Chapter 387
No one expected that the excitement would end with going to the hospital.

Fortunately, the doctor checked and said that Qi Jiayan had a slight concussion and some bruises on her back. She needs to be hospitalized for observation for a few days, but everything else is fine.

Zhou Niannian heaved a sigh of relief, and glared at Zhou Changan who was sober beside him, "This time, you have to make a serious apology to Jiayan."

Zhou Changan nodded lazily, and said sullenly, "You guys go back first, I'll take care of her."

"It's inconvenient for you to be a big man, forget it, I'll stay here." Zhou Niannian sighed, and said to Lu Qingfeng: "You go back first, my second brother and I are here to take care of Jiayan."

It was a good proposal night, originally I wanted to be romantic tonight, Lu Qingfeng pursed his lips sullenly, turned his wrist, and pulled Zhou Changan up, "My second brother and I went out to discuss life."

Zhou Niannian: "."

When she is a fool?This posture is not like discussing life.

Seeing Zhou Chang'an who was withdrawn dejectedly, she couldn't help shouting: "Just discuss it lightly."

She also felt that her second brother's reckless temper needed to be changed.

"Are you still my sister?" Zhou Changan looked at Zhou Niannian with great aggrievedness.

Zhou Niannian waved her hands with a smile, "You forget that I am not born to my parents."

Zhou Changan: "."

Heartbreaking, sister, is it really okay for you to say in such a casual tone that you are not your own?

Zhou Changan, who was pulled out, decided to try his best to save himself, and looked at Lu Qingfeng sincerely, "First of all, I didn't mean to destroy your beautiful arrangement tonight, really, I drank too much, it was an accident, it was pure accident."

"Second, you and Niannian help me speak nice words in front of Qi Jiayan, don't let her get angry with me, I promise that when you and Niannian get married, it won't be hard for you."

"How is it? Brother?"

The last condition moved Lu Qingfeng, he raised his hand and gently patted the ashes on Zhou Changan's body, and helped him straighten his clothes, "I'm leaving, tell Niannian, I will pick him up tomorrow morning."

Looking at his back as he walked away, Zhou Changan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If there was a fight, he really wasn't Lu Qingfeng's opponent. Fortunately, he had Nian Nian as his life-saving trump card, even though this little heartless guy didn't protect him just now.

Qi Jiayan woke up in the middle of the night, still feeling a headache, the scratch on her back had already been smeared with medicine, and the pain didn't hurt so much.

Seeing that Zhou Chang'an was also beside her, Qi Jiayan immediately felt even more headache, "Why am I so unlucky, I can be bumped into by you when I come back from the bathroom."

Zhou Changan felt that he was wronged, and apologized to Qi Jiayan with his head down, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I drank too much and didn't see the way clearly."

Qi Jiayan was stunned.

Ever since they met Zhou Chang'an again in Kyoto, the two of them had never met without arguing like sparks hitting lightning.

This was the first time Zhou Changan was so humble in front of her.

She didn't know how to answer the words for a while, and turned around sullenly, expressing that she didn't want to see him.

Zhou Niannian gently stroked her hair, "Jiayan, I also apologize to you on behalf of my second brother, I have already scolded him severely, this time you are hospitalized and asked him to take good care of you and apologize to you. "

"I don't want him to take care of you." Qi Jiayan snorted coldly.

Zhou Changan said, "No, I hit you. I have to be responsible to the end and take care of you until you are discharged from the hospital."

Qi Jiayan sneered, "Forget it, I'm afraid you'll take care of me, and you'll kill me before I'm discharged from the hospital."

Zhou Changan's face darkened, he ground his teeth, and said in a low voice, "I won't be mad at you anymore."

"Really, really," Zhou Niannian reassured Zhou Changan, "My second brother will definitely not fight back when hit or scolded this time, Jia Yan, you can vent your anger as much as you want."

Zhou Changan stared straight at Zhou Niannian. When did he say that he would not fight back when he was beaten or scolded?
Zhou Niannian threatened him with his eyes, and Zhou Changan silently swallowed the words that came to his lips.

Well, this time it was indeed his fault, and he admitted it.

Qi Jiayan didn't hear Zhou Changan's rebuttal, she pursed her lips, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Forget it, she can't seriously argue with this kind of reckless man, and for Nian Nian's sake, she can't really argue with him either.

In the morning Zhou Changan went out to buy food, put it on the table and looked at Qi Jiayan fawningly, "Let's have breakfast."

Qi Jiayan looked at the food on the table, her face turned dark immediately.

White porridge, pork rib soup, and pork liver soup are on the table, and there is a bowl of stewed pig brain next to it.

"This is what your family eats for breakfast?" She squinted at Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian could not wait for three black lines to slide down his face, and stared at Zhou Changan, "I told you earlier, I'll go buy it, why don't you buy some staple food?"

Zhou Chang'an scratched his head, "Didn't she have a concussion, and her back was injured, I thought about supplementing her body with food, so I bought these, but I searched a long way before I found one that sells stewed pig brains." of it."

"Who are you calling a pig?" Qi Jiayan sat up suddenly, felt dizzy for a while, and lay back down again, killing Zhou Chang'an countless times with her eyes.

Zhou Changan was also a little annoyed, "I didn't scold you, I just wanted to make up for you, why are you so ignorant of good and evil, woman."

"Okay, okay, second brother, you go out and buy some buns." Seeing that the flames of war were about to reignite, Zhou Niannian quickly pushed Zhou Changan out.

She fed Qi Jiayan porridge, "My second brother has a relatively straight bowel and a good heart, so don't be really angry with him."

Qi Jiayan glanced at the pig's brains on the table, shook her head helplessly, and muttered: "I still know how to complement the shape, I think it's best to leave it to him."

Zhou Niannian laughed, "Okay, let him eat."

After breakfast, Lu Qingfeng came to pick up Zhou Niannian, and Li Xiangxiu came with her. She learned that her son had bumped Qi Jiayan into the hospital, so she followed her to have a look.

With Li Xiangxiu around, Zhou Niannian was not worried at all that she would not be able to cure Zhou Changan, so she left the hospital with Lu Qingfeng and went to the Kyoto Investigation Bureau.

Li Dongxing was a little surprised to see them coming, and after hearing Zhou Niannian's explanation of his intentions, he readily nodded in response to the matter.

"You have to be mentally prepared. After all, it happened 20 years ago. I have to ask the old comrades in Kyoto to help me investigate. There may be no news for a while."

Zhou Niannian nodded, "Well, check it out slowly, let me know when there is any news."

In fact, Zhou Hongshan had acquaintances in the Bureau of Investigation, but Zhou Niannian was afraid that Zhou Hongshan would be sad, so he decided to ask Li Dongxing to check first to see if he could find some information.

"Brother Li, is there any movement from Bai Yongsheng?" After talking about his life experience, Zhou Niannian asked by the way.

Li Dongxing shook his head, "Bai Yongsheng has a legitimate business in Guangcheng, and there is no problem on the surface, so it is not easy to investigate."

"I have to go to Guangcheng in two days, and follow up with my colleagues there for a while."

Zhou Niannian was a little disappointed, but considering that in his previous life Bai Yongsheng kidnapped her next summer, he hadn't been caught at that time, obviously he was very good at disguising.

(End of this chapter)

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