Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 150 Qi Guoyou's Brain Road

Chapter 150 Qi Guoyou's Brain Circuit

Zhou Niannian opened the door, Lu Qingfeng was standing at the door, and Li Chengyu was standing next to him.

"Morning." She greeted with a smile.

Lu Qingfeng's eyes lit up, and he nodded slightly: "Morning."

"Good morning sister Niannian, good morning Comrade Qi." Li Chengyu waved his hands carelessly, the smile almost reaching his ears.

Lu Qingfeng squinted his eyes and glanced at Li Chengyu, "When you say hello, just say hello well, what are you doing with such a nasty smile?"

The smile on Li Chengyu's mouth suddenly froze.

"Brother Lu, I seriously suspect that there is something wrong with your eyes. My smile is so positive, sunny, and bright. You, how can you use the word dirty to describe my smile? It's an insult."

"Yeah, it's an insult to the word dirty." Lu Qingfeng snorted coldly.

Li Chengyu: "." Don't bring such a bully.

Lu Qingfeng didn't bother to answer his tricks, and turned to look at Zhou Niannian: "Let's go eat first, it's snowing too much outside, you and Comrade Qi don't go out, just wait for news at the guest house, Li Chengyu and I will go out for a while."

Zhou Niannian thought about the thick snow outside, and agreed to Lu Qingfeng's proposal with a smile.

He was willing to run errands for her, and she was naturally willing to acknowledge him.

"Brother Lu, it's so cold outside, and I don't want to go either." Li Chengyu protested while grabbing the door frame, but when he caught Lu Qingfeng's gaze, he pouted, "Okay, I'll go."

After finishing speaking, she couldn't help leaning against the door frame and muttering pitifully: "Others value sex and despise friends, but you have sex and forget friends."

"What are you mumbling about?" Lu Qingfeng kicked him.

When Li Chengyu came back to his senses, he realized that Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan had packed up and were about to lock the door.

He quickly let go of his hand holding the door frame, and went downstairs with a smile.

After dinner, Lu Qingfeng and Li Chengyu left the guest house with samples of ham sausage and jerky prepared by Zhou Niannian, as well as a letter of introduction.

Before leaving, she asked Lu Qingfeng to go to the police station to find Li Dongxing and tell him that the ham sausage and dried meat had been found.

Zhou Niannian and Qi Jiayan were waiting for news in the guest house. They had nothing to do, so they packed up the salute.

Zhou Niannian told Qi Jiayan about Lu Qingfeng's proposal to go to Qingcheng together last night, and asked her opinion.

".I figured it out. When we come back, we will go to Ningcheng and Lancheng, and then take a bus from Lancheng all the way back to Zezhou. It just so happens that we can go back at the end of January. What do you think?"

Qi Jiayan looked at her with her chin in her hand, with an expression of "I understand, I understand, I understand."

"I think Comrade Lu is clearly unwilling to part with you, tsk tsk, you two are hard to part with."

Zhou Niannian gave her a blank look, "It's serious."

Qi Jiayan spread her hands, "I'm serious too, there is a support for walking together, naturally it is appropriate to go to Qingcheng with Comrade Lu."

Seeing that he and Qi Jiayan had reached a consensus, Zhou Niannian felt relieved and thought of joking, "Let me tell you, my second brother is in Qingcheng, and I will introduce my second brother to you when the time comes. Well, maybe you are destined, you can still be my second sister-in-law."

Qi Jiayan's face turned red suddenly, and she stepped forward to snort Zhou Niannian's itch, "Who will be your second sister-in-law, what nonsense are you talking about?"

The two young girls laughed together.

Zhou Niannian saw that Qi Jiayan's eyes no longer had the heavy depression from yesterday, and knew that she had gradually let go of her family matters.

But at this time, the door was knocked loudly.

Who will look for them at this time?

Zhou Niannian froze for a moment, got up and went to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, a figure rushed in, "Where is Qi Jiayan, you bastard, get out of here."

Qi Jiayan stood up from the bed, looked coldly at Qi Guoyou who rushed in, with a cold expression: "What do you want me for?"

Behind Qi Guoyou timidly followed Aunt Qi.

When Qi Jiayan touched her face, her expression changed, and she pulled her over, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Zhou Niannian looked at the two people who broke in, frowned and looked at Aunt Qi's face, which was bruised and purple, with a swollen spot on the right cheek, and looked at Qi Guoyou thoughtfully.

I didn't expect Qi Guoyou to be so ruthless, and his wife could do such a ruthless hand.

Qi Jiayan also reacted at this moment, and looked at Qi Guoyou angrily, with indescribable anger and hatred in her eyes, "How can you hit such a heavy hand?"

Qi Guoyou snorted, "She raised such a bastard like you, it would be easy not to kill her."

"You!" Qi Jiayan was shaking with anger, and was about to say something when she was grabbed by Aunt Qi, "Girl, mom, please, please, go and tell the police to let your brother go!" .”

"Your brother is the eldest son of our family, and we will rely on him for the elderly in the future. Mom can't live without him."

Qi Jiayan stared at Aunt Qi in disbelief, "Mom, my elder brother is stealing, the evidence is solid, he himself admitted it himself, how can we let him go?"

"You have been used to him since you were young, and you have cultivated his temperament today. If this continues, he will dare to commit murder and arson in the future. You should let the police arrest him and educate him well."

"In this way, maybe you will change your temper after coming out, and you will be able to provide for you in the future."

"What the hell are you talking about? That's your own brother, and you expect him to go to jail?" Qi Guoyou slapped him with a dark face, but was caught by a white hand halfway.

"It's you again!" Qi Guoyou glared angrily at Zhou Niannian who grabbed his hand, "If it weren't for you, how could our family be like this? Are you trying to destroy our family? I'm teaching my daughter a lesson now. What's the matter with you?"

Zhou Niannian was overwhelmed by his magical brain circuit, "Qi Jiayan you want to teach is my employee, I have the right to protect my employees from harm during their employment, I remember you said last time that you have severed ties with Qi Jiayan , why is she now your daughter again?"

After all, he shook off his arm, "I've never seen such a shameless person like you. The son came to teach the daughter a lesson if he didn't teach well. Does it mean that the grandson will come to Jiayan if he fails to teach well? Why are you so shameless?" Woolen cloth?"

Speaking of this, she paused for a moment, showing a sudden smile, "Oh, I forgot, your son's head has already been planted with green grassland by your daughter-in-law, so I probably won't be able to have grandchildren for a while. .”

"You... about my family, it's not your turn to talk nonsense here as an outsider, get out of here." Qi Guoyou yelled with a dark face, pointing at Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian sneered: "This is the room I booked with money, if you want to get out, you should get out."

She was really tired of Qi Guoyou, so she was not polite at all.

Qi Guoyou froze for a moment, then reached out to pull Qi Jiayan, "Come out and talk to me."

Qi Jiayan broke free, "If you have anything to say, just say it here, I won't go out."

 Three updates today, and there will be another [-] words later, the collection is really increasing slowly, and my heart is full, friends who read books, move your fingers and add a collection!
(End of this chapter)

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