Chapter 125
After a meal, it was already dark outside.

The provincial capital is colder than Zezhou, the cold wind blows on the face, it feels like a knife is blowing, Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan joined hands and walked quickly to the guest house.

The moon hid in the thick clouds, the street was dark, suddenly Zhou Niannian's footsteps paused.

"What's wrong?" Qi Jiayan turned to look at her.

Zhou Niannian shook her head, and continued to walk forward calmly. When she reached the state-run hotel where they were staying, she did not stop and turn in, but continued to walk forward.

Qi Jiayan stopped in surprise, and was about to speak to remind Zhou Niannian, but felt that her arm was pulled hard, and Zhou Niannian's low voice sounded next to her ear: "There are people following us, don't turn around, keep going. "

Qi Jiayan was taken aback, and tried her best to resist the urge to turn back, thinking that the two of them had just arrived in the provincial capital, they were unfamiliar with the place, and they were being targeted by the bad guys as soon as they arrived, her face turned pale, and her hands subconsciously pulled her away. Tighten Zhou Niannian's clothes.

He raised his eyes and glanced at Zhou Niannian, her profile in the dark was calm and composed.

Qi Jiayan took a deep breath, and her troubled heart quietly calmed down a bit.

What are you afraid of? She is always on her mind. She is someone who can kill a robe with one hand.

The two walked unhurriedly to the end of the road and turned into a dark alley.

The man with the sharp chin behind him saw the two turning into a dark alley, looked at each other, and couldn't help but secretly happy.

The alley was pitch-dark, and it was a perfect place to do it.

The two quickened their pace and chased after them.

Hearing chaotic footsteps chasing after her, Qi Jiayan's breathing trembled a little.

Zhou Niannian grabbed her, turned around and shouted pretending to be afraid, "Who are you? What do you want?"

In the darkness, I couldn't see the expression of the person opposite, and I could only hear the fear in the girl's trembling voice.

The boy smiled: "Don't be afraid, brothers will take you to find a good place to play for a few days."

After finishing speaking, the two of them with pointed chin rushed over quickly, and stretched out their hands to cover the mouths of Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan.

Zhou Niannian pulled Qi Jiayan behind her, stretched out her right hand, grabbed the man's arm, and at the same time stretched out her foot to kick the pointed chin next to her.

There were two screams in the dark alley, and the two men fell to the ground at the same time, looking at the girl standing in front of them in disbelief, with indescribable horror in their eyes.

They thought that the girl who had no strength to restrain a chicken actually pulled one of their arms and kicked one of their legs with one move.

Mo Zinan hugged his broken right arm and almost passed out from the pain, but the sharp chin next to him passed out from the pain after his leg was broken.

Mo Zinan felt that the pain of the broken arm made his teeth tremble, and he really wanted to pass out, but a soft and slender hand pinched his chin, and the intense pain made him wake up instantly.

Raising his eyes to meet a pair of indifferent eyes, the boy's intestines are turning green with regret at this moment.

If he had known that this girl was so good at fighting, he wouldn't have dared to cover the two of them if he had given him ten guts.

"Tell me, what do you want to do after us?" Zhou Niannian asked coldly.

Because his chin was being pinched, the boy was a little slurred in his speech: "I just want to grab two money and spend it"

Zhou Niannian didn't believe a word of this, she directly increased the strength in her hand.

Mo Zinan only felt that his jaw was going to be broken, and he wailed and shouted: "Please forgive me, please forgive me, I really want to grab two dollars and spend it."

The mouth was still quite stiff, Zhou Niannian sneered, remembering the pale woman he met on the train, and asked in a low voice, "Tell me, are you abducting women and children?"

Mo Zinan shook his head in panic: "I'm wronged, we're really not, we're really not, please forgive me, I'm the one who can't see Taishan today, please forgive me."

The severe pain in the arms and jaw made the man tear up.

Zhou Niannian didn't let go of his grip: "What happened to that woman you took on the train? Didn't you kidnap her and sell her?"

The boy's eyes widened in shock, as if he was very surprised by Zhou Niannian's words.

"No, that's my fat brother's wife, female hero, I really don't know what you're talking about."

Zhou Niannian squinted his eyes, but he didn't expect to ask anything.

She originally wanted to ask about the whereabouts of the man with the scar and their actions, and then call the police to let the police arrest him.

Zhou Niannian actually wanted to see it by herself, but she was self-aware, she just had supernatural powers, she didn't have kung fu, and the injury to these two people just now was due to surprise.

Now that she couldn't ask any questions, she didn't struggle anymore, and sneered: "You can save this and tell the police."

As she spoke, she exerted all her strength on her hand, and Mo Zinan also passed out.

"Niannian, what should we do now?" Qi Jiayan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief seeing that both of them had passed out, and looked at Zhou Niannian with eyes full of admiration.

She said that Nian Nian has infinite supernatural powers, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Call the police, send these two people to the police station." Zhou Niannian directly lifted one person and one foot from the ground, and dragged them forward effortlessly.

Qi Jiayan watched the two fainted men being dragged out of the alley by Zhou Niannian like two dead dogs, she let out a sigh of relief, and hurriedly followed.

Both of them came to the provincial capital for the first time, and they didn't know where the police station was, so they dragged them to the door of the guest house, and called the police on the phone of the guest house.

The front desk staff of the guest house saw Zhou Niannian dragging a man in with one hand, their eyes almost fell to the ground in surprise.

After knowing that these two people might be human traffickers, he quickly found a rope and tied them up firmly.

"It just so happened that Comrade Zhou knew some kung fu today, if it were someone else, I'm afraid they would have succeeded.

"The receptionist of the guest house was an older lady in her 40s. After tying up two people, she felt so angry that she crossed her hips and kicked the two people on the ground angrily.

While waiting for the police to arrive, Ah Liang came back first.

Zhou Niannian's eyes lit up, and he asked it quickly: "How is it? Have you found their foothold?"

Ah Liang's colorful feathers were stained with a lot of black ash, and even the cyan feather crest on her head was deformed, lying limply against her head, almost turning black.

Ah Liang fluttered her wings, and glanced at the ashes all over her body in distaste, "Is it easy for me to find out information for you? The doors and windows of that dilapidated house are closed, Master Bird, I just got in through the chimney."

It turned out that he got in through the chimney, no wonder his head was black and gray.

Zhou Niannian slapped Ah Liang on the head: "Get to the point!"

Ah Liang glanced at her aggrievedly, stretched her wings vigorously, and shook all the black ash onto Zhou Niannian's shoulders, only then was she satisfied.

"It's in a dilapidated small yard two streets away. When I came back, the man with the scar on his face was still awake, saying he was waiting for the black man to go back."

Zhou Niannian frowned at Ah Liang's childish behavior, and when she heard it said that the man with the scar was waiting for the black man to go back, she couldn't help but cast her eyes on a man lying on the ground.

 There are only two thousand today, everyone bear with it, I am working hard to save manuscripts, and there will be another wave of updates in two days!
(End of this chapter)

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