Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 187 The Future Sister-in-law

Chapter 187 The Future Sister-in-law
Zhou Niannian's nose was a little sore, and she hummed in a low voice.

"Good boy," Zhou Changguo ruffled her hair, with a gentle and forceful voice, "Remember what your elder brother said, even if your parents recognize Qingqing in the future, and there are more members in the family, your brother and parents' love for you will not decrease."

For Zhou Changguo, Zhou Qingqing's memory was already very blurred, he didn't even remember what Zhou Qingqing looked like.

When it comes to his younger sister, Zhou Niannian is the only one he corresponds to.

But his parents did lose a daughter, and he did lose a younger sister. If he could find it, he would be very happy and willing to love her, but he didn't think it conflicted with loving Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian nodded heavily.

There is no way to tell anyone about the entanglement between her and Bai Yuqing, only to leave it to time.

"Brother Chang Guo is there?" A crisp voice sounded from outside, sounding very hearty.

Zhou Changguo stood up and responded, "Here, Liang Ying, come in."

Zhou Niannian frowned when she heard the name.

A girl wrapped in a thick padded jacket like her came in from outside the door, her brows showed a bit of heroism, and her eyes were dark and bright under the thick eyebrows. When she saw Zhou Niannian, she smiled before saying a word: "Oh, This little sister is really pretty."

"Sister Liang Ying, hello, I'm Zhou Niannian." Zhou Niannian stood up and introduced herself with a smile.

Liang Ying, her sister-in-law in her previous life!
In fact, my eldest brother is over 22 years old this year, and he has already passed the age of marriage. He also has a partner in the capital to talk about marriage.

It's just that the family has undergone great changes, the eldest brother was sent down, and his partner's family refused to agree to the marriage, so he immediately told his daughter another family.

The eldest brother was depressed for a long time because of this.

In the previous life, the elder brother met Liang Ying in the construction group. Later, when he returned to Kyoto, Liang Ying was also transferred back to Kyoto. The two of them knew each other well. Once the leader matched, the two registered their marriage.

Liang Ying is open-minded and cheerful, with a bold personality, which perfectly complements the gentle and delicate elder brother.

It's a pity that the two of them lived in the construction team in Kyoto in the previous life, and only went home once a month. She didn't have many opportunities to get in touch with this sister-in-law.

Zhou Changguo introduced the two of them: "Nian Nian is my younger sister, and Liang Ying is also from Kyoto."

Zhou Niannian knew that Liang Ying's family had also been investigated, and it should be more serious than Zhou's family, otherwise she would not have been allowed to come to the construction team as a girl. Girls can't stand it at all.

When Liang Ying heard that Zhou Niannian was Zhou Changguo's younger sister, her eyes became brighter, and the smile on her face became more enthusiastic, "It turns out that Brother Chang Guo's younger sister is here, and that is my younger sister. Come on, younger sister, this is what I made. A little dried fruit, you have a taste."

As he spoke, he handed the dried fruit in his hand to Zhou Niannian, and greeted Zhou Niannian warmly.

Seeing her undisguised enthusiasm, Zhou Niannian smiled secretly.

It turned out that at this time the sister-in-law already had a good impression of the elder brother. She looked at Zhou Changguo's peaceful expression, and secretly sighed that it was the goddess who had dreams, and the king had no intentions.

The eldest brother is a person who has been hurt emotionally, so he will naturally be more cautious than before.

Zhou Niannian took the dried fruit from Liang Ying, "Then I'll call you Sister Ying."

Liang Ying smiled happily, and subconsciously cast a glance at Zhou Changguo who was next to him. Seeing that he was not unhappy, she was even happier, "Well, it's good to be Miss Ying, kind."

Zhou Niannian took a bite of the dried fruit and raised her eyebrows. It turned out to be dried fruit of cantaloupe. It tasted sweet but not greasy, very delicious.

"Sister Ying is really good at craftsmanship, even this dried fruit can be sold."

Liang Ying was so embarrassed by the praise, she glanced at Zhou Changguo shyly, seeing that his expression didn't change, she couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

Seeing this, Zhou Niannian took a piece of dried fruit and stuffed it into Zhou Changguo's mouth mischievously, "Brother, try the dried fruit made by sister Ying, it's really delicious."

Zhou Changguo was stuffed with dried fruit, and he gave her a helpless look, signaling that enough was enough.

Zhou Niannian refused to let him go, she tilted her head and looked at him with a smile, "How about it, is it delicious?"

Zhou Changguo nodded lightly and hummed.

Even if there was only a slight hum, it was enough to lift Liang Ying's spirits, swept away the disappointment just now, and rubbed his hands happily, "Brother Chang Guo and sister Nian Nian, if they like to eat, I will give it to you when I make it next time." Come here a little bit."

Zhou Changguo hesitated for a while, and was about to refuse, when Zhou Niannian pulled Liang Ying's arm with a smile, "Then thank you, Miss Ying, remember to give it to me."

Liang Ying looked at Zhou Niannian excitedly and gratefully, and nodded seriously, "Well, sister Niannian, don't worry, I won't forget, you can talk to Brother Chang Guo, and I won't bother you."

Zhou Niannian enthusiastically sent Liang Ying out, and when she came back, she saw Zhou Changguo frowning looking at the dried fruit on the table.

She quietly walked behind Zhou Changguo, tilted her head and pretended to sigh: "It's the hardest thing to endure a beauty's gift."

Zhou Changguo stared at her dumbfounded, "Naughty!"

Zhou Niannian curled her lips, "Brother, I think this sister Liang Ying is pretty good, cheerful and straightforward, much better than your original Huang Yujuan."

Hearing his sister mention his former lover Huang Yujuan, Zhou Changguo looked a little sad.

However, Zhou Niannian felt that Huang Yujuan was an abscess in Zhou Changguo's heart. Since it was an abscess, it had to be pierced as soon as possible.

Zhou Changguo and Huang Yujuan were classmates in high school. After graduation, they were assigned to work in the same unit. Gradually, the two developed feelings for each other.

Huang Yujuan has a gentle and introverted personality. She likes ancient Chinese poetry. She is a very talented woman. She is responsible for the party and publicity affairs in the unit. At that time, many boys in the unit liked her.

But she chose Zhou Changguo, which made Zhou Changguo very happy.

The two lived together for a year and met their parents. The families of both parties were very satisfied with the marriage, so they decided to get married. The wedding date was originally set for the first month of [-].

But Zhou Niannian didn't like Huang Yujuan very much, she never felt that Huang Yujuan's appearance of holding her throat and talking softly was fake.

So every time Huang Yujuan went to her house, she ran to the Lu's next door to stay.

After the Chinese New Year, when the Zhou family came to discuss the marriage, the Huang family found various reasons to delay the wedding. At first the Zhou family did not suspect it, but after two months, something happened to Zhou Hongshan.

Because of the tax issues involved, my father was locked up.

Zhou Changguo and Zhou Changan asked people to inquire about their father's situation, and they went to Huang's house.

The Huang family refused to let Zhou Changguo in, and kept saying that it had nothing to do with their family.

Zhou Changguo tried every means to meet Huang Yujuan, but Huang Yujuan just cried softly, saying that her parents forced her to sever ties with the Zhou family, and she had no choice but to ask Zhou Changguo not to resent her.

Zhou Changguo returned home in a daze. The next day, Zhou's house was ransacked, and the whole family was sent down.

 The third update is ready to go out to pick up the children from get out of class. There are two more updates in the afternoon. Continue to ask everyone for tickets and collections!

(End of this chapter)

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