Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 350 A Stupid Idea

Chapter 350 A Stupid Idea
"What should I do?" Zhou Changan talked about him.

Zhou Niannian glared at him with her hips on her hips, "Don't pretend to be confused, you dare not admit that you have bullied Jiayan?"

Zhou Changan still felt a little embarrassed to be exposed by his sister. He touched his nose and said nothing.

Zhou Niannian rolled her eyes and softened her voice, "Second brother, Jiayan is my best friend, you can't bully her like this, after all, you are at fault for this matter, I see you going to tell Jiayan Sorry."

"I'm not going." Zhou Chang'an said sullenly, "She borrowed my name and asked me to be his object, why didn't she apologize to me?"

Zhou Niannian was a little angry, "That incident didn't cause you any loss, besides, I agreed at the time, if you care about it, I'll apologize to you on her behalf, okay?"

Zhou Changan was very stubborn: "Whoever borrowed it will apologize. What's the matter with your apology?"

Zhou Niannian rolled her eyes, and was too lazy to detour with him, "Are you going to apologize?"

"Don't go!"

Zhou Changan dropped two words, turned around and was about to go back to the classroom.

Zhou Niannian gritted her teeth, "Aren't you going? When I go back and tell my parents that you bullied Jiayan, see if my parents can spare you."

After all, Zhou Niannian turned around and left without hesitation, Zhou Changan's gnashing of teeth voice came from behind him: "You're cruel, why don't I go?"

Zhou Niannian turned his back to him, rolled his eyes and waved his hands, "Remember to go today, and I must sincerely apologize, and I will supervise you."

After Zhou Niannian finished his last class at 03:30 in the afternoon, Zhou Niannian went to the Mechanical and Electrical Department to catch Zhou Changan, and dragged him to Qi Jiayan to apologize.

Zhou Changan looked at her helplessly: "Can I still run away? Since I promised, I will definitely do it."

Zhou Niannian let go of his hand, "Okay, I'll go with you."

The two arrived at the classroom of the medical department. The medical department did not have a class yet, and there were still ten minutes before the get out of class was over.

"As soon as Jiayan comes out, you will apologize sincerely, do you hear me?" Zhou Niannian urged again.

Zhou Chang'an looked at her in disbelief: "Isn't it? You asked me to apologize to her in front of so many people? I don't want it."

"You bullied her in front of so many people, so naturally you have to apologize to her in front of so many people." Zhou Niannian glared at him.

Zhou Changan leaned against the wall of the corridor, rolled his eyes, and looked at Zhou Niannian with a half-smile: "Are you sure you want me to publicly apologize to her?"

Zhou Niannian nodded: "Yes, this is also Jiayan's request."

Hearing that it was Qi Jiayan's request, Zhou Chang'an did not speak, but curled his lips, "Okay."

He suddenly agreed so readily, Zhou Niannian felt a little ominous, she looked at Zhou Changan suspiciously, "Second brother, you won't do anything bad, will you?"

Zhou Changan glanced at her impatiently, and pointed his toes on the ground: "What can I do wrong, isn't it just a public apology? I, Zhou Changan, dare to act."

Zhou Niannian was about to say something, but when she heard the bell ringing for the end of get out of class, she closed her eyes and whispered to him, "Anyway, please apologize."

The Department of Medicine is a professional basic course today. Students from the three classes are in class together. As soon as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, many people began to come out one after another.

Zhou Changan put down his hands, stood upright against the wall, and said loudly, "Student Qi Jiayan, I'm sorry."

The students who had already walked over stopped in their tracks, stopped in the corridor and looked at Zhou Changan strangely.

As soon as Qi Jiayan walked to the door of the classroom, she heard a super loud apology, froze for a moment, and quickly stepped out of the classroom.

Seeing her coming out, Zhou Changan immediately said in a louder voice: "Student Qi Jiayan, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you without your consent last night."

"I'm sorry, boy, I'm always impulsive, especially when I'm drunk, I was wrong, please forgive me!"

After finishing speaking, he bent his waist slightly sincerely, and his lowered head covered the smile in his eyes.

Zhou Chang'an's words were loud and loud, and the entire medical department heard them. The students in the classroom were anxious to watch the excitement, and squeezed out of the classroom one after another, even the teacher came out.

The corridor was full of people in an instant, everyone looked at Qi Jiayan, and Zhou Changan with a bruised nose and swollen face, and the muffled voices of discussion exploded in an instant.

"Wow, isn't it? Qi Jiayan is looking for someone?"

"Is it so exciting to get along?"

"Qi Jiayan usually looks quite boring, tsk tsk, people don't look like they are."

The people in Qi Jiayan's dormitory witnessed the incident with their own eyes last night, and they quickly explained to the people around them that there was chaos in the corridor for a while.

Qi Jiayan's whole face was flushed red, embarrassing and ashamed, she wished she could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

She suddenly felt that what a stupid idea she had raised, how could she ask Zhou Changan to publicly apologize to her.

Originally, only a few people in the class knew about her being (forced) kissed, but now that Zhou Changan yelled like this, everyone in the medical department knew about it.

Now the relationship between her and Zhou Changan is completely unclear.

Qi Jiayan was angry and ashamed. Hearing the comments from the people around her, she couldn't help shouting: "Zhou Changan, what nonsense are you talking about?"

After Zhou Niannian heard what Zhou Changan said, she immediately closed her eyes, wishing she could kick Zhou Changan.

This brat is really hopeless.

If I knew that he was doing bad things, I shouldn't have dragged him here.

Grinding her teeth, Zhou Niannian rubbed behind Zhou Changan, stretched out her hand to pinch the soft flesh around his waist, and reminded him through gritted teeth: "Tell me well."

The goal has been achieved, Zhou Changan looked at Qi Jiayan solemnly, his expression seemed very sincere: "I sincerely apologize to you, classmate Qi Jiayan, please forgive me."

Qi Jiayan looked at the wickedness in his eyes, knew that he did it on purpose, and was so angry that she wanted to step forward and slap her, "I don't forgive you!"

After all, he rushed out of the crowd, turned around and ran out.

Zhou Niannian kicked Zhou Changan hard, and said angrily, "Second brother, you really went too far."

Then he hurriedly ran out after Qi Jiayan.

Qi Jiayan ran to the boulevard outside the teaching building in one breath, and Zhou Niannian caught up with her and grabbed her arm, "Jiayan, I'm sorry, I really didn't expect my second brother to be like this. You apologize, I'm so sorry."

Qi Jiayan took a long breath and calmed down her emotions so that she was not so angry.

"This matter has nothing to do with you, Nian Nian, you don't have to blame yourself, Zhou Changan went too far."

"Go back and tell him that I, Qi Jiayan, will be at odds with him from now on."

Zhou Niannian opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but felt that his second brother had really gone too far, so he could only sigh helplessly.

When she and Lu Qingfeng went out for dinner at night, she couldn't help complaining to Lu Qingfeng: "What do you think my second brother is like, Jiayan is almost pissed off by him."

Lu Qingfeng chuckled, "Don't meddle in the matter of your second brother and Qi Jiayan."

 Thank you wj09282951 for the reward, okay, it’s the end of the month, I ask everyone for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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