Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 509 I Have Evidence

Chapter 509 I Have Evidence
Li Anming slowly closed Zhou Niannian's defense plan, "You wrote this?"

"Of course I wrote it." Zhou Niannian looked at him in confusion, "Is there something wrong?"

Li Anming took out a document from the drawer and handed it to her, "This is what Ning Yueting just handed in, take a look."

Zhou Niannian opened it suspiciously and glanced at it, his expression suddenly changed, "This..."

With just one glance, she could see that Ning Yueting's defense plan was almost the same as hers.

Except for some words that are not the same, the concept of defense, the way of questioning and even the traps set between words are the same.

This can't be a coincidence!
"Lawyer Li, what do you think?" Zhou Niannian put two almost identical defense plans on the table, with a calm and calm expression, not in a hurry to defend himself.

Li Anming looked a little serious, "Of course I believe you. Ning Yueting only has solid basic knowledge, but in terms of the depth and breadth of her expertise, she is far behind you."

He picked up Ning Yueting's defense plan and shook it, "This defense plan is not something she can write."

"It doesn't matter if you can't write it, like Qin Xueyi." He took out a defense plan from the drawer, "The plan is mediocre, but there are also some theories that touch on the point. It can be seen that he has put in real effort."

"But Ning Yueting's behavior involves the issue of character. To be a good lawyer, you must first have a good character. If you don't stand upright, you can't be a good lawyer at all."

Zhou Niannian very much agrees with this point.

She also didn't expect that Ning Yueting would plagiarize her defense plan, and she felt that her previous evaluation of Ning Yueting was still not accurate enough.

"You go back first, I will deal with this matter, don't be arrogant." Li Anming said.

Zhou Niannian nodded, stood up, thought about it, and sincerely said to Li Anming: "Thank you for your trust, Lawyer Li."

Li Anming was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "Is there such a thing as polite between you and me?"

Zhou Niannian smiled slightly, "This thank you is what I should say."

She knew that Li Anming trusted her. First, it was because of Guan Ping's face. Second, she had known her before coming here. In addition, when she analyzed the case before, she showed her professionalism, which made Li Anming choose to trust her.

If it wasn't Li Anming today, but another lawyer, without knowing her professional ability, it is very likely that she copied Ning Yueting's defense plan.

In this way, she would have to waste her tongue to defend herself.

So Zhou Niannian is sincerely grateful to Li Anming.

Back in the office, Zhou Niannian's eyes fell on Ning Yueting.

Ever since she left the office to hand in her defense plan, Ning Yueting has been a little restless, her eyes always looking out.

Seeing that Zhou Niannian was back now, but her expression was very calm, she couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

Didn't Lawyer Li question her?
This is not logical.

Li Anming walked into the office with the defense plan, and threw the defense plan on the table in front of everyone in the office.

The slap of the documents on the table shocked the people in the office, and everyone's eyes fell on Li Anming.

"Two of the three defense plans are the same. Zhou Niannian and Ning Yueting have the same defense plans. I want to hear your explanation, Comrade Ning Yueting."

Li Anming's voice was clear and cold, echoing in the office, all eyes in the office were focused on Zhou Niannian and Ning Yueting.

After hearing these words, Liu Sisi, who was sitting in the back row, suddenly remembered the scene she saw at noon yesterday, and looked at Ning Yueting with a subtle look for a moment.

Ning Yueting looked up with a face full of grievances, bit her lips lightly, and was about to cry, "Lawyer Li, why did you ask me to explain first, I obviously handed in the defense plan first, how do I know how to answer?" What's the matter?"

"If you want to explain, you should also ask the person who will hand it over later to explain it?"

The corners of Zhou Niannian's lips curled slightly, and he stood up calmly, "I have nothing to explain. I wrote this plan myself. I can recite and explain every word in it. Can you?"

Ning Yueting's expression changed slightly, and her voice was a little sharp, "Zhou Niannian, what do you mean? Is it amazing that you can recite it?"

"I also wrote my plan myself, and I can tell all the contents in it. Besides, the facts of this case are clear, and the defense plan is not that complicated. I have the same content as you, so there is nothing strange about it. right?"

Zhou Niannian looked at Ning Yueting coldly.

Indeed, there was no suspense or uncertainty in this case, and her analysis was very thorough that day, so the defense plan basically wouldn't be too different.

Since Ning Yueting dared to plagiarize, she naturally thought of an excuse.

"Comrade Xiao Zhou, I know you are alluding to my plagiarism. You will also be a lawyer in the future. You know that lawyers pay attention to evidence, and there is no evidence. Why do you frame me for plagiarism?"

Ning Yueting looked at Li Anming with an aggrieved face, "Lawyer Li, since we both have the same plan, then I have reason to suspect that Zhou Niannian copied my plan?"

Li Anming frowned and did not speak.

Zhou Niannian sneered, Ning Yueting didn't know that Li Anming had known her for a long time, and Li Anming also fully trusted her ability.

If not, I have to say that Ning Yueting's trick is really easy to work. After all, there is no evidence, and people will believe that she copied Ning Yueting.

What Ning Yueting wants is not the exact effect, but to destroy her reputation.

A lawyer whose reputation has been ruined by others can imagine how difficult his future career will be.

"I have evidence!" A loud voice suddenly sounded in the room.

Zhou Niannian turned her head and saw a chubby girl standing up behind her, about the same age as her, with a serious round face.

She pointed to Ning Yueting, "When I came back from lunch yesterday, Comrade Ning Yueting was alone in the office. I saw her standing next to Comrade Zhou Niannian's desk, looking down at the things on Comrade Zhou Niannian's desk. .”

Ning Yueting's expression changed slightly, and her voice was sharp: "Liu Sisi, what are you talking about? When I walked to her desk, I accidentally dropped the rice bowl, so I stopped. I didn't look at her desk at all. There is something."

"Look." Liu Sisi said unconvinced.

Ning Yueting snorted coldly, "Did you see it with your own eyes? You must pay attention to evidence."

Liu Sisi hesitated for a moment, and it was this hesitation that Ning Yueting noticed, and couldn't help but sneer, "Look, you didn't see it with your own eyes, and you wanted to frame me with Zhou Niannian. for her benefit."

"You're talking nonsense! I don't have one." Liu Sisi blushed and argued.

Li Anming's face darkened, "Okay, don't talk about it, Ning Yueting, since you said that you wrote the plan, then you can explain the qualifications of personnel who can do judicial appraisal mentioned in the plan."

 The second update is around two o'clock in the afternoon!
(End of this chapter)

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