Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 304 Brother Lu's Mind Is Hard to Guess

Chapter 304 Brother Lu's Mind Is Hard to Guess
She wondered before, even if she knew that she and Lu Qingfeng were engaged, there shouldn't be so many people around Qin Yali for the transfer, right?

After all, there are still a lot of people with brains.

It turned out that Qin Yali actually gave her such a promise. Kyoto is the heart of the country. Being able to stay and work in Kyoto is a fatal attraction for many people, right?

The day's training was over, and the boys all ran to take a shower, but they were still so excited that they couldn't fall asleep. Even if the lights were turned off, they couldn't stop their enthusiasm for discussion.

The subject of daytime training is target shooting, which is simply a fatal attraction for boys.

During the heated discussion, Lu Qingfeng clasped his hands behind his head and said nothing.

"Brother Lu, tell me something, what are you thinking, I have not said a word for a long time." Li Chengyu poked his head out from the upper bunk and looked at Lu Qingfeng on the lower bunk, only Lu Qingfeng's face could be seen in the darkness Outline, can not see his expression.

Lu Qingfeng said sullenly: "What did you say?"

Xu Yong on the opposite side thumped the bed speechlessly, "Squad leader, you haven't heard what we're discussing for the whole day?"

Xu Yong was about the same age as them, and within a few days after school started, he became acquainted with Li Chengyu and Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng didn't speak.

Tian Guangqi, who also lived in the lower bunk, turned over and asked Lu Qingfeng with concern: "Squad leader, do you have something on your mind? Tell us about all of us giving you advice."

Tian Guangqi was in his early thirties, married and had a family, older than Lu Qingfeng and the others.

Lu Qingfeng hesitated for a moment, sat up, and asked in a low voice for a moment: "Brother Tian, ​​do you love your sister-in-law?"

Tian Guangqi was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "At that time, we didn't like to say whether we loved each other or not. It was the matchmaker who introduced us. We got married after seeing each other. So many years have passed in a flash."

After hearing this, Lu Qingfeng felt that he didn't get the answer he wanted, and felt even more depressed.

Li Chengyu on the upper bunk came to his senses, leaned on the edge of the bed and looked at Lu Qingfeng, "Brother Lu, are you missing... sister-in-law?"

He changed his words in a very sensible manner, "I see that you have been very irritable these days, what are you bothering about?"

In the dark, he clearly felt that Lu Qingfeng's breath was suffocated as soon as his voice fell, but he didn't speak.

"It seems that since I said that you fell in love with sister-in-law that day, you have been very irritable. Don't you want yourself to fall in love with sister-in-law?" Li Chengyu guessed in confusion, scratching his head, feeling that his brother Lu's mind is really hard to guess .

After all, Tian Guangqi is a person who has experienced the time when he was newly married with his wife. Hearing this, he smiled softly, "Squad leader, are you wondering if she loves you or not?"

Lu Qingfeng's body shook, and even in the dark, he could see that he suddenly changed his sitting posture, leaned forward, looked in Tian Guangqi's direction, and after a while, said a word in a low voice, "En!"

That's why he's been irritable these days.

At first, when Li Chengyu told him that he loved Zhou Niannian, he spent the first two days thinking about his thoughts, and when he was sure that he really loved Zhou Niannian, he became calm.

For the first time in more than 20 years, Lu Qingfeng experienced restlessness.

Once that feeling is clear, he wants to see Zhou Niannian all the time, and he will feel uncomfortable when he sees other boys talking to Zhou Niannian.

The most important thing is that he has been thinking in his heart, he fell in love with Zhou Niannian, what about Zhou Niannian, does she love herself?

This thought tormented him, and he was always in a trance. Facing Zhou Niannian several times, he almost blurted out the question, and was afraid that he would get a negative answer, so he struggled repeatedly. This feeling was really tormenting.

"Damn, Brother Lu, you want to tell me that you have always made mistakes during training these days, and you are thinking about this problem?" Li Chengyu was so startled that he almost fell off the upper bunk, he thought for a while, and simply climbed down from the upper bunk, Jumped onto Lu Qingfeng's bed.

"What are you doing?" Lu Qingfeng looked at him with disgust.

Li Chengyu sat down with a smile, "Of course it's a free teacher of your love studies, guiding you."

"You can pull it down, you have no experience, and you say that you have experienced many battles." Lu Qingfeng sneered.

Li Chengyu waved his hand indifferently, "I am born with a high EQ. Besides, there are some things, I have never eaten pork, and I have never seen a pig run away. Brother Tian, ​​do you think it makes sense?"

Tian Guangqi chuckled, feeling that the topic of this chat would not end for a while, so he simply sat up, as if preparing for a long talk.

Xu Yong, who was on the upper bunk, also climbed down, sat on Tian Guangqi's bed, and took out his privately hidden snacks, "Come on, come on, let's eat and chat, monitor, it's easy as I said, you want to know what my sister-in-law is?" If I love you or not, just ask me directly."

Lu Qingfeng hesitated for a while, but didn't speak.

Tian Guangqi patted Xu Yong on the shoulder, "When I heard what you said, I was an inexperienced young man. When you meet your sweetheart one day, you will know that kind of entanglement with thousands of knots in your heart."

Xu Yong shook his head in fear, "Isn't that the mentality of a girl? I don't want that."

Lu Qingfeng's face turned dark immediately.

Dare to feel that he looks like a bitch now.

Xu Yong reacted belatedly, and handed over a biscuit flatteringly, "Squad leader, I'm not talking about you."

It is better not to say this.

Tian Guangqi smiled and shook his head, "I understand your uneasy mood. Is it because you are afraid that you will get a negative answer after asking? Are you worried about gain and loss, uneasy?"

Lu Qingfeng nodded, what Tian Guangqi said was indeed a reflection of his current mood.

He never knew that he loved Zhou Niannian, and he didn't know when he fell in love, but once he knew that he loved him, he couldn't control his emotions.

"But you forgot one thing." Tian Guangqi's face flashed a flash of memory warmth, as if he remembered the time when he and his wife were newly married, "You are already a fiancée, which is an advantage that many other boys do not have. .”

Lu Qingfeng was slightly taken aback.

Li Chengyu came to his senses and slapped his thigh, "Yeah, brother Lu, what are you struggling with? If you fall in love, go and confess. Even if her answer is no now, she is still your fiancée, and sooner or later she will still belong to you." , are you so unconfident in yourself?"

Lu Qingfeng suddenly realized as if enlightened.

That's right, he and Zhou Niannian are already a fiancée, even if Zhou Niannian doesn't love him now, he can't break the engagement, then he will treat her even better and make Zhou Niannian fall in love with him sooner or later!

After he figured it out, he suddenly became less irritable, and kicked Li Chengyu, "Go back to sleep, don't lie on my bed."

Li Chengyu dodged the kick cleverly, muttered something like Lu Qingfeng crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, and climbed to the upper bunk.

Lu Qingfeng put his hands behind his head, thinking of Zhou Niannian's face, the corners of his mouth curled up, um, confession, these two words sound very good, why don't you give it a try?

 It was agreed to update at ten o’clock, but something happened temporarily. The old man’s car tire burst, and I was asked to drive him to change the tire. As a full-time driver, I had to take orders and start coding when I came back, so it was a little late, in the afternoon The second update at two o'clock, strive for the third update today!
(End of this chapter)

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