Chapter 353

After Bai Yongli and Zhang Cuihua walked out of the gate for a long time, Li Xiangxiu let out a sigh of relief and said with trembling fingers, "This is simply a rascal."

Bai Yuqing wiped away her tears, and knelt down in front of Li Xiangxiu and Zhou Hongshan obediently.

"Qingqing, what are you doing? Get up, good boy, and speak up if you have something to say."

Li Xiangxiu stretched out her hand to pull Bai Yuqing, she couldn't help crying, "The child has suffered for you, growing up with such a person, you must have been wronged a lot, right?"

She said that she had already made up a big scene of Bai Yuqing being abused in her mind, and couldn't help feeling more distressed about Bai Yuqing.

There was a weak smile on Bai Yuqing's face, which made people feel even more pitiful, "Mom, I'm fine, don't you think I've grown up like this?"

Li Xiangxiu couldn't help holding her in his arms, and repeatedly promised: "My good boy, those days of suffering are over, and my mother will love you in the future."

Bai Yuqing quietly shed tears, she wiped her tears and said: "Mom, listen to me, they ask for too much money, I can't let you go bankrupt because of me."

She bit her lips as she spoke, and said softly: "I've made up my mind, Mom, I will be called Bai Yuqing from now on, and I don't recognize my ancestors anymore."

She said, with a playful yet faintly panicked smile on her face, "Is my name Bai Yuqing not my parents' daughter? Don't you love me?"

Li Xiangxiu hugged her even tighter, because of her sensibility and grievance, she wished she could rub Bai Yuqing into her arms.

With tears in her eyes, she looked at Zhou Hongshan who was sitting on the opposite sofa without saying a word, "Old Zhou, you should give me a word."

Zhou Hongshan sighed, and looked at Bai Yuqing with a gentle expression, "You have been wronged, the more this happens, the more you have to recognize your ancestors and break away from them."

"Well, I'll figure out a way about the money. When you recognize your ancestors and return to them, ask them to sign an agreement and promise not to pester you in the future, so as to avoid future troubles."

Li Xiangxiu showed a relaxed smile, and patted Bai Yuqing, "Your father is such a scoundrel, they will definitely find a way to pester you in the future, let them sign an agreement."

As she spoke, she looked at Zhou Niannian begging for help, "Niannian, such an agreement should be legally binding, right?"

"The legal effect of the agreement is limited." Zhou Niannian turned to look at Zhou Hongshan, "Dad, are you really going to pay 5 yuan? Where does the family have so much money?"

Both Zhou Hongshan and his wife had just returned from Xincheng. After returning, Li Xiangxiu, like Yang Shutong, had no work for the time being.

There is only Zhou Hongshan in the family, and Zhou Changguo and Liang Ying have wages, so they can't afford that much money at all.

Zhou Hongshan pondered for a moment, "Giving money is the best solution. Asking for money after signing the agreement is extortion. We don't have to give it. But now, they ask for money in the name of supporting Da Qingqing, so we have to give it to you." .”

Zhou Niannian frowned.

This matter is indeed troublesome.

Bai Yongli and his wife raised Bai Yuqing and were her legal parents, while Zhou Hongshan and his wife were Bai Yuqing's biological parents.

Bai Yuqing didn't necessarily have to sever ties with her adoptive parents if she wanted to recognize her biological parents.

Zhou Niannian has also seen such cases in later generations. Some people have contacts with both biological parents and adoptive parents.

However, Bai Yuqing's adoptive parents are such greedy people, they asked for 5 yuan.

They asked for it in the name of child support and gratitude. This kind of thing belongs to the sophistication of the world, it is not wrong, and it cannot be measured by law.

"But their asking for [-] is indeed a bit too much. This would be suspected of extortion. Otherwise, Dad, I'll talk to them. Don't worry, okay?" Zhou Niannian thought for a while.

Zhou Hongshan hesitated for a while, but did not speak.

Bai Yuqing's sitting body froze slightly, and sighed faintly for a moment: "Nian Nian, forget it, they can't communicate at all, I just don't recognize my ancestors and return to my ancestors."

Li Xiangxiu became anxious immediately, "You said it well just now, why did you say this again? Mom told you, we must make you appear on the Zhou family's household registration book in an upright manner, and you are not allowed to say this sentence again."

She put her arms around Bai Yuqing and couldn't help but glance at Zhou Niannian, "Niannian, are you sure you can talk to them? Why don't you let your dad go with you, okay?"

Zhou Niannian smiled lightly, "Mom, at least I have studied law for two years. The amount they want is far beyond our family's financial ability, so it is considered extortion, and we can sue them."

Bai Yuqing raised her head hesitantly, "Can we sue them?"

Zhou Niannian nodded, "That's the case in theory, but this kind of thing contains a lot of emotions and reasons, and there is no way to judge it completely by law. The most the court can do is mediate for us."

Bai Yuqing lowered her eyes and did not speak.

Zhou Niannian stood up, "Dad, Mom, you have to think about this matter first, and have an approximate amount in mind. It should be within our financial ability. I don't agree with giving [-]."

Li Xiangxiu and Zhou Hongshan looked at each other and nodded slightly.

On the other side, Bai Yongli and Zhang Cuihua were standing at the door of a guest house near Kyoto University, carrying two luggage bags.

"Cuihua, this guest house is quite expensive, isn't it? The one I stayed in last night was pretty good, why change it?" Bai Yongli stood at the door of the guest house with a look of hesitation.

Zhang Cuihua with her hips on her hips, looked at the large characters of the state-run guest house in the guest house, and said proudly: "What are you afraid of, we will be rich soon, let alone this guest house, even if the conditions are better, we can afford to live in it." .”

After all, he dragged his man in, paid the money and changed a room.

After entering the door, Zhang Cuihua lay down on the bed enjoying herself, couldn't help touching here, looking there, and muttered: "The things in this capital are just good, not to mention anything else, this bed sleeps better than our hard plank bed." much more comfortable."

Bai Yongli sat next to her, hesitated for a while, and asked Zhang Cuihua in a low voice: "Cuihua, didn't you agree with that damn girl Yuqing yesterday that the price is only [-] yuan? Why did you go to Lao Zhou's house and change your name to [-] yuan?" ?”

Zhang Cuihua rolled his eyes at him, and snorted coldly: "Do you think that dead girl Yuqing can control our life and death in the future?"

"I've already asked someone about it. The money she earned in Zezhou gave me 30 yuan in total. You are a dead girl with no conscience."

"She's coaxing us now, so she begs us with nice words. When she recognizes the Zhou family, she will definitely stop contacting us."

"Let's raise her for a while. We can't raise her for nothing, right? Besides, all the valuables at home were burned by that damn girl. Of course, I have to take this opportunity to ask for more money."

Bai Yongli rolled his sleeves and nodded, "Well, you're right, you can't take advantage of her, and ask her for [-]."

"Speaking of which, if the second guy hadn't been well-informed and heard about her confession when he came to the capital, we would have been kept in the dark."

(End of this chapter)

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