Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 162 You Should Be Thanks to the Neuropathy

Chapter 162 You Should Be Thanks to the Neuropathy

Zhou Niannian was noncommittal about Qi Jiayan's conclusion of insanity, and pointed to the men's cotton coat in the corner and asked, "Then whose clothes are these?"

"Who else could it be? That crazy one." Qi Jiayan glanced at the cotton coat, and couldn't help showing a trace of discomfort on her face.

"I don't know how to swim. I fell into the water and only caught a layer of ice on the lake. I was cold and scared. I couldn't help crying. While crying, I scolded that psychopath. The neuropathy must have been discovered by conscience, so I put the I pulled it up."

Speaking of crying, Qi Jiayan pursed her lips in embarrassment.

Zhou Niannian patted her shoulder lightly, intending to comfort her, but before he could speak, Qi Jiayan raised her head with a hint of complacency.

"After pulling me up, seeing that I was still crying, the neurotic took off his cotton coat and put it on for me. When he wasn't paying attention, I pushed him away and ran away with his coat in my arms."

Zhou Niannian: "."

Forgive her for neither guessing the beginning nor the ending.

She thought that the robber didn't get anything, but instead was robbed of a coat by the original victim. She was helpless when things were reversed.

Why did she inexplicably feel that the robber was a little pitiful?

"Oops, Niannian," Qi Jiayan sat up straight suddenly, her voice suddenly raised twice.

Zhou Niannian was taken aback by her surprise, "What's wrong?"

Qi Jiayan looked at her with a guilty face: "I ran away patronizingly, and left the ham sausage and dried meat on the ice."

Zhou Niannian didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "It's more important that you come back safely."

Qi Jiayan frowned, "Hmph, that psycho must be proud now, I thought snatching his coat would make up for my fright, but in the end I lost all the ham sausage and jerky to him."

Zhou Niannian: "."

"Forget it, that's not important, as long as you are fine."

Qi Jiayan still felt a little brooding, and couldn't help but clenched her fists and said, "Don't let me encounter that psychopath again, once I meet him, I will scratch him once."

Seeing her angry look, Zhou Niannian couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at? Niannian." Qi Jiayan looked at her blankly, not knowing that the quilt she was wearing had slipped off.

Zhou Niannian pulled off the quilt for her, then said with a smile: "I want you to look in the mirror."

"What do you mean?" Qi Jiayan was puzzled.

Zhou Niannian was a little overjoyed, "You are usually a bit cold, you only talk to me more. When you were in the factory, many people said that you were too cold and didn't like to talk. When I passed by Nancheng this time, I feel that you are more serious after being injured. Unhappy, there is a depression in the whole body."

"But now you are different. When you talk about that psychopath, your eyes are full of anger, and you even talk a lot more. It feels like your whole person is alive."

"Is there?" Qi Jiayan blinked, looking a little uncomfortable.

Zhou Niannian nodded affirmatively, "Yes! From this point of view, I should thank that psychopath."

"Thank you!" Qi Jiayan couldn't help but picked up the pillow and patted Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian smiled and avoided, seeing her calm down, she talked about her plan.

"Do you want to make beef sausage and beef jerky?" Qi Jiayan scratched her head, "But we don't have the equipment in the factory, so the appearance of the ones we make may not be so beautiful, and the meat may not be so delicate, will it taste different? discount?"

Zhou Niannian has already considered these things, "When Lu Qingfeng comes back, ask him to find a way to see if we can borrow a meat grinder, and then we can find a nearby house to borrow a stove or something."

"Although it is not as delicate as in the factory, the taste should not be compromised. I am confident in this."

"This is our factory's attempt to launch new products. We finally came to Qingcheng, so we can't just go back home when we encounter such a setback, right?"

"If we succeed, we can make different products according to the taste differences in different regions after we go back."

Qi Jiayan looked at Zhou Niannian who was talking eloquently, and couldn't help giving a thumbs up, "Niannian, you know, every time you talk about the factory, you are always very confident, feeling that you are confident in everything you do, It really amazes me."

Zhou Niannian smiled, in fact, she was not that confident, she had been in the mountain village in her previous life, living a self-sufficient, peaceful and comfortable life, but deep down in her heart, how could she be reconciled?

To be reborn, she wants to try more different things, and her self-confidence is always accumulated bit by bit.

"You caught the cold today, take a rest first, I'll go out for a walk, but is there anyone nearby who would lend us a stove?" Zhou Niannian looked at the weather outside, saw that the wind had calmed down, and wanted to go for a walk.

Anyway, Lu Qingfeng didn't come back yet, so she went to try borrowing it by herself first.

Qi Jiayan felt her head was a little heavy, she didn't evade Zhou Niannian's kindness, and lay down to rest.

Zhou Niannian wrapped her big cotton coat again and left the guest house.

The wind has calmed down a lot, and the originally gloomy sky was blown away by the strong wind all morning, revealing a clear blue sky.

The hostel they live in is closer to the train station, surrounded by factories, units or restaurants, and there are not many residential areas.

Zhou Niannian went to two state-run restaurants and politely offered to pay some money and borrow the stove, but she was still rejected.

The person in charge of a state-run hotel behind saw that she was really in trouble, thought about it, and reminded her: "Comrade, maybe you can borrow it from a village further away."

to the village?Zhou Niannian blinked, now that everyone in the village eats in big pots, so if you go to the village, you still have to ask the cadres of the team to borrow things from the big canteen.

The person in charge of the restaurant smiled, "Comrade must not be clear about it. The documents have been issued from above. Since last week, we in Qingcheng have canceled the mode of eating production teams and eating big pot meals. Now the land is divided into households, and there is no big canteen. .”

Zhou Niannian was taken aback, and then remembered that it was already January of [-], and in his previous life, the mode of eating from the big pot was also canceled at this time.

I was too busy during this time, so I ignored this matter.

"Thank you very much." She thanked the person in charge of the hotel, and then walked back to the guest house.

Now that every household has started to cook for themselves, it should be easier to borrow stoves from the village.

Zhou Niannian walked briskly back to the guest house. As soon as she reached the first floor, she heard Qi Jiayan's angry voice on the second floor. She was startled and hurried upstairs.

A tall man stood at the door of their room, with his back to Zhou Niannian, and shouted angrily, "Why are you so unreasonable, woman?"

Why is this voice so familiar?Zhou Niannian stood still in surprise.

Qi Jiayan in the room was holding a bench, staring at the man angrily, "It's all your fault for being crazy, if you hadn't chased me, I wouldn't have run, let alone fell into the water."

The man snorted, "If you're not guilty, why are you running?"

(End of this chapter)

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