunity, I lost my composure, sorry."

She said with red eyes, stood up hurriedly and walked out.

Zhou Niannian maintained the posture of pouring water just now, and waited for her to walk out before slowly putting down the thermos.

Regardless of whether it was personal or not, she would never choose Bai Yuqing to go on a business trip with her.

When Bai Yuqing left Zhou Niannian's office, the sadness just now disappeared without a trace, and her eyes were full of gloom.

I heard that Zhou Niannian decided to go on a business trip alone yesterday, but today he has already decided on the candidate for the business trip. It was clearly to fool her, Zhou Niannian just didn't want to take her on the business trip with him.

"I'll just say you're useless, but you're just going to look for a blow." Suddenly there was a sneer from the side.

Bai Yuqing turned her head and saw Li Wenjing coming out of the workshop with her pockets on her hands, looking at her with a mocking face.

"It doesn't seem to be your business, does it?" She frowned, turned and left indifferently.

Li Wenjing made a cut, caught up to her and walked side by side with her, with unconcealable schadenfreude in her tone: "Tell me that you just put a hot face on someone's cold ass, that girl Zhou Niannian has a dark heart, don't look at her pretending to be a good person It seems that they are ruthless behind their backs, and they don't even bat an eyelid."

Bai Yuqing turned a deaf ear and walked forward with her head buried.

"You have been in the village for a while. You should know about Lao Zheng's house. Both father and son are in there now. They were both sent in by Zhou Niannian, and Yao Tu, the captain of the second brigade, was also arrested because of her troubles." Resigned." Li Wenjing continued.

Bai Yuqing paused slightly.

"So don't look at that girl who is very kind to you on the surface, but she doesn't know how to punish you in her heart. I have suffered from her several times."

Bai Yuqing stopped, turned around and looked at Li Wenjing indifferently: "At least she is kind to me, is it better than hating you?"

After all, he turned and left without hesitation.

"You..." Li Wenjing stood on the spot with a gloomy expression, and spit on the ground for a long time, "Damn, I thought it was amazing to be beautiful and gentle. Be careful, Zhou Niannian didn't know how to die."

Zhou Niannian went to Meng Sanqiu, "If you are really worried, let Jiayan go with me."

This is the result of her careful thinking just now. It is really inconvenient for her to travel by herself to about six cities, and she is afraid that she will be too busy, but it is really inconvenient for Li Yuanjia to go with her.

If someone must accompany her on a business trip, she would prefer that person be Qi Jiayan.

Meng Sanqiu smoked a pipe and thought for a long time before agreeing: "Okay, then let Comrade Qi go with you."

With the matter settled down like this, Zhou Niannian was quite relieved. Thinking of the rumors in the factory, she hesitated and asked Meng Sanqiu: "About how much money the factory makes, you haven't told anyone, have you?"

Meng Sanqiu shook his head: "Why should I tell people this? I'm in a hurry, and I don't want to make trouble at this moment. What's wrong? Has something happened?"

Zhou Niannian believed in Meng Sanqiu, and judging from his appearance, he probably didn't know about the rumors.

"It's nothing, I can handle it." She comforted Meng Sanqiu.

At night, when Qi Jiayan learned that she could go on a business trip with Zhou Niannian, she happily asked several times: "Really? Niannian, is this true?"

Zhou Niannian nodded with a smile: "I know you miss home very much, we happened to pass by, you can take some time to visit the house."

Qi Jiayan's home is in Nancheng, west of the provincial capital. They set off from the provincial capital to take a train to the new city, and the first city they passed was Nancheng.

"Niannian, it's good to know you." Qi Jiayan's eyes were a little moist, and she couldn't help but hold Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian smiled, she was lucky to know Qi Jiayan as a good friend in her life.

"But if I go on a business trip with you, who will be in charge of the procurement and inspection of incoming materials?"

After she was happy, Qi Jiayan thought about her work, and hesitated again, "Now everything is going smoothly and I'm just on the track. If I leave, will there be any impact? Or I'd better not go. ?”

Zhou Niannian chuckled, she asked Qi Jiayan to go with her, how could she ignore the work arrangement.

"Don't worry about this. I've already discussed with the factory manager. Starting tomorrow, let Deng Junliang take care of your work first. He can handle it."

Qi Jiayan breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that the work was arranged.

The next morning, Qi Jiayan asked for leave and went to the county town together with Zhou Niannian, and the two went straight to the department store to buy things according to their respective lists.

Worried that Lu Qingfeng didn't bring enough medicine last time, Zhou Niannian went to buy a lot of herbal medicine, and when the two of them went back, there were already a bunch of big and small bags.

"We still have to bring ham sausage and jerky, plus so many things, alas, why didn't you stop me when I was shopping just now?" Qi Jiayan stomped her feet looking at the pile of things on the ground.

Zhou Niannian put his arms around her shoulders, and patted himself with a smile: "I'm here, don't worry."

The two packed up their things, and the salutes of the two, together with the things they bought, as well as ham sausage and jerky, made up three full gift bags.

Early the next morning, Li Yuanjia drove the two of them to the railway station in the county seat by tractor, and took the first train to the provincial capital.

As for the rumors in the factory, Zhou Niannian ignored them from the beginning to the end.

 We want to start a new journey, look forward to it, little ones!I have seen everyone's votes, thank you, your support is the motivation for my codewords, the more votes, the more updates!
(End of this chapter)

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