Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 123 Could it be that you read it wrong?

Chapter 123 Could it be that you read it wrong?

A pale woman stepped out of the toilet.

The woman was in her early twenties. There was an obvious bruise on the corner of her right eye. She looked like she had been beaten. When she saw the fat man and the man with the scar standing at the door, she almost shrank into a ball in fright.

"Going to the toilet is so frustrating, are you looking for a beating?" The fat man grabbed the woman and slammed the door of the toilet. The woman staggered and fell on the scarred man.

The man with the scar helped the woman's arm, and said with concern: "Sister, are you okay, I'll help you back to your seat."

The woman nodded nonchalantly with a pale face and dared not speak, while the scarred man walked forward holding her arm.

Qi Jiayan pulled Zhou Niannian to the side, and when the two people passed by, the woman quickly raised her head and glanced at Zhou Niannian, then lowered her eyes in panic.

"Niannian, what are you thinking about? Didn't you say go to the bathroom?" Qi Jiayan tugged Zhou Niannian's arm.

Zhou Niannian came back to his senses and found that the man with the scar had already helped the woman to sit on the seat at the entrance of the carriage.

It was a row of three seats, the woman sat in the middle, and a man sat on each side, sandwiching the woman from one left to the other, and the man with the scar sat on the seat opposite her.

"Don't you think those people are a bit strange?" She said softly to Qi Jiayan.

Qi Jiayan looked up and glanced over there, then lightly squeezed Zhou Niannian's hand: "When we came out, the factory director told us repeatedly, don't mind your own business when you go out."

After all, she pushed Zhou Niannian, "Go to the bathroom, I'm looking at something."

Zhou Niannian pursed her lower lip, if it was someone else's business, she might not see anything unusual.

But the man with the scar had kidnapped him in his previous life, so he is very likely to be a human trafficker, maybe he kidnapped the woman just now.

She saw the woman looking at the scarred man with terrified eyes, and she felt that things must not be simple. Coupled with the hatred of being kidnapped by the scarred man in her previous life, Zhou Niannian was thinking about what to do.

There should be police officers in the car, right?I don't know if the woman can seize the opportunity to ask for help.

Zhou Niannian absent-mindedly went to the next car to use the toilet, and when she came out, she saw that everyone around her was dozing off, so she quietly knocked on the policeman's small room.

"What's the matter? Comrade?" The marshal was a gentle man about 40 years old. He saw a pretty little girl coming in and asked with a smile.

Zhou Niannian pointed to the No. [-] car where she was, "I passed the No. [-] car just now, and saw that the woman sitting at the door looked very bad, so I took another look, but I saw that she was talking to me with her lips. Call for help, I... I'm a little scared, why don't you go and have a look."

She thought about it, and she could only get the attention of the marshals by lying like this.

The expressions of the marshals suddenly became serious. Years of work experience made them immediately realize that this matter was not easy.

"Little comrade, thank you for providing clues, we will find a solution, now please go back to your position and pretend that nothing happened, understand?"

Zhou Niannian knew that they were afraid of making trouble, so she nodded obediently and walked back to the No. [-] carriage.

As soon as she entered the carriage, she forced herself not to look in the direction of the man with the scar, but she felt that the man with the scar looked at her a few times, which was wanton and uncomfortable.

Resisting the urge to turn back, she went straight to her seat and sat down.

Their backs were facing the entrance, so the scrutinizing gazes disappeared as soon as she sat down.

The train moved forward unhurriedly, most of the people in the carriage dozed off, and there was a dull atmosphere in the carriage.

"Wake up, everyone wake up." Two police officers in uniform came in and shouted loudly: "Now start checking tickets, and now everyone please show your train tickets and letters of introduction for going out."

The soundly sleeping passengers were suddenly woken up, grunting in dissatisfaction and getting up to look for tickets and letters of introduction.

Zhou Niannian's heart suddenly rose, and he also pretended to find the letter of introduction and stood up, staring closely at the man with the scar and the others at the entrance.

Their seats were in the first row, and the two policemen went straight to them, stretched out their hands, and looked at them gently: "Comrade, please show your ticket and letter of introduction."

The scarred man glanced lazily at the fat man opposite him. The fat man took out five train tickets and a crumpled letter of introduction from his pocket, and handed them to the policeman.

One of the marshals opened the letter of introduction, and the middle-aged marshal who had just talked to Zhou Niannian asked in a chatty manner, "The five of you are together? Where are you going?"

The fat man bent over and said with a smile: "We are all from the same village. Isn't the production team busy now? Come out to find something to do, and plan to go to the provincial capital to see if there is any work."

"Oh, let's go to the provincial capital." The middle-aged marshal nodded, and glanced at the woman sitting in the middle: "This lesbian's complexion is not very good, is she sick?"

The fat man glanced at the woman, who shook her head in a panic, but didn't speak.

"Comrade policeman, this is my mother-in-law. Her throat is injured, she can't speak, and she has some problems. This time I went to the provincial capital to take her to see a doctor." The fat man bent over and smiled, "Thank you, comrade policeman, for your concern."

The middle-aged marshal looked at the woman and said softly, "Is he your husband?"

The woman's head was almost down to her neck, and after a while, she nodded slightly.

The middle-aged policeman paused, watching the young policeman return their tickets and letters of introduction to them, and the two began to check the guests in the next row of seats.

Soon, the inspection of carriage No. [-] was completed, and everyone in the carriage was awake, chatting, playing cards, eating melon seeds, and the whole carriage was lively and noisy.

Zhou Niannian got up calmly, walked through the crowd, walked to workshop No. [-], and found the middle-aged policeman just now.

"Little comrade, are you sure you saw that lesbian calling for help just now?" The middle-aged marshal frowned and asked Zhou Niannian: "We have read it, and there is nothing wrong with their letter of introduction, could it be you?" I read it wrong."

Zhou Niannian paused, and shook his head firmly without changing his face, "Comrade policeman, the letter of introduction may be fake. Look at those men, they don't look like good people at first sight."

The middle-aged marshal couldn't help but laugh: "Little comrade, you should not judge people by appearances. We can't define people as bad people just because they don't look like good people, right?"

"But." Zhou Niannian was in a hurry, but she couldn't say that she was kidnapped by these people in her previous life. After thinking about it, she could only ask, "Could it be that the woman was threatened, so she didn't dare to speak at all?"

The middle-aged marshal shook his head: "Little comrade, you are too nervous. When we went to check the ticket just now, we had looked at that lesbian for a long time. If she is coerced, she has time to ask us for help."

Zhou Niannian didn't want to give up, but the middle-aged marshal had already stood up, picked up his hat and walked out: "Okay, little comrade, we will pay close attention to the situation, you should go back and have a rest, we will arrive at the station in more than an hour .”

 It’s the third update, today it’s [-], don’t think I’m too short, baby, I’m working hard to collect manuscripts, there will be a burst of updates!

(End of this chapter)

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