Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 189 Birthday Present

Chapter 189 Birthday Present
Zhou Hongshan opened the door, and Lu Wenhan came in covered in snow, and he explained his purpose when he entered the door.

"I'm thinking about my birthday today. Shutong said that our two families will have dinner together at noon."

"It's snowing too much. It's probably going to be a blizzard. You go to my house first. I have a stove in the house. I still have some meat and vegetables at home. Let's eat pot around the stove at noon. There is no way to go to the kitchen to toss in the heavy snow."

Zhou Niannian thought it was Lu Qingfeng who came, but when he saw Lu Wenhan, he felt a little disappointed.

Where did that guy Lu Qingfeng go? Why didn't he come here?

Li Xiangxiu heard this, and began to pack the meat and vegetables she had at home, "It's good to eat the pot, the pot is warm and lively. Speaking of which, we haven't eaten since we left Kyoto."

Zhou Hongshan also agreed, "Today is thanks to my daughter."

Zhou Niannian put on her hat and mask again, and asked Lu Wenhan casually, "Uncle Lu, where did Lu Qingfeng go? It's snowing so heavily, I'll let you go."

Lu Wenhan patted his thigh, "Oh, I almost forgot, Nian Nian, Qingfeng asked me to tell you something, he has something urgent to go out, so he can't take you to the city today."

After all, fearing that Zhou Niannian would be angry and disappointed, he pretended to be angry and said: "I don't know what that guy is busy with all day long, he is so secretive, and even the heavy snow can't stop his legs, it's really annoying! "

"Anyway, the weather is bad today. It's just right for us not to go to the city. It's better for us to have a lively birthday at home. When the brat comes back, uncle will clean him up for you."

Zhou Niannian frowned, remembering what Lu Qingfeng had done secretly, rushing away despite the blizzard at this time, it must be really urgent.

"With such a heavy snowstorm, there won't be any danger for him to go out, right?" She asked worriedly.

Lu Wenhan waved his hand, "That kid is strong and smart, so he will be fine."

"Don't talk about him, let's go there quickly, the snow will fall deeper in a while, and the road will be even more difficult to walk."

The family hurriedly packed their things, locked the door, stepped on the thick snow, and went to the next door against the strong wind.

Yang Shutong had already started the stove in the house, and the room was much warmer than usual.

Seeing Zhou Niannian coming in, she patted Zhou Niannian's rosy face, and said with a smile: "We are celebrating our birthday today, and we are one year older, and we are closer to becoming my daughter-in-law."

Zhou Hongshan's complexion darkened when he said a word. If Li Xiangxiu hadn't pulled him and glared at him secretly, he would have refuted on the spot.

"Sister-in-law, it's best to use bones to stew the bottom of the pot. I still have some bones at home, and I brought them all." Li Xiangxiu handed the bones to Yang Shutong, took off the cotton jacket, and the two began to tidy up.

Zhou Hongshan and Lu Wenhan set up a chess game next to them, Zhou Niannian helped pick vegetables, and listened to the sound of wind and snow outside, a little absent-minded.

When it was almost noon, when the soup in the pot was ready and it was time to start eating, Zhou Niannian finally heard the crunching sound of stepping on the snow outside.

She jumped up and pulled open the door, the blowing wind mixed with icy snow hit her face, making her shiver with cold.

"What are you doing out here? Come in, it's cold outside." There was a snow-white person standing at the door, Lu Qingfeng's whole body was covered in snow except for his face.

Seeing Zhou Niannian retreating into the house, he finished patting the snow off his body outside before entering the house.

"You are back. If you don't come back, you can only drink some soup from the pot." Yang Shutong rolled her eyes at her son, "I want to celebrate my birthday this year. I can't let go of such a big thing. I have to run out."

Lu Qingfeng glanced at Zhou Niannian, and seeing that she didn't seem angry, he answered Yang Shutong's words, "It's a matter entrusted by a friend, so I can't go."

After all, he took up his coat, took out a box from his pocket, and stuffed it awkwardly into Zhou Niannian's hands, "No, it's a birthday present for you."

Yang Shutong glanced at Lu Qingfeng in surprise, and then secretly gave a thumbs up.

Lu Wenhan raised his head from the chessboard and cast a glance at Lu Qingfeng, "Well, you did well today, kid."

Zhou Niannian looked at the box Lu Qingfeng put in her hand in surprise, "What?"

"Open it and have a look." Lu Qingfeng coughed twice.

She wasn't surprised that Lu Qingfeng gave her a birthday present, after all, it wasn't the first time that Lu Qingfeng gave it to her every year since she was a child.

In the past, on birthdays, the children in the compound would give birthday presents, most of which were made by themselves, and it was a thought that they were not expensive.

Every year, Lu Qingfeng's gifts are forced by Aunt Lu to buy something for himself on the street and stuff it for himself.

Aunt Lu shouldn't have forced her this time, right?

Zhou Niannian looked at Yang Shutong suspiciously, Yang Shutong cut the meat with a smile, "Auntie didn't arrange this time, Auntie thought he went out to do some errands in the morning, so she blamed him for it."

Zhou Niannian opened the box, and when he saw what was inside, his eyes suddenly widened.

There was a Shuangshi women's watch in the box, with a light gold dial and a slender brown strap, which was exactly the same as the watch she had seen in the department store in the provincial capital before.

She liked this watch very much at that time, but unfortunately she didn't have that much money, even if she had money, she would not be willing to buy it.

Unexpectedly, Lu Qingfeng bought the same piece as her birthday present.

"Oh, this watch is so beautiful." Li Xiangxiu stretched out her head to take a look, "It's from Shuangshi. This watch is expensive. Qingfeng, you are spending too much money."

Yang Shutong disagreed: "What are you talking about? Niannian is an adult. This is a big day. It's not right to ask him to spend some money."

Zhou Niannian joyfully took out her watch and put it on. The light gold watch was worn on her slender and fair wrist, it was indescribably beautiful.

Lu Qingfeng stared in a daze.

Zhou Niannian looked over and over, and thanked Lu Qingfeng with frowning eyes: "Lu Qingfeng, thank you, I like this birthday present very much."

The girl's dark eyes were as clear and bright as a lake. Lu Qingfeng's heart felt hot when he saw it, and he coughed uncomfortably, "It's just as long as you like it."

"Old Lu, you guys tidy up the chessboard and prepare to eat." Yang Shutong urged Lu Wenhan.

The six people sat around the stove eating the hot pot, chatting and eating, the atmosphere was lively and warm, and two hours passed before they knew it.

After eating, I realized that the snow outside had stopped and the sky had returned to blue again.

The farm urged everyone to clear the heavy snow, and Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng followed.

Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu originally refused to let Zhou Niannian go, but Zhou Niannian insisted on following, "Mom and Dad, I'm leaving the day after tomorrow, so I just want to stay with you for a while, can't I?"

Thinking that Zhou Niannian was about to leave, the couple felt very uncomfortable, so they no longer stopped Zhou Niannian from going to shovel the snow.

 Thanks to Mizushima and Purple Forget-Me-Not for the rewards. I was so dizzy yesterday that I posted the wrong chapter. This chapter is chapter 189. I will contact the editor to help adjust it today.

(End of this chapter)

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