Chapter 152
Seeing that the bright handcuffs were about to be handcuffed to his hands, Qi Guoyou stood up from the ground and ran out in a hurry.

"You police can't arrest people indiscriminately, you are colluding with each other, you are working together."

He ran to the door, couldn't help spitting inside, and gave Aunt Qi a hard look, "What are you still doing, run away."

"Oh." Aunt Qi came to her senses, Nuonuo responded, and ran out of the door staggeringly.

When she was about to leave, she turned her head and glanced at Qi Jiayan, hesitated for a while, and finally said nothing, stomped her feet and chased Qi Guoyou downstairs.

When Qi Jiayan saw this scene, the last gleam of light in her eyes faded.

"Comrade Li, why are you here?" Zhou Niannian pulled out the only chair left in the room and invited Li Dongxing to sit.

"The ham sausage and jerky have been found. Zhang Gang happened to meet my friend when he was selling them, and my friend cut them off."

Li Dongxing was overjoyed, "That's really great. I was still worried on the way here, but now I found something. It's great."

"My friend said that he would go to the police station this morning and tell you, why didn't you meet him?" Zhou Niannian asked in surprise.

Li Dongxing scratched his head, and glanced at Qi Jiayan, "I was so busy in the morning, I came here quickly when I was done, I guess I just missed it with your friend."

When he glanced at Qi Jiayan, Zhou Niannian guessed that Qi Guoyou took Aunt Qi to the police station to make a fuss early in the morning, but ran over to find her and Qi Jiayan again after no results.

Qi Jiayan also reacted, and lowered her head sullenly, both embarrassed and angry.

"I have one more thing to come to you. I want to tell you a piece of good news. The monkey brother we were looking for yesterday was finally caught by us during the transaction." Li Dongxing looked at Zhou Niannian excitedly.

"It was just a theft case of yours, but I didn't expect to help us catch a gang of theft and reselling in the end. I really thank you very much, Comrade Zhou and Comrade Qi."

Zhou Niannian smiled, was polite, and sent Li Dongxing away.

The room fell silent, Qi Jiayan sat on the ground as if she was completely exhausted, leaning against the foot of the bed and staring blankly.

Zhou Niannian sat down beside her, gently took her into his arms, and slowly stroked her hair, "If you feel uncomfortable, just cry."

Qi Jiayan shook her head, and said sullenly: "I don't feel bad, I've gotten used to it for so many years, I just didn't expect my mother to be too..."

Having said this, her voice was a little choked up and she couldn't continue.

Zhou Niannian understood that during Qi Jiayan's growing up years, she never felt the warmth of her father and brother, and the only family warmth came from Aunt Qi.

She once said that if Aunt Qi hadn't gritted her teeth and insisted, she would not have been able to go to high school.

In Qi Jiayan's heart, Aunt Qi was the one she was most worried about. She was afraid that she would not be able to bear the violence from Qi Guoyou and Qi Jiadong alone at home, so she insisted on going home to have a look when she passed by Nancheng this time.

"They used to be selfish, lazy, and irritable, but now they don't even have the bottom line of being a human being. I just regret that I was dizzy and took you to live at home, otherwise I wouldn't let you follow along I'm wronged." Qi Jiayan leaned on her shoulder and muttered to herself.

Zhou Niannian held her shoulders and said softly: "I am not wronged, no one can make me feel wronged."

Qi Jiayan didn't speak, but Zhou Niannian clearly felt that her sweater was hot and humid.

I don't know how long it took, but she heard Qi Jiayan say quietly: "Sometimes I really don't understand my mother, who works hard to have children in the Qi family, and the husband is unhappy, drunk, or the son is not happy. If you are happy, you will take it out on her."

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. When I was in junior high school, I tried to persuade my mother to divorce her. My mother was frightened and scolded me. She said that if the couple doesn't fight, just bear with it."

"Hehe, just be patient? When is the end? What's the point of such a marriage? If it were me, I would rather not get married than let myself suffer this kind of grievance."

Zhou Niannian sighed silently. In Aunt Qi's conception, the idea of ​​putting her husband first probably still occupies a dominant position. Even if her husband and son beat her again, she still feels that she is relying on her. No matter how filial her daughter is, she also feels that she will always It will be someone else's family.

She used to think that Qi Jiayan had a cold personality and was not easy to get close to others. Even now, her personality has softened a little in front of herself, and she still looks very cold in front of other people.

Isn't Qi Jiayan's personality related to her family and growth environment?
"My elder brother should be sentenced to one year's sentence, right? One year. If he comes out and changes his mind, he can still be a new man. Why are they so obsessed with it?" Qi Jiayan's voice was choked with sarcasm.

Zhou Niannian thought for a while, then patted Qi Jiayan lightly, "If you feel sorry for Aunt Qi, wait until you become stronger and come back to pick her up, then your voice will be much more important."

"Be stronger." Qi Jiayan muttered to herself for a long time without saying a word.

Because of what happened in the morning, Qi Jiayan was in a very low mood, and the two of them didn't even eat lunch.

Zhou Niannian was always by her side, and around one o'clock, Lu Qingfeng and Li Chengyu came back.

As soon as she entered the door, Lu Qingfeng couldn't wait to tell her, "It's done, you can take the contract and go to the department store to sign the contract in the afternoon."

Zhou Niannian's eyes lit up, and he grabbed Lu Qingfeng, "Really? How did you do it? Director Li agreed in one day?"

Li Chengyu, who came in after him, smiled and said, "Is there anything I can't handle, brother Lu? What's more, it's about you."

As he spoke, he found a chair subconsciously and sat down. When he saw the pair of waste wood behind the door, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, "Who dismantled the chair?"

Zhou Niannian: "."

Li Chengyu said as he pulled the only chair left in the room, sat down, and still looked at Zhou Niannian and asked, "Who is so wicked? What are you doing to tear down the chair? Niannian, did you make him lose money? "

Zhou Niannian haha, you are the one who is wicked, and your whole family is wicked!
Lu Qingfeng glanced at the firewood on the ground, subconsciously glanced at Zhou Niannian, looked her up and down, and asked, "Who made trouble just now?"

He could tell at a glance that the chair was dismantled by Zhou Niannian, if she could dismantle the chair, someone must have caused trouble.

Zhou Niannian glanced at him unexpectedly, surprised at his keenness.

Qi Jiayan, who had been silent all this time, said in a low voice, "My family is here."

 Continue to ask for tickets, ask for collections, and start at the third watch today!
(End of this chapter)

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