Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 129 She wants to accumulate strength

Chapter 129 She wants to accumulate strength
It's the man with the scar!Zhou Niannian's expression changed, and she rushed out with Qi Jiayan.

After running out of the department store, there was only the howling cold wind and the rushing crowd outside, and the man with the scar had long since disappeared.

"W-what's going on? Nian Nian, wasn't that person arrested by the police last night? Why... why was he released again?" Qi Jiayan asked out of breath after running away.

Zhou Niannian shook her head sullenly.

"How about we go to the police station and ask?" Qi Jiayan suggested with a white face, "What did he mean by gesturing at us just now? Nian Nian, did he mean to take revenge on us?"

Giving the middle finger to someone is an insult, and Zhou Niannian couldn't help but sink in his heart when he thought of the stern look in the scarred man's eyes just now.

"Come on, let's go to the police station and ask." She pursed her lips and pulled Qi Jiayan towards the police station.

When we arrived at the police station, the sky became even gloomy, and snowflakes began to float in the sky, and the ground turned white in an instant.

It was the chubby policeman from last night who received them.

"Comrade, let's come here and ask if those people who were arrested last night have all pleaded guilty?" Zhou Niannian said directly.

The fat policeman asked the two of them to sit down, and sighed, "The two people you caught have already been locked up, but the two people who were arrested later have no evidence of crime and have been released."

"What? Released?" Qi Jiayan stood up in surprise.

Zhou Niannian had heard A Liang talk about this in the morning, so she was not surprised, but she still showed a look of surprise on her face.

The fat policeman nodded: "Yes, the woman who came together said that the fat man was her man, and the one with the scar on his face was from the same village as them. They said they came to the provincial capital to find a job. They didn't know beforehand that the two men were staring at each other. on you."

"We interrogated him several times, and there were no flaws. You know, without evidence of a crime, our police station can't hold on to him forever. We released him early this morning."

"No, it's impossible, that woman was clearly being coerced, and she asked Nian Nian for help on the train." Qi Jiayan couldn't help blurting out.

The fat policeman sat up straight in surprise: "There is still such a paragraph? What's going on specifically? Why didn't you say anything when you took the transcript last night?"

Zhou Niannian: "."

What are you talking about, it was nothing at all, she was just trying to get the policeman to investigate the man with the scar, maybe she could save the abducted woman by the way.

Who knew that woman insisted that she was a fat woman, so nothing was found out.

The more Zhou Niannian thought about it, the more he felt depressed. It could be seen that the fat policeman was staring at him, so he had to bite the bullet and tell the story.

"This is weird. Last night we found a lesbian to chat with that woman alone. We asked her several times. She kept calling herself a fat woman." The fat policeman scratched his head, confused.

Zhou Niannian remained silent.

Qi Jiayan remembered what happened to the man with the scar in the department store just now, and couldn't help turning pale: "Comrade, we met that man with the scar on the face in the department store just now, and he even gave us the middle finger, he Did you hate us and want to take revenge on us?"

"Comrade, that person is not a good person at first sight, how can you let them go?"

The fat policeman sighed helplessly: "Comrade, calm down, we also pay attention to evidence in handling cases, and we can't arrest people without evidence, right?"

"Besides, he may have just gestured out of anger, which doesn't explain anything. We can't arrest people because of this. During the interrogation yesterday, we have informed them to return to their hometown as soon as possible."

"But" Qi Jiayan wanted to say something more, but Zhou Niannian held her back and shook her head slightly.

"Comrade, I'm sorry to trouble you. We have nothing else to do. Let's go first." She pulled Qi Jiayan to stand up.

The fat policeman also stood up and said softly, "Don't be afraid. If you encounter similar things, call the police as soon as possible."

Zhou Niannian thanked him, and went out side by side with Qi Jiayan. When they got to the door, she couldn't help but turned around and asked again: "Comrade, if you know that someone has done something bad, you can't be arrested without evidence, isn't it? Can't you investigate?"

The fat policeman was stunned for a moment, and it took him a long time to realize the meaning of her words. After pondering for a moment, he replied: "Comrade, I don't know why you are so sure that that person is a bad person, but in this case, unless the victim comes to report the crime, We can start the investigation process."

The implication is that now that no victim has reported the crime, they cannot investigate a person on the basis of suspicion.

"There is another situation." She heard the fat policeman say slowly, and couldn't help but look up.

The fat policeman was taken aback by the light in her eyes, and he paused before continuing: "If someone sues him, or entrusts a lawyer to sue, the lawyer can start the investigation procedure of a person according to the procedure."

Zhou Niannian's eyes flickered, and the light in his eyes slowly dissipated, then he nodded slightly: "I see, thank you, comrade."

"You're welcome, go slowly!"

Coming out of the police station, it was already snowing heavily outside, and the snowflakes were falling down one after another. The sky and the earth were vast, covering all the dirt in the world.

"What's the matter?" Qi Jiayan shrank her neck from the cold as the cold snowflakes fell on her face, and couldn't help muttering.

Zhou Niannian looked up at the dark sky, but said nothing.

"Nian Nian, since we have signed a contract with the department store, let's get out of here as soon as possible. I always feel uneasy staying here." Qi Jiayan looked at Zhou Nian Nian's ecstatic profile, and couldn't help but twitch her sleeves.

Zhou Niannian was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Let's take the train going down today to Nancheng."

The police can't arrest the man with the scar without evidence. With her own strength, she doesn't even know where the man with the scar is now. Zhou Niannian once again felt the deep powerlessness and personal insignificance.

Knowing that the man with the scar was not a good person, he couldn't deal with him. Zhou Niannian didn't even know where he was from, let alone investigate.

She didn't even have anyone she could trust in the provincial capital, but if she told the police her suspicions, it was impossible for the comrades at the police station to arrest people based on their suspicions.

After all, she is still not strong enough, she must accumulate strength as soon as possible to make herself stronger.

One day she will be able to investigate this matter openly and find evidence of his crime, and she will send the scarred man in with her own hands.

Although she had made up her mind, Zhou Niannian was still a little depressed, she went back to eat something, and then she and Qi Jiayan went directly to the train station.

PS: Explain that the heroine worked as a teacher in a mountain village for more than ten years in her previous life. Even if she is reborn, she will not be very strong immediately. She still needs time to become strong.

Scar Man will catch him sooner or later!

(End of this chapter)

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