Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 203 This Is All A Misunderstanding

Chapter 203 This Is All A Misunderstanding
The people at the door talked a lot, some thought that He Dazhu's mother and He Xiaozhuang were too much, and some said that Zhou Niannian was too much, He Dazhu even apologized, and he was still reluctant, which was unreasonable.

The workers in the factory also have their own thoughts.

Seeing Zhou Niannian's slender and straight figure standing in the yard, Li Yuanjia and Deng Junliang were taken aback for a moment, and then they both happily took two steps forward.

Especially Li Yuanjia clenched his fists excitedly.

He didn't realize before that Deputy Director Zhou left for a month. He felt that it was not an easy task to make up his own mind on many things. idea?

After Deng Junliang got excited, a deep sadness flashed in his eyes, and he seemed to shrink back into the crowd with some guilt.

Li Wenjing and Zhang Peilan, who were hiding behind the workers, frowned at the same time, and panic flashed in their eyes.

"Why did she come back so soon?" Zhang Peilan murmured, her face turned pale for a moment.

Li Wenjing didn't notice Zhang Peilan's abnormality, she stared at Zhou Niannian standing in the yard with a very complicated expression on her face: "You ask me, how do I know who to ask?"

Zhang Peilan cast a glance at her, turned her head around in the crowd, and saw He Wencai and Bai Yuqing standing at the back of the crowd.

She met He Wencai's eyes, snorted, and turned her attention back to the people in the yard.

Zhou Niannian looked at He Dazhu who was standing in front of her with a ninety-degree bow, and couldn't help showing a smile, "Comrade He's words are really interesting, and you can use one sentence to co-author all the wrong things in this world. Can common sense solve it?"

"When we went to the Ershengtou brigade with the test report, Comrade He didn't have the same attitude now."

He Dazhu frowned, stood up straight, with a hint of impatience in his eyes, "I told you that my mother is confused, and Deputy Factory Director Zhou is a dignified deputy factory director. If you want to be serious with a confused old man, that's really hard Lost identity."

"It's really the first time I've seen such a way of reasoning." Zhou Niannian took a step forward and stood in front of He Dazhu, "Since Comrade He thinks that doing something wrong is a misunderstanding and you don't have to worry about it, then let's do it too." Change it to a reasonable way."

After finishing speaking, she quickly raised her hand, only to hear a snap, He Dazhu yelled, and took a step back, the left side of his face was already swollen.

Everyone was stunned by what happened at this moment.

"You, what are you doing? Why are you beating someone?" He Dazhu covered his swollen face and looked at Zhou Niannian with a very sinister look. If Zhang Lixian hadn't grabbed him, he would have rushed over.

He Dazhu's mother screamed, and rushed to Zhou Niannian, "If you tell me to beat my son, I will beat you and kill you."

Zhou Niannian flashed back, He Dazhuniang was caught in the air, staggered and almost fell to the ground, but He Xiaozhuang grabbed her with one hand.

"How could you hit someone for no reason?" He Dazhuniang pointed at Zhou Niannian angrily.

"Oh, so you are not confused, you can reason?" Zhou Niannian looked at her pretending to be surprised, which caused everyone at the door to burst into laughter.

Meng's third daughter-in-law pointed at He Dazhu's mother, "You old lady, when you want to blackmail people, you say you are confused. Now that you see your son being beaten, you know the reason."

Mrs. He Dazhu jumped up and down and wanted to scold back. She had never lost a fight with this kind of old women in the village.

Zhang Lixian stopped her, "Old sister-in-law, stop making trouble, it's important to solve the matter quickly and go home."

Mrs. He Dazhu snorted, and gave Meng Laosan's wife a look unwillingly, before turning around and looking at Zhou Niannian: "We all apologize to you. You hit someone for no reason. It's your fault."

After finishing speaking, she stepped forward and grabbed Yang Jiarui, "Comrade, she beat someone for no reason and injured my son, arrest her quickly."

Zhou Niannian smiled slightly, stepped forward to imitate He Dazhu just now, and bowed deeply, "I'm sorry, Comrade He, this is all a misunderstanding. I've been on the train all night and I'm too tired. I just wanted to exercise my hands and feet, no Be careful that you moved your hand to your face, it was not intentional to hit you, it was all a misunderstanding!"

This is all a misunderstanding!The same sentence, Zhou Niannian imitated He Dazhu's mother's tone just now, and returned it to He Dazhu intact.

Yang Jiarui couldn't help but burst out laughing, looking at Zhou Niannian with bright eyes.

I've known this girl for a while, but I'm always surprised by her behavior.

Faced with endless problems, she always seems to have unexpected solutions.

In the situation just now, He Dazhuniang and He Xiaozhuang clearly caused trouble on purpose to stop Zhou Niannian, but now they categorically deny it, admit their mistakes and apologize for everything, deliberately put their posture so low in front of the big guy, forcing Zhou Niannian Say the words to forgive them.

In such a situation, the average girl would probably not be able to bear it, and would say forgiveness against her will. After all, everyone has apologized, with such a low profile, if she does not forgive, she will have a reputation of being mean and domineering.

But the girl Zhou Niannian never seemed to care about this, she used her own way to return the grievance she had suffered.

He Dazhu's dark face turned red, and the muscles on his cheeks trembled with anger, "You are talking nonsense, you clearly hit me on purpose, just now you said in a reasonable way, you hit me on purpose, move on!" How can you move your hands to my face?"

Zhou Niannian's eyes widened in disbelief: "Your mother and your nephew's baggage collided with my luggage, and they broke their legs. I just want to stretch my hands and feet. Why can't I move them on your face?" ?”

"Besides, I move my hands and feet to clear my mind, so that I can explain the truth to you."

"You" He Dazhu pointed at Zhou Niannian angrily, "Don't go too far."

Zhou Niannian blinked innocently, as if she couldn't understand his words, "Why did I go too far? This is really all a misunderstanding."

The onlookers let out a burst of laughter.

"Oh, our deputy factory manager said it was a misunderstanding and apologized, so why do you still have to be unforgiving?" Qi Jiayan sighed, with a troubled look on her face, "Didn't you also apologize when you apologized just now?" Are you saying that our deputy factory manager should forgive you? Why don’t you forgive me when things are reversed?”

The onlookers also shouted at each other.

"Yes, we sincerely apologize."

"You only allow state officials to set fires, but not the common people to light lamps."

Zhang Lixian and He Dazhu looked at each other, their expressions were very ugly.

"Did Deputy Director Zhou make a big fuss?" He Wencai looked at the situation in the yard, sighed, and turned to look at Bai Yuqing next to him, his eyes very focused.

In a blink of an eye, Bai Yuqing has been in Mengjiang Village for more than two months. She is quiet and elegant, with a demure demeanor. He Wencai has a good impression of her, and always goes to see her when there is nothing to do.

(End of this chapter)

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