Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 173 Bought for Lu Qingfeng

Chapter 173 Bought for Lu Qingfeng
Mentioning Zhou Chang'an, Qi Jiayan frowned subconsciously, but did not refute.

"Let's move separately, you can stay in Xincheng for a few more days to accompany your parents." She said, with a slightly annoyed look on her face, "I didn't help you when I came out this time, and in turn caused you a lot of trouble. "

"Let's not talk about this," Zhou Niannian interrupted her, "Who says you can't help, I happen to have an important matter for you to handle."

As soon as she heard that there was something to do, Qi Jiayan's eyes lit up, "What is it?"

"When you are well, you will learn what kind of beef and mutton are good in Qingcheng, how to choose and distinguish them. You know, we will definitely sell beef and mutton products after we go back. You must master these knowledge in advance."

"In addition, if possible, find cooperation with the villages here, sign a supply contract with them, and purchase beef and mutton. As for the transportation plan, this also requires your brain."

Qi Jiayan's eyes sparkled when she heard this, and she patted her heart to promise: "Nian Nian, don't worry, I promise to complete the task."

In the next two days, Zhou Niannian went to Yongning Department Store and gave them some samples to try. She stayed with Qi Jiayan in the hospital for the rest of the time. It was always repeated, but fortunately, it was not as severe as the first day's burn.

These two days, Lu Qingfeng didn't come over, so he didn't know what he was busy with.

Zhou Changan, on the other hand, would take the time to come over every day.

On the third day, Zhou Niannian went to the Lantian Department Store and Yongning Department Store successively, and all he got was good news, and both parties signed the contract happily.

Zhou Niannian negotiated with them that the first batch of supplies will be delivered in March, so that she will have enough time to prepare and expand the production scale after returning to Zezhou.

After the matter in Qingcheng was settled, Qi Jiayan urged Zhou Niannian to go to the new city.

"Don't worry, I will definitely take good care of her." Zhou Changan knew that his sister missed her parents, so she also persuaded her.

After all, he even gave Zhou Niannian all the money he saved from working in the production team.

"Brother, I have money with me, you should keep the money." She looked at the pile of messy bills that Zhou Changan stuffed into her hand, dumbfounded, and stuffed them back to Zhou Changan.

Zhou Changan refused to accept it anyway, and said with a stern face: "Second brother, what does a big man spend money on, you can buy some delicious food, girls have a lot of places to spend money, don't worry about it."

"Also, if someone bullies you when you go back, don't hold back, just beat them up."

Zhou Niannian knew that her second brother loved her dearly, so she listened to his ramblings and silently took the money back.

Well, if I don't charge this money, I guess the second brother can talk about her for a day.

She took the money and went out for a walk. When she came back, she had two stacks of books in her hand.

Zhou Niannian gave one of the stacks to Zhou Changan, "Second Brother, I bought it for you."

Zhou Changan thought that his precious sister had bought something good for him, so he happily took it over and saw that it was all high school textbooks and review materials, and couldn't help but wailed, "No, Nian Nian, you actually bought this thing to torture second brother , you little heartless."

Qi Jiayan, who was lying on the bed on a drip, was amused by his painful wailing.

Zhou Changan glanced at her sadly, "Is it funny not to like reading?"

When he was in school, what he was most afraid of was reading. When he saw the densely packed words and formulas on the trees, he felt that he was short of oxygen.

"Second brother, you have to watch it if you don't like it. I heard some rumors that the college entrance examination may be resumed this year. Second brother, you don't want to stay in a place like Qingcheng all the time, do you?"

Zhou Niannian looked at Zhou Changan and said in a low voice, "If we want to go back to the city, going to university is the fastest and best way."

Zhou Changan scratched his head and looked at the books on the table with a look of disgust, "Nian Nian, where did you get the news? Is it accurate? Don't I read a bunch of books, and the final college entrance examination has nothing to do with it." , then I’m at a disadvantage.”

Zhou Niannian was speechless, how much the second brother hates books.

"It's a disadvantage for you to learn knowledge." Qi Jiayan sneered and couldn't help mocking Zhou Changan.

Zhou Changan snorted coldly, "It takes a lot of brains to study. I have spent my brains. If it doesn't work in the end, I will suffer."

Zhou Niannian saw that his topic was getting more and more crooked, so he hurriedly said: "Don't worry, the news is absolutely accurate, you just have to prepare well, don't fail the exam, and be left behind by me instead."

Zhou Changan looked at the stack of books bitterly, gritted his teeth for a while and nodded, "Well, I will finish reading these books with the thought that suffering is a blessing."

Zhou Niannian breathed a sigh of relief.

Her second brother didn't like reading since he was a child, and he was the one with the worst academic performance in the family. Lu Qingfeng's grades were better than him.

If we really want to resume the college entrance examination, the questions in the first year will not be very difficult, on the contrary, the questions in the subsequent exams will become more and more difficult, so this year is an excellent opportunity for the second brother.

After Zhou Changan finished speaking, he saw a stack of books next to Zhou Niannian, so he asked casually, "Why did you buy another set?"

Zhou Niannian glanced at the stack of books, and said, "This one is for Lu Qingfeng."

When she went to buy books, her brain twitched and she bought an extra set.

When Zhou Changan heard this, he smiled gloatingly. It turned out that he was not the only one suffering.

"However, you take my money to buy things for that kid Lu Qingfeng, second brother, I feel a little unhappy." Zhou Chang'an played tricks and covered his heart, as if I was very sad.

But I heard a faint voice behind me, "Do you feel unhappy with such a small amount of money? Then when you used to spend my pocket money."

Zhou Changan jumped up in fright, turned around and saw Lu Qingfeng leaning against the door, looking at him leisurely.

Damn, why does this guy make no sound when he walks.

"No, I'm not unhappy, I'm joking." Zhou Changan affirmed and resolutely denied what he said just now, which attracted Qi Jiayan's contemptuous eyes.

Zhou Chang'an stared back sullenly, what did she know? When he was in the compound, his parents controlled his pocket money very strictly, but he spent money and was extravagant, so he often relied on Lu Qingfeng for relief.

The corner of Lu Qingfeng's mouth curled up, and his eyes fell on Zhou Niannian, "What did you buy for me?"

Zhou Niannian pointed to the stack of books at hand, and asked with a smile, "High school textbooks and review materials."

Lu Qingfeng glanced at the stack of books, and looked at Zhou Niannian quietly for a moment: "Can I refuse?"

"What do you think?" Zhou Niannian gave him a cool look.

Zhou Changan gloated and patted Lu Qingfeng, "Brother, don't be sad, brother will suffer with you."

Lu Qingfeng glanced at him lightly, and parted his thin lips lightly: "I'm not sad, just read the books I bought, and I look happy."

Zhou Changan: "."

This desire to survive, he knelt down!
 The second update is here, wait for another update!
(End of this chapter)

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