Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 191 Ah Liang's Relationship History

Chapter 191 Ah Liang's Relationship History

Zhou Niannian hugged Ah Liang in surprise, "Ah Liang, you are fine, I was scared to death, I thought you were frozen to death."

Ah Liang wanted to roll her eyes at the sky, but her whole body was so stiff that she couldn't move her eyeballs. In the end, she could only say weakly, "Master Bird, I am a divine bird, a divine bird, how can I be frozen to death?"

Zhou Niannian didn't pay much attention to the fact that Ah Liang advertised that she was a divine bird every day, but at this moment, she really believed it, and she was glad that Ah Liang was a divine bird.

Otherwise, if it was replaced by any other bird, it would probably be a dead end if it was frozen like this.

"Fortunately, you are a divine bird." She murmured and patted Ah Liang's head.

"The divine bird can still plunge into the snow and be frozen into such a virtue?" Lu Qingfeng snorted, looking at Zhou Niannian carefully supporting Ah Liang, his face was a bit smelly.

Ah Liang slipped into Zhou Niannian's arms, "Master Bird, I'm hurt, I'm hurt, I need retreat to recuperate, do you understand retreat?"

"Ah? Ah Liang, are you injured?" Zhou Niannian interrupted it worriedly, looking up and down at its body, "Where is the injury, let me see."

Ah Liang enjoyed Zhou Niannian's concern, glanced proudly at Lu Qingfeng's smellier expression, then slipped into Zhou Niannian's arms weakly, "Niannian, I feel dizzy and uncomfortable, I feel so cold."

"It won't be cold in my arms." Zhou Niannian stretched out a hand to unbutton the jacket, ready to wrap Ah Liang up.

As soon as his hand touched the button, a big hand stretched out from the side, and directly slipped A Liangti over.

"What are you doing?" Ah Liang stared at Lu Qingfeng warily.

Although I couldn't understand what the bird said, but judging by its expression, it must not be a good word.

Lu Qingfeng gritted his teeth and unbuttoned his coat, and pushed Ah Liang inside, "Aren't you cold? I'll keep you warm, don't thank me."

Let him watch Zhou Niannian wrap Ah Liang in his arms, even if he is killed.

As soon as Ah Liang's eyes were dark, it was covered into a hard chest. It screamed muffled, trying to kick Lu Qingfeng, but it was weak now and couldn't move at all.

Zhou Niannian didn't know its grievances, picked up the shovel and cleaned up the remaining little snow, told Zhou Hongshan and the others, and went back with Lu Qingfeng first.

The two went to Lu's house. There was a small stove in the Lu's den, which was much warmer.

After entering the door, Lu Qingfeng threw Ah Liang on the table with a look of disgust.

Ah Liang let out an ouch and glared at Lu Qingfeng angrily. Lu Qingfeng sneered and went to wash his hands.

Zhou Niannian hugged Ah Liang by the stove, "Where did you get hurt? Why do you want to go into the snow for retreat?"

Ah Liang nestled in her hands, felt her body warmer, and then said weakly: "Don't mention it, I ran a lot of places this time, and finally blocked the elders of the bird tribe."

"That elder bird clan is too cunning. He promised me to tell me about hatching eggs, but he insisted on promising him one thing before he would tell me. Do you know what he asked me to do?"

Zhou Niannian asked curiously: "What do you want to do?"

Ah Liang said indignantly: "He actually asked me to seduce the second princess of the Bird Clan."

"Pfft!" Zhou Niannian couldn't help but came out, pointed at Ah Liang and said, "Isn't it? I want you to seduce the bird princess?"

Lu Qingfeng blinked and smiled unkindly.

Ah Liang wanted to puff up her feathers angrily, but found that she had no strength at all, so she could only express her anger with her eyes and glared at Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng returned it with a mocking look, "Sorry, I couldn't hold back."

Ah Liang, who was stimulated, looked at Zhou Niannian aggrievedly: "Niannian, you actually laughed at me, and you even told him my secret, are mad at me."

Zhou Niannian was afraid that it would explode, so he suppressed a smile and said, "I know you have been wronged, so what happened next?"

Ah Liang snorted, then continued weakly: "Of course I refused with righteous words. The second princess of the bird tribe is fat and dark. How could I agree? Besides, I am a divine bird in the sky. How could I see it?" A little second princess of the Bird Clan in the world."

Ah Liang recounted her experience indignantly.

Although it rejected the conditions of the elders of the Bird Clan, it was unlucky to meet the second princess of the Bird Clan when it left.

A Liang firmly disagreed, so the second princess of the Niao clan gathered many elite soldiers of the Niao clan in an attempt to arrest A Liang and become her son-in-law.

Ah Jing fought all the birds with one bird, and although she tried her best to escape, she was still injured.

"That bird princess shot me with a bath rocket. The bath rocket is an arrow tempered by the fire of pure yang, and it must be healed with extremely cold air. I fell asleep in the snow for a day and a night before I recovered."

Ah Liang lay on Zhou Niannian's body and said aggrievedly.

Zhou Niannian wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, feeling that what A Liang experienced could write a wonderful fairy tale.

"I've wronged you, you'd better stay by my side in the future, don't run around." She gently combed Ah Liang's feathers.

Ah Liang's body was still a little weak, she nodded and fell asleep again.

As the sky darkened, Zhou Niannian was holding A Liang in her arms and was about to go back. Lu Qingfeng stared at A Liang in her hand and suggested, "Why don't you leave A Liang to me, and I'll take care of it for the night."

Zhou Niannian hesitated for a while, and before she could speak, Ah Liang opened her eyes vigilantly, "Niannian, I don't want to be with him."

Lu Qingfeng also gave him a look of disgust.

Zhou Niannian looked at Lu Qingfeng helplessly, "Forget it, I'll take it back."

Lu Qingfeng nodded with a dark face, and squinted his eyes and shot at Ah Liang, wishing that two arrows would come out of his eyes.

Ah Liang closed her eyes arrogantly, and deliberately leaned into Zhou Niannian's arms, the veins on Lu Qingfeng's forehead twitched in anger.

Zhou Niannian carried Ah Liang back home, Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu had already returned,
Seeing Zhou Niannian coming in with a bird in her arms, Li Xiangxiu wiped her hands on her apron and greeted her, "Niannian, where did this bird come from? This bird is so beautiful."

"Oh, this is a bird I raised in Zezhou. Its name is Ah Liang. I originally brought it with me when I came to Xincheng this time. Who knew it was naughty. It flew away as soon as it arrived in Xincheng. Fortunately, the snow-sweeping bird just now I found it in time, or I would have been frozen to death outside." Zhou Niannian explained.

Li Xiangxiu stroked Ah Liang's silky feathers, "Did you come up with the name Ah Liang? You child, give this bird a proper name."

Zhou Niannianmo, if she said that Ah Liang took it herself, no one would believe her.

Zhou Hongshan also took a handful of literary talent, "Beautiful, beautiful, Shujing, my daughter is literate."

Zhou Niannian: "."

Ah Liang slept until the next morning, when Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu both went to work.

Zhou Niannian didn't sleep well all night, she kept dreaming of falling into a trap over and over again, and when she woke up in the morning, she had a headache.

After Ah Liang woke up, she was still nestled on the bed, and when she saw it woke up, she got up and fed it saliva.

"Ah Liang, let me ask you a question."

Ah Liang glanced at her while drinking water, "Ask."

"Are you Lele?" Zhou Niannian asked suddenly.

 Haha, our Ah Liang is about to lose her vest!There are only [-] today, please move the bench, and wait for Ah Liang to drop the horse tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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