Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 406 Aunt Qi's Sorrow

Chapter 406 Aunt Qi's Sorrow
It is said that the eldest of the Cheng family was in the world when he was young, and he was doing business in the world. He saved a lot of money and brought up all seven brothers.

Therefore, the seven brothers of the Cheng family respected their elder brother very much.

The eight brothers of the Cheng family are recognized as the most difficult people to mess with in the southern district of Nancheng, because their family is powerful and the Cheng family is particularly protective of their weaknesses.

Even during the turmoil in the past few years, the Cheng family was not greatly affected.

There is a saying secretly circulating in Nancheng, saying that you would rather eat the bran than go to Cheng Geqiang. This Cheng refers to the Cheng family.

"They are so arrogant, is there no one to care about them?" Zhou Niannian was dumbfounded.

Li Dongxing shook his head and smiled bitterly, "The reason why the Cheng family has survived in Nancheng for so many years is not only because of their connections, but also because of their prudence. No, it should be arrogance and prudence."

The Cheng family's arrogance is on the table, relying on the fact that they have many brothers and great influence, they will rob and beat those who are not used to it.

But when they fought, no one was killed, and when they did, there was no evidence to implicate the Cheng family.

"In this way, even if someone reports the crime, they will be arrested and locked up for a few days at most. The sentence is not long. In fact, except for the boss of the Cheng family, the other seven brothers of the Cheng family have all been in the investigation bureau."

"The boss of the Cheng family has a bad temper. He married five wives, two of whom ran away by themselves, and the other three were said to have been beaten to death, but there is no evidence."

"As for beating people, we can only educate them, and it cannot be used as a basis for sentencing."

Zhou Niannian pursed her lips. The current legal system really does not have provisions on domestic violence.

Moreover, people at this time generally believe that quarrels and wars between couples are common.

If she meets a man who always does things to her, it's just her own bad luck.

Women nowadays don't have the consciousness to protect themselves at all. Isn't Qi Jiayan's mother often punched by Qi Guoyou?
Aunt Qi could only wipe away her tears and lament her bad life, but she never thought of resisting and protecting herself.

To put it bluntly, it is because people's legal awareness is weak, and the legal system in Huaguo is not perfect.

At 07:30 in the morning, the train arrived in Nancheng on time.

The four of them left the station and immediately went to the investigation bureau in Nancheng.

Li Dongxing had a warrant for a business trip, so he called a car from the Nancheng Investigation Bureau and drove straight to the suburbs of Nancheng.

Zhou Niannian came to Qi Jiayan's house once, and barely remembered the way to Qi's house.

Fortunately, Li Dongxing was there, and he was very familiar with the roads in Nancheng.

Soon the car arrived near Qi Jiayan's house, and Zhou Niannian jumped out of the car almost at the same time as Zhou Changan.

Zhou Changan didn't know Qi Jiayan's home, so he followed Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian almost kicked open the door of Zhou's house.

There was a bang, a violent sound, and the people in the room rushed out immediately.

"Who is it?" Aunt Qi came out of the room when she heard the sound outside the door. Before she could finish speaking, a figure rushed in front of her.

"Where is Jiayan? Where did you hide her?" Zhou Niannian grabbed Aunt Qi's arm and asked sharply.

Aunt Qi was stunned for a moment, and looked at Zhou Niannian with a puzzled expression, "Are you Xiao Zhou who came back with Jiayan last time?"

Zhou Niannian nodded impatiently, "I ask you where Jiayan is?"

Aunt Qi's face became even more bewildered, "Isn't Jiayan in Kyoto? I heard that she was admitted to Kyoto University, and the old man said to visit her before Chinese New Year, and I even made her two pairs of shoes."

Zhou Changan looked at Aunt Qi impatiently, "Don't pretend to be confused with us, Qi Guoyou brought Jiayan back to the capital, tell me where Jiayan is, or don't blame me for being rude."

After he finished speaking, he kicked a piece of wood by the door with a gloomy face.

Aunt Qi trembled in fright, looked at Zhou Chang'an with a pale face, and then her eyes fell on Zhou Niannian, the only person she knew.

"Xiao Zhou, I really don't know where Jiayan has gone. His father only said he would go to the capital to see her, but he didn't say he would bring her back."

Zhou Niannian looked at Aunt Qi carefully, and saw that her face was pale, her expression was panic, and there was a faint anxiety in her eyes, she didn't look like she was lying.

She frowned, and Lu Qingfeng who was next to her came over and asked, "Where did Qi Guoyou go? Are you back?"

Aunt Qi glanced at the strange man standing in front of her, her expression became even more panicked, she shook her head, "His father left a few years ago, saying he was going to visit Jiayan in the capital, and he didn't come back during the Chinese New Year."

She couldn't help crying as she said, "I'm the only one at home during Chinese New Year. I want to send a telegram. I don't know Jiayan's contact address in Kyoto, and I don't know who to send it to."

Zhou Niannian pressed her: "Qi Guoyou arranged a marriage for Jiayan, saying that it was for the boss of the Cheng family, do you know about this?"

Aunt Qi's face suddenly turned pale, her body went limp, and she almost fell to the ground, "What? The one who killed a thousand swords, he agreed to the Cheng family's marriage?"

"No, it's impossible. I clearly said that I would never agree to it."

"Didn't people like the Cheng family send my daughter to die?"

Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng looked at each other, it seemed that Aunt Qi really didn't know about it.

"Qi Guoyou really agreed to the Cheng family's marriage, and even took the initiative to accept the Cheng family's dowry. He went to the capital this time to bring Jiayan back to pay homage to the Cheng family boss."

Aunt Qi didn't come up in one breath, and almost pouted.

Zhou Niannian grabbed her tightly.

Aunt Qi wailed and cried, "Qi Guoyou, you are a murderer, how could you harm my daughter like this."

Zhou Changan's face became more gloomy when she cried, "Don't cry, my daughter can't protect her, so what's the use of crying now?"

Aunt Qi's crying was so frightened that she held it in her throat. She carefully glanced at Zhou Changan who was staring at her with a dark face. She wondered who this man was?
Why do you stare at her with such terrible eyes?
"They must have sent Jiayan to Cheng's house, let's go, let's go to Cheng's house to ask for someone." Zhou Changan cast a glance at Aunt Qi, turned around and left.

Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng also followed.

Aunt Qi followed up in panic, and shouted, "Xiao Zhou, you must find Jiayan."

Zhou Niannian paused, and didn't even bother to respond to her with an "um".

When she came to Nancheng last time, she felt that Aunt Qi lived a very sad life. She lived in the violence of her husband all her life and worked as a cow for her husband and son.

For her daughter, she can only give a little protection, on the premise of not resisting her husband and not affecting her son.

Now that she knew that Jiayan was in danger, she just let others save her. As a mother, didn't she have any idea of ​​protecting her daughter?
After going out, Zhou Changan said to Li Dongxing, "Go to Cheng's house."

Li Dongxing frowned, motioned for them to get into the car, stepped on the accelerator, and the car left quickly.

After parking the car, Zhou Changan frowned deeply when he saw that the signboard at the door was a guest house.

"Didn't you say to go to Cheng's house?"

(End of this chapter)

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