Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 473 I Didn't Do It On Purpose

Chapter 473 I Didn't Do It On Purpose
Zhou Niannian's words dissolved the stagnant atmosphere again.

Yang Shutong hugged Zhou Niannian affectionately and did not let go, while arguing with Li Xiangxiu.

Seeing that everyone at the dinner table was talking about Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng, Bai Yuqing felt a little unhappy.

She specially dressed up today to attend Lu Qingfeng's farewell banquet.

But everyone's eyes were still focused on Zhou Niannian, no one noticed the skirt she was wearing, no one noticed the jewelry she was wearing?
Obviously she is much more dazzling than Zhou Niannian, okay?

But watching Zhou Niannian finished coaxing Yang Shutong, and then went to coax Li Xiangxiu, who hugged her with a smile on her face, Bai Yuqing couldn't help but a flash of jealousy flashed in her eyes.

She had been back at Zhou's house for so long, Li Xiangxiu seldom hugged her, but Zhou Niannian was easily coaxed to smile and hug her intimately.

When Bai Yuqing thought of this, there was a faint unwillingness in her eyes.

"What are you thinking about? You're so preoccupied, eat more food." Chen Shangde put a chopstick of bamboo shoots into her bowl, and said softly, "Eat more food."

Bai Yuqing came back to her senses, glanced at the bamboo shoots in the bowl, frowned, and said in a stiff tone, "I don't like bamboo shoots!"

Chen Shangde was stunned for a moment, put the bamboo shoots into his own bowl, and gave her another chopsticks of meat, "Then you eat more meat."

Only then did Bai Yuqing feel better.

During these days of marriage, she has been holding back her breath.

The high-ranking and superior life she had imagined did not come true. On the contrary, she went to class during the day and helped Chen's mother cook when she got home at night.

Before marriage, Chen's mother's love for her all turned into pickiness after marriage.

He disliked that the vegetables she cut were not fine enough, that the dishes she cooked were too bland, and that she didn't take the initiative to serve her son, but let Chen Shangde serve her instead.

In short, all kinds of complaints and pickiness annoyed her, and she began to miss her life in Zhou's house.

In Zhou's house, Li Xiangxiu was never willing to let her do these things. Sometimes she pretended to be a little bit of a hit, but Li Xiangxiu was not willing to let her do these things, and drove her out of the kitchen.

Why did she still have to do these things to serve Chen's father and mother when she came to Chen's house.

And Chen Shangde, when she complained to him about Chen's mother, Chen Shangde would just let her bear it, and whatever he said was good intentions.

Bai Yuqing was a little disappointed.

Only when she went out with Chen's mother to socialize, and when those female family members who were lower than Chen's position continued to flatter her, could Bai Yuqing feel the sense of superiority that excited her.

Most of the rest of the time, she was a little disappointed in this marriage.

She was eating absent-mindedly, looking at the smile on Zhou Niannian's face, she felt more and more glaring.

Turning her head to meet Liang Ying's gloomy eyes again, she curled her lips, put down her chopsticks, and turned to Qi Jiayan pretending to be concerned.

"Second sister-in-law, what's the matter with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

"Since you sat down just now, I have seen you frown and want to retch."

Bai Yuqing covered her mouth pretending to be surprised, "Oh, second sister-in-law, don't you have it?"

Her voice was high and bright, and all eyes were on Qi Jiayan.

Qi Jiayan was swallowing her food slowly, she really wanted to retch, so she ate very slowly, and tried to eat only vegetables.

When Bai Yuqing's words caught everyone's attention, she was still chewing a chopstick of vegetables.

Startled by Bai Yuqing's words, she choked, and the food she ate just now turned upside down.

She couldn't control it, and only had time to take out the handkerchief, covered her mouth and vomited.

"Jiayan, what's wrong with you?" Zhou Changan, who was beside her, patted her on the back lightly, and asked with concern and worry.

Seeing Qi Jiayan like this, Li Xiangxiu immediately became excited, "Jiayan, do you have it?"

Qi Jiayan took the water from Zhou Changan, rinsed her mouth, and smiled, "I'm not sure yet, Mom, go to the hospital for a checkup in two days."

In fact, her good deed has been postponed for more than a week, and she has been feeling faintly sick for the past two days, and Qi Jiayan herself is a medical student, so she has basically judged that she is likely to be pregnant.

But the Zhou family had just lost a child after all, and there was no diagnosis. Qi Jiayan didn't dare to talk nonsense, for fear of disappointing Zhou Hongshan and Li Xiangxiu, and fearing that Liang Ying would feel bad.

So when she was eating just now, even if she felt a little disgusted, she kept suppressing her choice of vegetables, but Bai Yuqing found out.

Qi Jiayan was somewhat annoyed by Bai Yuqing's meddling.

The atmosphere just now was a bit stagnant, Nian Nian managed to get the topic of the child away, and Bai Yuqing brought the topic back in a few words.

This time it is not so easy to take the topic away.

After all, everyone's eyes are on Qi Jiayan at this moment.

Especially Zhou Chang'an, who knew that he was very likely to be promoted to father, he moved the chair away excitedly, and stared at Qi Jiayan's stomach in disbelief.

"Ga Jiayeon, is it true? Is it true?"

Qi Jiayan rolled her eyes, he was pestering him every day like he was desperate, didn't he count what he did?

She pulled Zhou Changan up, "Dad, Mom, Uncle Lu, Aunt Lu, you guys eat first, I'll ask Changan to take me back."

Qi Jiayan didn't want herself to be the focus at the dinner table, so she decided to go back with Zhou Changan first, and go to the hospital for an examination and diagnosis in the afternoon.

Li Xiangxiu also reacted, and nodded quickly, "Okay, okay, Chang An, take care of Jiayan, you two go back and rest first."

Zhou Chang'an belatedly supported Qi Jiayan, and the two of them left the dining table first.

Liang Ying looked at Qi Jiayan's back, and subconsciously caressed her lower abdomen.

Not long ago, there was a baby living in her place, and she lost the baby because she didn't take good care of it.

Liang Ying's eyes were hot, and she couldn't help lowering her head. After calming down, she stood up and said, "Mom and Dad, Uncle Lu, Aunt Lu, I have something to do at school, so I'm going back first."

"Qingfeng, I wish you all the best abroad."

After that, she bowed slightly, turned and left.

The moment he turned around, Zhou Changguo saw the tear stains falling from the corners of her eyes, he couldn't help but startled, he pulled out his chair and chased her out.

In Nuo Da's private room, only the old Zhou family members were left, Bai Yuqing, Chen Shangde and his wife, Lu Wenhan, Yang Shutong and his wife, Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian.

Bai Yuqing looked at Li Xiangxiu at a loss, with a guilty expression on her face, "I, I seem to have said something wrong. It was really unintentional just now. I cared about my second sister-in-law."

Zhou Hongshan frowned, but did not speak.

Li Xiangxiu sighed, "Forget it, you didn't mean it either."

"Whether it was intentional or not, I'm afraid only she knows in her heart." Zhou Niannian looked at Bai Yuqing coldly, with a cold voice.

This was the first time she coldly choked on Bai Yuqing when her parents were both present.

Bai Yuqing shuddered, and looked at Zhou Niannian with red eyes, "Niannian, what do you mean by that, you...are you suspecting that I did it on purpose?"

(End of this chapter)

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