Chapter 512

Wu Xuan shrugged, "Who knows, I heard that there was a murder case."

Homicide?Zhou Niannian sat up straight in shock, "What's going on?"

"I don't know the details. Oh, don't talk about him, tell me about you. Why don't you want to be interviewed?" Wu Xuan sat up straight and asked Zhou Niannian seriously.

Zhou Niannian explained his thoughts again.

Wu Xuan pondered for a moment, then pouted, "Okay, I respect your opinion, but you must at least let me write a few words about your interview in the newspaper."

"Other newspapers are not allowed to write, but our own newspaper, you can't also not allow it to write?"

Zhou Niannian looked at her helplessly, "Okay."

Wu Xuan smiled and hugged her, "I know you are the best, thank you."

"By the way, before the interview, I have to ask you a question, where did Ah Liang go? Why didn't I see you bring it to work?"

Zhou Niannian glared at her pretending to be dissatisfied, "Are you here to see me, or to see Ah Liang?"

Wu Xuan giggled, "I have them all, I miss you and Ah Liang, you don't know, since you and Ah Liang left the newspaper, I haven't gotten used to it for many days, plus there are so many new people in the office, I don't even have a There's no one to talk to."

Zhou Niannian was amused by her gloomy expression, "Ah Liang, it has gone to the south, and I don't know when it will come back. When it comes back, I will take it to play with you."

Speaking of which, it has been more than a month since Ah Liang left, and Zhou Niannian has not received any news about it until now. It seems that something really happened to the Niaozu this time.

The interviews passed quickly, and then the newspapers reported various matters related to forensic identification, among which the report on the legal moment was the most profound.

The Legal Moment made a series of themed reports on the complete procedure of judicial appraisal, which are profound and detailed, and it can be seen that they are very professional.

This matter caused a sensation for two days, but was soon covered by a murder case.

It happened on a construction site.

Since the policy reform, Kyoto's economic development has accelerated a lot, and many places have begun to build new playing fields.

On a construction site on Jiaxing Road, construction workers found a female body when they were laying the foundation.

For a while, many newspapers focused on this murder case. There were a series of reports about who the corpse was and why.

The newspapers were full of the news.

Zhou Niannian naturally also read about this incident in the newspaper, but what she didn't expect was that this incident had something to do with them.

As soon as she got to work, she saw Li Dongxing and Yang Jiarui coming to find Li Anming. After a few minutes, Li Anming called her and Qin Xueyi in as well.

"This case is very valuable for research, let's listen to it together." Li Anming motioned them to sit down and listen.

Zhou Niannian nodded to Li Dongxing and Yang Jiarui respectively, and sat down quietly.

"Let's introduce the case first." Li Anming looked at Li Dongxing and said.

Li Dongxing nodded, "We came here this time mainly because of the case of a female corpse found at the construction site on Jiaxing Road. You should have read the newspaper, right?"

This matter caused such a sensation, everyone present naturally knew it.

Li Dongxing continued on.

According to a careful investigation by the Bureau of Investigation, the name of the deceased was Guo Cuizhen, a purchaser of a toilet paper factory.

In fact, Guo Cuizhen disappeared three years ago. According to the head of the procurement department of the toilet paper factory, one day three years ago, Guo Cuizhen took the approval slip from the factory and said that she went to the bank to get money and then went to purchase paper. of wood.

But Guo Cuizhen did not return to the factory until after get off work that day.

People in the factory thought she had bought the wood and went home from work, but Guo Cuizhen still didn't come to work the next day. People in the factory found her home and found out that she hadn't returned last night.

Guo Cuizhen's family and people from the toilet paper factory found the wood processing factory where Guo Cuizhen usually buys, but they were told that Guo Cuizhen did not come to order the goods yesterday.

Guo Cuizhen just disappeared, along with the 5000 yuan she took from the bank that day with the approval slip from the factory.

Not to mention more than three years ago, even now, 5000 yuan is a huge sum of money.

The toilet paper factory suspected that Guo Cuizhen had absconded with the money and reported the case.

The Investigation Bureau investigated for a while, but did not find any suspicious phenomena, and the matter gradually disappeared.

Who would have thought that Guo Cuizhen's body would be found on a construction site three years later.

"According to our examination of the corpse, we concluded that Guo Cuizhen died of suicide, not homicide." Li Dongxing hesitated at this point before continuing.

"The problem now is that the toilet paper factory suspected that Guo Cuizhen was absconding with the money and committed suicide in fear of crime. Therefore, they want to sue Guo Cuizhen and her family and demand that Guo's family compensate the factory for economic losses of 5000 yuan."

"Guo's family also felt wronged and believed that Guo Cuizhen was innocent and might even be killed by the toilet paper factory, so they want to sue the toilet paper factory."

The Guo family was in a stalemate with the toilet paper factory, and at the same time asked the investigation bureau to give an explanation as soon as possible. Li Dongxing had no choice but to think of the legal counsel office.

"We came here to ask, what should we do if the two parties insist on their own opinion in this kind of case and the party involved is dead?"

There was a moment of silence in the office.

No one expected that such a dispute would be involved behind the case of the female corpse at the construction site.

Li Anming frowned, "According to the regulations, if the two parties are in a stalemate, they can sue at the same time, so that the deceased will become the only witness in this case, but the deceased has passed away and cannot speak, so a lawyer needs to conduct various investigations. investigation and evidence collection, and even present evidence for trial.”

When it came to legal issues, Li Dongxing had only a half-knowledge, but after all, Yang Jiarui had been an intern at Legal Moment for half a year, learned some basic legal knowledge, and explained it to Li Dongxing in a low voice.

"Our investigation bureau has no latest investigation findings for the time being, and tried to mediate between the Guo family and the toilet paper factory, but it didn't work. It seems that we can only ask you to help."

Li Dongxing spoke solemnly.

The Investigation Bureau entrusted the Legal Counsel Office to help, that is to help investigate the truth of the case and mediate the conflict between the Guo family and the toilet paper factory.

Li Anming agreed to come over without hesitation, and made a request, "Can we go to the scene of the crime?"

The so-called crime scene is the construction site where Guo Cuizhen's body was found.

"Of course." Li Dongxing stood up straight, "We can go there now, it just so happens that we drove here today, and it won't take long to drive you there."

Li Anming turned his head and glanced at Zhou Niannian and Qin Xueyi, "You two go prepare something, we'll set off later."

Zhou Niannian and Qin Xueyi looked at each other, got up and went back to the office, took the things to prepare, and went directly to the construction site on Jiaxing Road in Li Dongxing's car.

(End of this chapter)

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