Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 313 Unleash Your Charm to Pursue Her

Chapter 313 Unleash Your Charm to Pursue Her

Xu Yong and Tian Guangqi, who were in the same dormitory, came back. Seeing this scene, Xu Yong, like Li Chengyu, joined together actively.

Tian Guangqi thought for a while, then pulled out his luggage bag from under the bed, took out a bottle of wine, stepped forward and patted Lu Qingfeng on the shoulder, and shook the bottle at him, "Do you want to have a couple of drinks?"

Lu Qingfeng pursed his lips, turned over and sat up.

Li Guangyu and Xu Yong looked at Tian Guangqi with admiration, people with life experience are different.

Tian Guangqi inexplicably read the eyes of the two people and rolled his eyes. Do you have any misunderstandings about life experience?
However, Li Guangyu and Xu Yong misunderstood this look, and jumped up screaming, one of them rushed to the door, and locked the door from the inside with lightning speed.

The other one pounced on his upper berth, pulled off all the snacks he had kept privately, put them on the table, and took out his own water glass and set it up, as if ready to be poured at any time.

The corner of Tian Guangqi's mouth twitched, and he sat down with Lu Qingfeng on the left and right.

After drinking a glass of wine, Lu Qingfeng said sullenly: "She didn't say she loves me."

Li Chengyu was almost choked by the mouthful of wine in his mouth, coughed twice, and then swallowed the wine that reached his mouth, and asked impatiently: "Isn't it? Sister-in-law really rejected you?"

Lu Qingfeng pursed his lips, "It's not considered a rejection, she said she needs some time to think about it."

"Cough, what's the matter?" Li Chengyu grabbed a mouthful of peanuts and stuffed them in his mouth, and said indifferently, "I thought she rejected you when she came up."

Lu Qingfeng was sullen and didn't speak.

He came back after catching the train all the way, just wanted to see Zhou Niannian, wanted to confide his full emotions to her, and of course hoped to get the same return from Zhou Niannian.

Now Zhou Niannian only said that he cared about him, and he didn't get the same return from the anxiety and expectation he was full of before, so he naturally felt bored and lost in his heart.

Tian Guangqi poured him a glass of wine and thought for a while, "This is how feelings are. Whoever falls in love first is doomed to pay more attention. Besides, it is your business that you love others. You can't just because you love others. People must fall in love with you."

Lu Qingfeng raised his head and drank the wine in the blanket.

Li Chengyu looked a little terrified, "Brother Lu, there will be an election for the chairman of the student union tomorrow, so don't drink too much and cause trouble."

Xu Yong also persuaded, "Squad leader, don't drink too much, I and the class next door boasted, saying that you will definitely be elected as the chairman of the student union."

As he spoke, he withdrew the wine bottle, "Besides, although my sister-in-law didn't respond to your confession, she didn't reject you all at once. She's still your fiancee."

"Anyway, if I like a girl, if she doesn't like me, I'll treat her better and make her fall in love with me."

Lu Qingfeng raised his head and murmured: "Treat her better."

Tian Guangqi chuckled, and patted Lu Qingfeng on the shoulder, "To put it bluntly, it is to fully release your charm to pursue her."

The nightly conversation in the dormitory ended here. Lu Qingfeng was tormented by this sentence of pursuing her and didn't sleep well all night. He kept thinking about how he would pursue her after he and Zhou Niannian were childhood sweethearts for so many years.

In the girls' dormitory, Zhou Niannian also didn't sleep well. Lu Qingfeng's words "I love you" echoed in her ears repeatedly, causing her to toss and turn. In the middle of the night, when she was about to fall asleep, she heard faint voices from the upper bunk. Jo's sobs.

She froze for a moment, listened carefully, and found that it was really crying.

Is Cao Haiyun crying?
Zhou Niannian hesitated for a while, and softly called to the upper bunk: "Cao Haiyun, are you okay? Did something happen?"

The sobbing on the upper bunk stopped abruptly, and after a while, Cao Haiyun's vague voice came, "It's okay, I had a nightmare."

After that, no more movement was heard, and Zhou Niannian fell asleep in a daze.

When she woke up in the morning, she sat on the bed in a daze with her messy hair on her head. She felt that her mind was a little chaotic, so she couldn't help pouting, complaining to Lu Qingfeng.

It's all because of his sudden confession, which caused me to not sleep well all night.

Cao Haiyun got down from the upper bunk, exchanged a glance with Zhou Niannian, and then looked away as if nothing had happened.

Her eyes were red and swollen, obviously she had been crying for a long time last night.

Zhou Niannian guessed that she was not having a nightmare, but Cao Haiyun didn't say anything, and she didn't want to ask.

Now she is the only one left in the dormitory, Yue Xiaomeng and Cao Haiyun. She and Yue Xiaomeng go in and out together on weekdays. Cao Haiyun is more like an invisible person more often, no matter in class or in the dormitory There is almost no sense of existence.

Zhou Niannian felt that she was not familiar with her, so naturally she would not ask her about her personal affairs.

She rubbed her swollen head, sat there for a while, Yue Xiaomeng also got up, saw her confused eyes, frowned and asked her: "Nian Nian, you didn't sleep well last night?"

On weekdays, Zhou Niannian's sleep quality is very good, it can almost be said that she sleeps as soon as she touches the pillow.

"Did something happen?"

Zhou Niannian shook her head, embarrassed to say about Lu Qingfeng's confession to herself, she shook her head and lay down again.

"I didn't wake up, I want to lie down for a while."

Yue Xiaomeng stepped forward and pulled her, "Don't sleep, go wash your face and wake up."

"Isn't our department only having a class at ten o'clock this morning? Why do you get up so early?" Zhou Niannian lay still.

Yue Xiaomeng took her by the arm and pulled her straight up, "Did you forget that the student union ran for election this morning? Wang Hao already called us to cheer for him."

As she said, she came close to Zhou Niannian and winked, "Besides, there is your family member, why don't you go cheer him up?"

It was only then that Zhou Niannian remembered the election of the student union today, and recalled what Yue Xiaomeng said before that Lu Qingfeng was the most popular candidate for the chairman of the student union, curled his lips and looked a little uncomfortable, "What can I do if I go?"

Even so, Zhou Niannian got up to wash up and called Qi Jiayan again.

When the three entered the classroom where the student union was campaigning, it was already full of people. The three entered through the back door, and quietly sat down in the back seat.

Lu Qingfeng, who was giving a casual speech on the stage, saw the blue figure at the end with sharp eyes.

"Full release your charm to pursue her" Tian Guangqi's words flashed into his mind last night.

He subconsciously stood up straight, and unbuttoned his windbreaker, revealing the white shirt inside.

Throwing away the speech draft that Li Chengyu had prepared for him this morning, he quickly rolled up his sleeves, looked at the people sitting in the audience, his eyes fell directly on Zhou Niannian, the corners of his mouth curled into a charming smile, and he started His passionate speech.

There was obviously an unknown commotion in the audience, and Li Chengyu even heard the low inhalation sound of the girl sitting in the back row.

He blinked with a mask on his face, no matter how he looked at it, his brother Lu looked like a peacock that suddenly opened its tail?
(End of this chapter)

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