Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 267 I want to give Lu Qingfeng a gift

Chapter 267 I want to give Lu Qingfeng a gift

test?How to check?
Bai Yuqing looked at Zhou Hongshan blankly, how to check this kind of thing, blood test?
Didn't you say this is not allowed?
Zhou Hongshan hesitated for a moment, and then said in a low voice: "I heard that there is a test method in foreign countries to judge blood relationship by testing genes. I'll find someone, let's go and have a look."

Li Xiangxiu frowned, "Old Zhou, this child looks a bit like me, do you still need to test it? I think it must be our daughter."

Zhou Hongshan looked at Bai Yuqing, "What do you think?"

Bai Yuqing looked a little hesitant.

Up to now, she still has some hesitation about whether to recognize Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu. If the situation is not good in the future, who knows if it will implicate her?
"Let's test it, so we can be sure, and you can rest assured that we won't admit to each other, right?" She wiped her tears, looked at Li Xiangxiu with soft eyes, and spoke softly.

Li Xiangxiu nodded with tears in her eyes, "Okay, listen to you, we will listen to you."

"Are you going to draw blood then?" Bai Yuqing looked at Zhou Hongshan suspiciously.

Zhou Hongshan shook his head, "No, I heard you can use your hair."

He said and looked at Zhou Niannian, "Niannian, go find a notebook and a small bag."

Zhou Niannian was not surprised, turned around and went to the bedroom, and after a while found a small notebook and handed it to Zhou Hongshan.

"Dad, is this inappropriate?" She asked with some concern.

Before formally recognizing Bai Yuqing in the previous life, Zhou Hongshan also asked a friend to conduct a test abroad, and after confirming that Bai Yuqing was indeed their daughter, he let Bai Yuqing enter the Zhou family's household registration book, and held several banquets to present to the relatives. Acquainted relatives and friends formally introduced Bai Yuqing.

But at that time, the Zhou family had already returned to the capital, and Zhou Hongshan had also returned to his original position. It was not too difficult to find a friend abroad to do the appraisal.

But now the situation is not good, Zhou Hongshan was investigated some time ago, Zhou Niannian was worried that it would have a bad influence on Zhou Hongshan.

Zhou Hongshan understood what she meant in an instant, and shook his head to signal her not to worry, "It's okay, I will handle it carefully."

He pulled out a few hairs and put them in the notebook, and then asked Li Xiangxiu and Bai Yuqing to also pull out a few hairs, put them in the notebooks and marked them, and then put the notebooks in the bag Zhou Niannian gave him.

"It will take two or three months for the test results to come out. Before that, if you are willing to call us father or mother, that's fine too." Zhou Hongshan looked at Bai Yuqing with a gentle expression.

Bai Yuqing's lips trembled, as if she was very excited, "Can I?"

Both Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu nodded.

Bai Yuqing's tears streamed down, she wiped away her tears, and called out in a low voice, "Dad, Mom."

"Hey!" Li Xiangxiu agreed, and hugged her into his arms. Although Zhou Hongshan said that he would go for an inspection, Li Xiangxiu's intuition told her that Bai Yuqing was her daughter, and she cried while holding Bai Yuqing, "Mom Now, mom is here, for so many years, mom is sorry for you."

"It's all my mother's fault for losing you back then."

"Fortunately, Niannian helped my mother find you again. From now on, my mother will double compensate you."

Zhou Hongshan watched his wife crying and complaining about so many years of worries, sad, self-blame, remorse, and couldn't help but have red eye circles.

Zhou Niannian quietly retreated from the room.

Seeing Li Xiangxiu vent all the negative emotions accumulated in her heart for many years at once, Zhou Niannian thought that no matter what happens in the future, she will not regret letting Li Xiangxiu and Bai Yuqing meet in advance.

The sooner the parents untie their knots, their mood will be much happier and their health will get better and better.

Quietly leaving space for the three people in the room, Zhou Niannian went to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

No matter how much she hates Bai Yuqing, as long as her parents are still there, she has to prepare meals for them. Moreover, judging from Bai Yuqing's acting skills, it is estimated that she will have to act in front of her parents for a period of time. Just don't provoke her, Qing.

While preparing lunch, Zhou Niannian was a little annoyed by the occasional low weeping and Bai Yuqing's complaints from the room, so she took out the radio that Lu Qingfeng had given her from her pocket.

Turn on the radio, and the loud news broadcast sounds.

Zhou Niannian turned down his voice a bit, while cooking and listening to the radio, his thoughts drifted away unknowingly.

Speaking of which, in the past six months, Lu Qingfeng has given her a lot of things, but she doesn't seem to have given Lu Qingfeng anything yet.

Uh, she did buy him a set of high school textbooks, but that shouldn't be considered a gift for him, at least judging by Lu Qingfeng's dislike of reading, he definitely didn't think he was giving it a gift.

It doesn't seem very good to always take other people's things and just go in and out. Zhou Niannian pouted in distress, hesitating whether to give Lu Qingfeng a gift.

But what should I give?She hesitated for a moment.

When the lunch was ready, she didn't think about what to give, so she simply put it in the back of her mind, and decided to give it away if she thought of it, and not to give it if she couldn't think of something suitable.

Hearing that there was no crying in the room, only nagging questions, Zhou Niannian poked his head outside the door, "Dad, Mom, let's eat first."

Li Xiangxiu snorted, "Is it already noon? Time flies too fast."

Talking and habitually nagging Zhou Niannian, "You said you kid, why don't you ask mom to cook with you?"

Zhou Hongshan happily rubbed next week Niannian's hair, "Daughter is capable, this is to show consideration for you, so please stop nagging."

Li Xiangxiu walked to the door and was going to clean up the food at the kitchen door. Hearing this, he gave the father and daughter a look, "You two know that you are working together, let me be that bad guy, let's go, go clean up and eat."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked out, thinking of Bai Yuqing, and looked lovingly at Bai Yuqing who had stood up, "You can just sit down, mom will clean up, don't get tired."

Bai Yuqing's expression froze. Seeing Zhou Niannian pulling Zhou Hongshan, Li Xiangxiu had already gone out. Hearing the laughter coming from the kitchen, she couldn't help biting her lips tightly.

Obviously she, Zhou Hongshan, and Li Xiangxiu talked very well in the room just now, and Li Xiangxiu wished to give her his heart. As soon as Zhou Niannian appeared, their eyes immediately focused on Zhou Niannian.

Three people in the kitchen quickly set up the meal, and the four sat down to eat.

Bai Yuqing pulled Li Xiangxiu's arm with admiration, "Mom, I'll sit next to you."

Li Xiangxiu nodded happily, "Okay, okay."

Bai Yuqing took advantage of the opportunity and sat next to Li Xiangxiu.

Zhou Niannian shrugged indifferently, and sat down beside Zhou Hongshan with a smile, "Dad, I'll sit with you."

Zhou Hongshan cheerfully picked up a chopstick dish and gave it to her, "Nuo, eat your favorite dish quickly."

 I would like to specifically explain that in reality, DNA testing and identification only appeared in the early 80s. In this book, due to the needs of the plot, I moved the time a little earlier.

(End of this chapter)

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