Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 417 Let's Get Married

Chapter 417 Let's Get Married

Fourth Cheng was stunned for a moment, but did not react.

Lu Qingfeng squinted his eyes, and stepped forward quickly, Zhou Niannian didn't even see how he moved, Cheng Laosi knelt on the ground and screamed.

"If you don't say it, both hands will be abolished."

Zhou Niannian reached out and took Lu Qingfeng's hand. Seeing his cold and heavy face, he knew that he had heard Cheng Laosi's words in the small courtyard.

Fourth Cheng screamed and stared at Lu Qingfeng bitterly, "You dare to touch our brother, do you know who our brother is?"

"In Nancheng, you dare to provoke our Cheng family. I think you have eaten your heart."

Lu Qingfeng sneered and curled his lips, but didn't speak.

Li Dongxing stepped forward to have Boss Cheng, Lao Si Cheng and the others tied up, and he snorted, "Stealing national cultural relics, intending to kill, and being caught, these two alone are enough for your Cheng family to drink a cup of wine." The pot is gone."

"So what if the Cheng family is powerful? In front of the ironclad evidence, let me see if the members of your Cheng family dare to come to the capital to protect you."

When Cheng Laosi heard that they were going to be taken to the capital, panic flashed in his eyes.

I wanted to say something, but found that all the people around me had been arrested.

The old Taoist priest hiding in the corner knelt down with his head in his arms and shouted to Li Dongxing: "Comrade, comrade, it's none of my business, it's none of my business."

Li Dongxing directly stepped forward and detained him, "Promoting feudal superstition and conspiring to harm people is none of your business, and it doesn't matter what you say."

Everyone was escorted out, Zhou Niannian held Lu Qingfeng's hand tightly, "Let's go, eh."

Lu Qingfeng took her into his arms with one hand, and bit her lips tightly.

Zhou Niannian groaned twice, but was held even tighter, so he reached out and beat Lu Qingfeng twice.
This guy doesn't care about the occasion when he's crazy. They are in the tomb passage now, and behind them is a thousand-year-old tomb.

This guy kissed her as soon as he pressed her down, it was creepy just thinking about it.

Ah Liang fluttered her wings and laughed, "Oh, it's not suitable for children, it's not suitable for children."

Zhou Niannian turned her head and glared at A Liang who was floating beside her, knowing that it is not suitable for children, so you should run away quickly.

Before she could convey her meaning to Ah Liang, she felt a pain in her mouth. It turned out that Lu Qingfeng was punishing her for not paying attention.

Sensing the anger on Lu Qingfeng, she nestled in his arms obediently, and slowly closed her eyes.

Lu Qingfeng's warm lips were printed on her chin over and over again, Zhou Niannian's heart moved, remembering that Cheng Lao Si had touched her chin just now, and understood what Lu Qingfeng meant.

He was blaming himself for not protecting her well.

She stood on tiptoe and put her arms around Lu Qingfeng's neck
The anger on Lu Qingfeng's body gradually dissipated before he let her go and pressed her forehead, "No more risky things are allowed in the future."

Zhou Niannian hummed lightly.

"Hey, if you don't come up again, I will release someone to seal the tomb." Li Dongxing's joking voice came from above.

Zhou Niannian blushed, glared at Lu Qingfeng, and pulled him up quickly.

Going up from the tomb, the outside is pitch black, only a cold moon hangs in the sky, and the cry of unknown animals can be heard in the distance.

Zhou Niannian couldn't help but sneezed, feeling a bit chilly all over.

Just now I was nervous, but I didn't feel scared, but now the surroundings of the character are quite eerie.

Lu Qingfeng took off his coat and wrapped it around her.

Li Dongxing's flashlight shone on the ground under her feet, "Qi Jiayan's mood is not stable, your second brother drove the car away first, you two go back first, I have to escort people northward overnight with my colleagues."

This is because he was afraid that the Cheng family would stop him, so he brought Boss Cheng and others into the capital overnight.

Right now, there was no traffic, and there was no car, so she and Lu Qingfeng could only go back on foot.

Zhou Niannian was a little worried about Qi Jiayan, "Fortunately, Ah Liang is here, otherwise we will be one step late, and Jiayan will be there"

"I don't know how long it will take for her to untie this knot."

Lu Qingfeng held her hand tightly, and said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, with your second brother here, he will take care of you."

Zhou Niannian nodded, this time when Qi Jiayan disappeared, her second brother was extremely anxious and irritable.

The second brother should see his own mind clearly this time.

"After you left, your second brother crippled the man who intended to get his hands on Jiayan." Lu Qingfeng said softly.

Zhou Niannian blinked, is this useless the one he understood?

That's really useless, that kind of person should make him never be a man.

Zhou Niannian smiled softly in the dark.

Lu Qingfeng turned his head to look at her beautiful profile, and his voice softened a little, "What are you laughing at?"

"Laugh at myself. At the very beginning, you said that my second brother was wrong about Jiayan, but you still have vision."

Zhou Niannian turned her head, her eyes shining brightly in the dark night, "How did you guess that?"

Lu Qingfeng was silent for a moment, then said softly: "Your second brother looks at Qi Jiayan with the same focus as I look at you."

Zhou Niannian only felt his heart go numb, and his face burned involuntarily.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Lu Qingfeng curled his lips, walked in front of her, and squatted down, "It's too far to go back, come up, I'll carry you on my back."

Zhou Niannian looked at the broad back in front of him, his gaze softened, and he slowly covered it.

Lu Qingfeng lifted her up and strode forward with her on his back. It seemed that Zhou Niannian's weight had no effect on him.

Zhou Niannian lay on his broad back, feeling extremely at ease and happy, couldn't help blurting out: "Lu Qingfeng, let's get married."

Lu Qingfeng paused, and continued to walk forward, but couldn't help but pat her lightly, "Grandma, I always wanted to get married, but Uncle Zhou refused."

Zhou Niannian smiled and dangled her feet, "I will try to convince my dad when I get back."

After this accident, she suddenly felt that she should cherish every moment when the two of them were together.

She had a strong desire to stay with Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng was overjoyed, and tilted his left shoulder, causing Zhou Niannian to exclaim, and the next second Zhou Niannian had already fallen into his arms.

"I want to express my sincere gratitude." Lu Qingfeng said in a hoarse voice, pressing Zhou Niannian's forehead.

Zhou Niannian hugged his neck with a smile, "Come on, show your sincerity."

Along the way, Lu Qingfeng expressed his sincerity many times.

When I got back to the guest house, I put Zhou Niannian down.

Zhou Niannian glared at him, and hurried upstairs to find Zhou Changan and Qi Jiayan.

She went to Zhou Changan's room first, but found no one there.

He went to his room again and found that Qi Jiayan had already fallen asleep. Zhou Changan sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her side face with an extremely focused expression.

Qi Jiayan in her sleep seemed particularly restless, her brows were furrowed, and she held Zhou Changan's hand tightly.

Zhou Chang'an whispered to Zhou Niannian how to keep silent, stretched out his hand and patted Qi Jiayan gently, the movements were very gentle.

(End of this chapter)

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