Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 269 Nian Nian Doesn't Look Like You

Chapter 269 Nian Nian Doesn't Look Like You
Hearing that Teacher Zhou Niannian was afraid of crowds, Li Xiangxiu immediately gave up on taking Bai Yuqing with her.

Bai Yuqing bit her lips in disappointment, thinking of the bulging handkerchief Li Xiangxiu was holding just now, she couldn't help but feel a little excited.

She has a lot of things she wants to buy, but she has no money. The little salary she earned at work and the round trip back home last time spent more than half of it coaxing the Bai family at home.

I don't know if Li Xiangxiu will be willing to buy her so many things later, Bai Yuqing secretly pondered.

The four went to the county department store together, and then split into two groups. Zhou Niannian and Zhou Hongshan bought some snacks on the first floor and went straight to Guan Ping's house, while Bai Yuqing and Li Xiangxiu went shopping on the second floor.

When Zhou Niannian knocked on Guan Ping's door, Guan Ping saw her and asked with a smile, "Didn't you say you won't be here for a few days?"

When Zhou Niannian came over last week, I told her about her parents coming over.

Zhou Niannian pouted helplessly, "Isn't my dad here, he"

"Are you Guan Pingguan?" Before Zhou Niannian finished speaking, Zhou Hongshan's surprised voice sounded behind him.

Zhou Niannian turned her head and saw that Zhou Hongshan was looking at Guan Ping in surprise.

She was a little confused, what's going on, her father knew Guan Ping?
Guan Ping didn't seem surprised that Zhou Hongshan knew him, and beckoned the father and daughter to come in, "Come in if you have something to say."

After entering the courtyard, Zhou Niannian looked up and saw that there was a man sitting in the main room, about the same age as Zhou Hongshan, so he stopped, "Teacher, do you have a guest?"

Seeing this, the middle-aged man also stood up, with a pair of gentle eyes on Guozi's face, he was also looking at Zhou Niannian and Zhou Hongshan.

Guan Ping waved his hand to signal him to sit down, "This is what I told you, my new apprentice."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the middle-aged man and said, "This is my friend Qin Zhonghao, just call him Uncle Qin."

Zhou Niannian greeted with a smile, "Hello, Uncle Qin, this is my father, Zhou Hongshan, and he came here specially to visit the teacher today."

Qin Zhonghao stood up, shook hands with Zhou Hongshan with a smile, and said to Zhou Niannian: "Guan Lao has mentioned you in front of me more than once, and today I finally saw a real person."

Zhou Niannian smiled, walked into the room and saw a new purple sand pot in the place where he usually drinks tea, and two small white porcelain teacups beside it.

The white porcelain tea cup is different from the common cups with various slogans printed on it. On it is an old man over sixty years old, with eyes, holding a thick book, and studying it carefully.

The characters on the cup were so lifelike that Zhou Niannian could not help but see the gods, "Teacher, is it you that is printed on this cup?"

Guan Ping pointed at Qin Zhonghao with a smile, "Your Uncle Qin can burn this. The purple sand pot, clay pot, and this cup in my house are all burned by him."

"The burning is really good, lifelike." Zhou Niannian couldn't help admiring.

Qin Zhonghao glanced at the cup and shook his head, "Actually, I'm still not satisfied with this. I always feel that it can be better. I'm still working on it."

As he said that, he couldn't help but picked up the cup and looked at it again, with a very focused expression.

Guan Ping has long been used to Qin Zhonghao studying the appearance of being enchanted anytime and anywhere as long as he talks about burning paper and ceramics. He turned to look at Zhou Hongshan, "What department were you in Kyoto before?"

Zhou Niannian said that her family used to be in a compound on the east side of Fuxing Road, Zhou Hongshan knew him, and he thought he had a high position in Kyoto before.

Zhou Hongshan had been agitated since he entered the door. He calmed down a little at this moment, rubbed his hands and said respectfully, "I used to work in the finance-related department."

Then he talked about his position and his previous direct leadership.

Guan Ping nodded, "So you used to work under Old Zheng, yes, yes."

"I met Mr. Guan once before. At that time, I had only been transferred to the current department for less than two months. Once I went to the court to deliver documents, and just happened to meet you coming out of it."

Zhou Hongshan said with an embarrassed smile, "But you must not know me. You left in the second year, and I haven't heard about you since then. I didn't expect you to come to Zezhou. "

He said and glanced at Zhou Niannian, "I never thought that Niannian would worship you as a teacher, it's true"

He thought about it for a long time, but he didn't think of any words to describe it. Only the word fate was the most appropriate.

"It's really fate, by the way, you know Lu Wenhan, right?" Zhou Hongshan thought for a while.

Guan Ping nodded, "Although I have been away from Kyoto for a long time, Lu Wenhan still knows about it, the president of Kyoto University."

Zhou Hongshan nodded, "Yes, our two families are neighbors, and my family Niannian is engaged to Lu Wenhan's son Lu Qingfeng."

"Really? Your fiancé is Lu Wenhan's son?" Guan Ping looked at Zhou Niannian in surprise.

He knew that Zhou Niannian had a fiancé, but he didn't ask much.

Zhou Niannian nodded, "I didn't expect my dad to know you, and you also know Uncle Lu, otherwise I would have told you."

Guan Ping narrowed his eyes and smiled, "I didn't expect to take in a young apprentice, but he was still a member of this circle."

As he said, his eyes turned between Zhou Niannian and Zhou Hongshan, and he said seemingly unintentionally: "Niannian doesn't look like you, does she look like her mother?"

Zhou Hongshan subconsciously glanced at Zhou Niannian, and saw that she seemed to be concentrating on studying with a white porcelain cup. He heaved a sigh of relief, smiled and said vaguely: "This child, who combined the genes of me and her mother, suddenly I really can’t tell who it looks like.”

Guan Ping paused for a moment with his hand on the chair, as if he had just said something casually, then changed the subject and asked about Zhou Hongshan's current situation.

Zhou Niannian was a little funny, she had already seen Zhou Hongshan's glance at her just now.

She was not born in the Zhou family, so naturally she was not like Zhou Hongshan, nor Li Xiangxiu. She had asked this question when she was a child, and Zhou Hongshan had fooled her with the same answer.

Thinking about it now, I feel that I was so innocent at that time.

Qin Zhonghao seemed to be very familiar with Guan Ping, and he didn't consider himself an outsider here at all. Holding the cup, he didn't know what to think, so he got up and went to the bookshelf at the back to get paper and pen, and sketched the pattern on the paper.

Zhou Niannian looked at the pattern he had sketched, and couldn't help being moved, and asked curiously, "Uncle Qin, can any pattern be printed on the cup?"

Qin Zhonghao kept writing without raising his head, and said, "It's too complicated, and the brush strokes are too delicate, and it won't look like it when it's fired. Ordinary ones are fine."

Zhou Niannian's heart moved, she thought of what she was going to give Lu Qingfeng.

She got up and went to the bookshelf to get the paper and pen, and started to draw. After she finished drawing, Qin Zhonghao had already finished drawing, and joined in the chat with Guan Ping and Zhou Hongshan.

She handed the paper to Qin Zhonghao, and asked with a smile, "Uncle Qin, can you see if this pattern can be fired?"

(End of this chapter)

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