Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 415 Your Husband

Chapter 415 Your Husband
The stone guarding the West Room sneered, "Mouse, I think you're trying to think about it again?"

The man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks walked to the door of the west house with a smile, and pounded the stone with his arm, "Oh, I said that you two are guarding these little girls in the house every day, so you don't have any thoughts?"

"I do not believe it."

Shi Shi hesitated for a moment, "The fourth master sent this over yesterday, saying it was for opening the tomb, so we dare not mess with it."

The mouse gave him a disdainful look, "Looking at how promising you are, the grave is going to be opened anyway, so let's have a good time first, so what?"

Shi Shi hesitated and glanced at his brother next to him.

Brother Shitou half-closed his eyes, a little drowsy, and raised his eyelids when he heard the words, "Be quiet, just don't kill people, these people have to use it at night."

The mouse and the stone immediately beamed with joy.

Shitou rubbed his hands and said, "Brother, don't worry, these people in the room are all drugged, they are in a daze, and they won't resist."

The impatient mouse had already pulled him, "Let's go, each of us brothers will choose one, and we will come out later to replace the third child and your elder brother."

After all, he opened the door and went in.

There was a pile of straw on the ground in the house, and six young girls were lying on the ground. Each girl was blindfolded, her hands and feet were tied, and her mouth was stuffed with a cloth.

The mouse and the stone looked at each other, each picked one and dragged it to the corner.

Qi Jiayan has been in a daze for the past few days. She just woke up and found that her hands and feet were tied and her mouth was gagged.

I wanted to move, but found that my whole body was sore and limp, and I had no strength at all.

She didn't know where it was, but she only remembered that when she got the shoes at the school gate, Qi Guoyou appeared outside the gate and said she had something to say to him.

She wondered why Qi Guoyou was still in the capital, so she went out to question Qi Guoyou.

Qi Guoyou said that her mother is also here and wants to see her.

Although Qi Jiayan was skeptical, she still walked forward. She didn't go very far. When she realized that something was wrong, a black figure suddenly appeared next to her and knocked her unconscious.

For the next two days, she was in a drowsy state. Occasionally when she was awake, Qi Guoyou would forcefully pour a bowl of water down her, and then she fell into a coma again.

As a medical student, she naturally knew that she had been drugged.

So today she woke up again and decided to pretend to be in a coma to see where she was.

As a result, after waiting for a long time, I only heard someone come in, and then dragged myself out with one hand.

Qi Jiayan was taken aback, and let out a groan, but she heard laughter next to her ear, "Oh, I'm awake, it's better to be awake, lest I feel like I'm making a corpse."

Then she took off the outer coat she was wearing rudely with both hands, and reached into her sweater.

Qi Jiayan was startled and angry, trying to struggle desperately, but she couldn't exert any force on her body.

Feeling a man's hand moving roughly on her body, the other hand couldn't wait to tear her pants, and at the same time, her stinky mouth arched up, licking her face non-stop.

The unseen fear was magnified infinitely, and the fright that she had already foreseen what she would encounter rushed to her throat, but she could only utter a whimper.

This cry obviously made the man on him even more excited.

Feeling that she had less and less clothes, Qi Jiayan desperately wanted to bite her tongue, with a cloth stuffed in her mouth, she found even more desperately that she couldn't bite her tongue at all.

This is what Zhou Niannian and Zhou Changan saw when they rushed into the house.

They waited outside the village for a while, Ah Liang flew back in a hurry, yelling that Qi Jiayan might be in danger.

They immediately followed Ah Liang and rushed into the small courtyard.

Lu Qingfeng dealt with the two men left outside alone, while she rushed in with Zhou Changan.

Seeing the scene in the room, Zhou Niannian only felt that the blood in his whole body rushed to his arms.

Zhou Changan's eyes were tearing apart, and with a low growl, he kicked the man on Qi Jiayan's body, and then pinned the man to the ground, beating him like he lost his mind.

Zhou Niannian knocked out the man who was bullying a girl next to him with a punch, and then quickly ran to Qi Jiayan's side.

Qi Jiayan was blindfolded, her mouth was gagged, and her clothes were torn to pieces.

Zhou Niannian's distressed tears were about to flow down, she bit her lips tightly, and quickly untied the ropes on her hands and feet, as soon as she took off her mouth covering, Qi Jiayan bit her tongue trembling all over.

A fist stretched out to touch her teeth, and Qi Jiayan bit her hand hard.

She trembled even more violently.

Zhou Niannian took off her blindfold and hugged her in his arms, "Jiayan, it's me, it's Niannian."

"I'm Nian Nian, don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

As she said this, she tore off her coat with a trembling hand, put it on Qi Jiayan, and helped her tidy up her clothes.

Qi Jiayan's body trembled even more, holding Zhou Niannian's arms, almost shaking like chaff, but her teeth were still biting Zhou Changan's hand tightly.

Zhou Changan said nothing, looked at Qi Jiayan with red eyes, and held Qi Jiayan's with a trembling hand.

Qi Jiayan trembled even more, "Don't touch me, don't touch me, please."

Zhou Chang'an's teeth almost shattered, and he said in a hoarse voice, "Jiayan, I'm Chang'an, your husband."

As he spoke, he held Qi Jiayan's hand tightly, transferring the heat from his hand to hers.

Besides, he didn't dare to make any slight movements, for fear of scaring her.

After a while, Qi Jiayan seemed to calm down slowly, and the hand holding him didn't tremble any more.

Zhou Changan stretched out his hand tentatively, Qi Jiayan shrank her hand, but she didn't refuse, she was just dumbfounded.

Lu Qingfeng whispered outside the door: "Someone came in outside, take Qi Jiayan away first."

Zhou Niannian clung to Qi Jiayan's ear, "Jiayan, let the second brother send you out first, he will protect you."

As he spoke, he pushed Zhou Changan, Zhou Changan took a look at Zhou Niannian, gritted his teeth, picked up Qi Jiayan, and ran out first.

Before leaving the yard, Ah Liang led Li Dongxing and brought two people in from the outside, "The Cheng family is here, right behind us, we can't get out."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and Lu Qingfeng made a quick decision, "Quick, change into the clothes of these men in black."

Li Dongxing immediately took people to pick off the clothes of the four men in black.

"Can this work?" He hesitated while changing his clothes.

"There's no time left, so this is the only way to go. Fortunately, it's already dark and I can't see clearly. You guys should lower your heads again and take a gamble."

As Lu Qingfeng said, he turned his head and looked into the room, only to see that Zhou Niannian put Qi Jiayan's coat on her body, her long hair fell loose, and she smeared some mud on her face.

He instantly understood what Zhou Niannian meant, and frowned.

Zhou Niannian met his disapproving gaze, knew that he was worried about her, and quickly said: "I am about the same size as Jiayan, they won't find out, hurry up, tie the rope up for me first, there is no time."

Ah Liang anxiously flapped her wings beside her, "They can rush in in a minute."

 It's the end of the month, friends who have a monthly pass, please support me, I love you!

(End of this chapter)

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