Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 141 Went to the Black Market

Chapter 141 Went to the Black Market
The middle-aged woman is also Zhang Gang's mother. Hearing Li Dongxing's explanation, the guarded look on her face faded a lot.

"Gangzi went out early in the morning, and he was carrying a snakeskin bag. It turned out that there was meat in it."

When she heard that Zhang Gang had gone out with ham sausage and jerky, Zhou Niannian's heart tightened, no wonder Zhang Chunyan was late, she must have told Zhang Gang last night and asked him to dispose of the ham sausage and jerky early in the morning.

"Then do you know where he went?" Qi Jiayan's expression also changed, and she couldn't help asking anxiously.

Zhang Gang's mother glanced at Qi Jiayan suspiciously, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

Qi Jiayan was stunned for a moment, and Zhou Niannian hurriedly held Zhang Gang's mother's hand with a smile: "Ma'am, we still have some goods on hand, and we want to deal with them together. I'm afraid that Zhang Gang will lower the price first, and then we will earn less." half the money."

"That's right," Zhang Gang's mother patted her thigh. She knew that her son often helped people dump goods on weekdays, so she no longer doubted it.

"You said you guys, why didn't you give Gangzi earlier together with the goods in your hand, and now he's gone," Zhang Gang's mother complained with her lips curled up.

Zhou Niannian smiled: "It's because we didn't think carefully, that's why we came here in a hurry to ask."

Qi Jiayan also realized at this moment, "Yes, ma'am, for the sake of our two in-laws, please tell us quickly, originally my sister-in-law wanted to come and ask, but she has to go to work in the department store in the morning. I couldn’t make it in time, so I brought my friends over.”

Hearing her mention of her daughter, her daughter married to Qijia Village. When they first got married, they inquired carefully and knew that there was another daughter of the Qi family who went to other places to join the queue as an educated youth. Zhang Gang's mother's worries were dispelled again.

"Gangzi left early in the morning. He should have gone to Zhangjiagou at this point. Go over and have a look."

Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan looked at each other, both a little dazed.

Li Dongxing frowned, turned around and walked out, "I know where Zhangjiagou is, hurry up."

Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan quickly turned around and ran out of the yard without hesitation, leaving Zhang Gang's mother standing in the yard with a dazed expression.

"Zhangjiagou is the closest village to the city on the outskirts of Nancheng. Because it is close to the city, it gradually developed into a black market." As soon as he got in the car, he heard the sound of Li Dongxing starting the car. The car turned around and quickly turned around to the village. run outside.

"There is a black market there every morning and night. Let's go there now. I'm afraid most of the transactions in the morning have been completed." Li Dongxing stepped on the gas pedal with a bad expression on his face.

Zhou Niannian's heart sank. Zhang Gang's mother said that Zhang Gang left with ham sausage and meat early in the morning. It is probably almost eight o'clock now. I don't know if they will have time to chase after him.

If Zhang Gang had already sold the ham sausage and jerky, it would be a little troublesome.

Even if the police arrest Zhang Gang, the ham sausages and jerky that have already been sold will not be recovered. After all, people who go to the black market to buy things are rich or have backgrounds, even if they are exchanged for money, it is not necessarily the case. Can be exchanged intact.

"Nian Nian, it's all my fault," Qi Jiayan blamed herself very much, from the resentment accumulated last night to the anger that broke out this morning, all poured out at this moment, she couldn't help covering her face and crying bitterly.

"If I hadn't insisted that you come back with me, what happened now would not be the case. If the ham sausage and jerky were lost, I would." She wiped away her tears with her sleeve, and said with a choked voice, "I take all responsibility." , I will use the money to serve as the company's profit, and I will not be paid in the future."

She was angry and anxious, and she spoke incoherently.

She is well aware of the importance of Zhou Niannian's coming out to sell products this time. Before they came out, there were rumors everywhere in the factory that Zhou Niannian would not be able to achieve the goal set before. Qi Jiayan felt that she would die of guilt if she didn't reach the profit target.

Thinking that all of this was caused by her family, Qi Jiayan felt ashamed and hated.

Zhou Niannian held her hand and wiped away her tears, "Why are you crying? It's not the last moment. We really can't find a solution. The worst result is going back home and starting over. Time It will be urgent, not hopeless."

Qi Jiayan looked at the firm Zhou Niannian with teary eyes, and secretly made up her mind to protect Zhou Niannian no matter what.

Li Dongxing drove very fast, but the snow had not yet melted, the road was wet and slippery, and the car was always skidding. It took almost [-] minutes to reach Zhangjiagou.

Li Dongxing parked the car in a hidden corner. As soon as the car stopped, Qi Jiayan and Zhou Niannian jumped out impatiently.

"Wait, I'll go in with you." Li Dongxing called to stop them, "People here are very vigilant, very wary of outsiders."

As he spoke, he took off his hat, took off his overcoat, and put it on backwards. It became an ordinary cotton coat, and his original identity could not be seen.

The three walked into Zhangjiagou together.

The so-called black market is just a grain drying field at the west end of Zhangjiagou Village. Li Dongxing brought people here to catch black market transactions before, so when he entered the village, he took them to the west end of the village.

At this time, the thick fog cleared and the sun came out from the east. There were only seven or eight people left in the grain drying field, with their hands in their sleeves, squatting on the ground and chatting. There was a big basket at their feet, and the basket was covered with a cloth. , can't tell what's inside.

Li Dongxing scanned around, frowned and whispered: "The morning market is over."

When Zhou Niannian saw that there were only a few people left, she probably guessed it.

But now that they have come, I still have a glimmer of hope in my heart, even if it is to inquire about some useful news.

Qi Jiayan rubbed her face, "I'll ask."

She is a native of Nancheng, and she speaks the local dialect, which is relatively unnoticed.

Zhou Niannian followed her, and separated from Li Dongxing to ask left and right.

The people squatting on the ground raised their eyes and saw two beautiful little girls, and the wariness in their eyes faded a lot.

Self-employed businesses are not allowed these days, and most of the people who come to the black market to trade are things grown by themselves or bought from other places, in exchange for some money to subsidize their lives.

"Girl, come out and go for a walk." Someone greeted in Nancheng dialect.

Qi Jiayan squeezed out a smile, and replied in dialect: "Yes, uncle, I want to ask if there is any meat for sale."

Seeing that Qi Jiayan spoke the local dialect, the person who greeted them became less wary. Although they were not buying their own things, they enthusiastically pointed to a big man squatting on the easternmost side of the sun-drying field: "Where are you going, big man?" Just ask."

Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan went to the big man's place, and Qi Jiayan asked as usual: "Brother, is there any meat left?"

The big man had a cigarette in his mouth, glanced up and down at the two of them, and lifted the cloth covering the basket.

(End of this chapter)

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