Chapter 426
"How to do it?" Guan Pengtian asked.

When Uncle Chen heard this, he turned around the room excitedly, rubbed his face vigorously before realizing it, and murmured: "Just keep your hair."

Guan Pengtian silently pulled two hairs from his head and handed them over, "Is it enough?"

"Enough is enough!" Uncle Chen was stunned for a moment, then quickly took over the hair with trembling hands, and then carefully put it away.

Aunt Chen shed tears excitedly.

"That's all right?" Guan Pengtian glanced at the two of them with a complicated expression, and asked Zhou Niannian in a low voice.

Zhou Niannian knew that Uncle Chen must have asked foreign friends for help in the appraisal, and it would take two or three months at the earliest to get the result.

"Well, we need to wait two months for a report." Zhou Niannian replied.

Guan Pengtian nodded, "My dad is at home alone, I'm worried, so I'll go back first."

After all, he turned and walked out.

Now he really doesn't know how to get along with Uncle Chen and his wife.

Aunt Chen stretched out her hand, wanting to call him back, but she didn't know what to say, so she sighed, covered her mouth and sobbed.

Zhou Niannian didn't go after Guan Pengtian, she knew that Guan Pengtian and Guan Ping also needed space to get along alone.

She comforted Aunt Chen, chatted with the couple for a while, and then left the Chen family.

After leaving Chen's house, she remembered that Cao Haiyun's snack shop was two streets away, so she walked over there.

It was time to eat, and there were quite a few people sitting in Cao Haiyun's snack bar.

Her snack bar is on the back street of the Kyoto University school, surrounded by the school's faculty and staff. The school is about to start, and many students are starting to return to school.

There is no food in the cafeteria, and most of the students are looking for food outside.

Cao Haiyun's snack shop mainly sells pasta. On such a cold day, eating a bowl of hot noodle soup will keep you warm.

The taste is good and the price is affordable. In addition, many students have tasted Cao Haiyun's handicrafts in school before, so her snack bar opened not long ago but the business is not bad.

When Zhou Niannian went in, she saw Niuniu, who was over four years old, struggling to stand at a table higher than her, helping her mother clean up the rice bowl.

Seeing her staggeringly carrying two rice bowls, Zhou Niannian hastily stepped forward to take them.

"Niu Niu is really sensible, she will help mother clean up the dishes."

Niuniu turned her head and saw that it was Zhou Niannian, she smiled softly, "Aunt Niannian."

Zhou Niannian agreed clearly, and helped her put away all the bowls on the table and put them in the basin next to her.

Niuniu stepped forward to help pick up the chopsticks.

Zhou Niannian stroked her soft hair.

Niuniu has been with Cao Haiyun for more than half a year, and she has become a little fatter than before, and the scars on her small face have gradually faded, and she has become much fairer.

Although she still speaks in a soft voice, she is obviously much more cheerful. She is no longer the timid little girl who always lives under the shadow of being beaten by her father.

When Cao Haiyun heard the commotion, he ran out of the back kitchen and smiled happily when he saw Zhou Niannian.

In such a cold day, her busy forehead was covered with bruises, Cao Haiyun wiped off the sweat with her elbow, and greeted Zhou Niannian, "Niannian is here, you haven't eaten yet, I'll serve you a bowl of noodles, it will be ready soon. "

"I'm not here to eat, I'll clean up for you first, and then we'll eat after all the guests have left." Zhou Niannian shook the bowl in his hand with a smile.

Cao Haiyun was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Then I won't be polite to you, wait for me for a while."

After that, he went into the kitchen again.

After one o'clock, the diners gradually dispersed. Cao Haiyun ordered two bowls of noodles and another dish before sitting down to eat with Zhou Niannian.

"Sister Haiyun, let me see the situation here. When school officially starts, how can you come here alone?" Zhou Niannian ate the hot noodles, "Haven't you ever thought of asking someone to help?"

Cao Haiyun hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, "I want to save more money, and save more money for Niuniu."

As she spoke, she looked at Niu Niu, who was eating obediently, with a soft complexion.

Zhou Niannian thought about the fact that he washed about fifty or sixty dishes in the morning. At the end of the day, Cao Haiyun had to go to class, take care of the children, make noodles, roll noodles, and wash dishes. Sooner or later, he would be exhausted by himself.

"Saving is not so economical. If you are exhausted, who will Niuniu rely on?"

Cao Haiyun hesitated, "Why don't I send a telegram to my mother tomorrow to see if she can come and help."

Seeing that she was moved, Zhou Niannian didn't try to persuade her any more.

Now Cao Haiyun's complexion is rosy, and her personality is much more cheerful. She is no longer the sad woman she was half a year ago.

She must have her own considerations in doing things.

Zhou Niannian went back to Guan's house after eating, and she promised to help Guan Ping copy the case today.

Guan Ping and Guan Pengtian, father and son, were playing chess in the living room. The afternoon sun shone on them, making them quiet and beautiful.

It seems that the father and son have already sighed.

Zhou Niannian smiled lightly, and took the case beside him to copy it.

Tomorrow is the Lantern Festival, and school starts the day after tomorrow.

This semester, Zhou Niannian didn't have to go to class, she had to go to the newspaper office for an internship first, she understood Guan Ping's painstaking effort in asking her to copy the case, so she copied it very seriously.

It was not until evening that he left Guan's house.

Back home, Zhou Changguo and Liang Ying had just entered the house.

The whole family gathered together, Li Xiangxiu was very happy and cooked a table of meals.

Bai Yuqing helped Li Xiangxiu go out all afternoon. Li Xiangxiu was happy and distressed. She waited until the food was served before complaining: "All of you are missing. Qingqing helped me all afternoon."

Bai Yuqing obediently picked up a piece of fish and put it into Li Xiangxiu's bowl, "Everyone is busy, and I'm the only one free. I'm very happy to be able to help my mother."

Zhou Niannian looked at Bai Yuqing's obedient appearance with cold eyes, and sneered inwardly. This is her own goal, and she has once again pretended to be an obedient girl in front of her parents.

"Okay, let's eat." Zhou Hongshan picked up the chopsticks and started to eat.

Liang Ying smelled the fishy smell in front of her eyes, and suddenly felt something go up in her stomach, and quickly covered her mouth and ran out to retch.

Everyone was stunned.

Li Xiangxiu's eyes lit up, she dropped her chopsticks and followed her out.

Zhou Changguo was stunned for a moment, then chased after him.

After Liang Ying finished throwing up and sat back on the chair again, when she saw the plate of fish, the feeling of wanting to retch came up again.

"Quick, quickly take that plate of rain away." Li Xiangxiu pointed at Yudao.

Zhou Niannian was stunned for a moment, and moved the fish aside.

Only then did Liang Ying feel better.

"Xiaoying, how long have you been like this?" Li Xiangxiu looked at her with bright eyes.

Liang Ying looked bewildered, "I've never experienced such a situation before. I guess I broke my stomach after eating on the train."

Li Xiangxiu leaned close to her ear and asked her in a low voice, "Did you delay that?"

Liang Ying was taken aback for a moment, then murmured after a while: "Well, it's five or six days late."

"Oh, it must have happened." Li Xiangxiu clapped her hands excitedly and shouted.

Zhou Changguo looked at his wife worriedly, and asked stupidly after hearing the words: "What's the matter?"

Li Xiangxiu slapped him across the face, "Silly boy, of course there is a happy event, our Zhou family is going to have a happy event."

 There will be another update after two o'clock in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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