Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 519 Guo Cuizhen's Cause of Death

Chapter 519 Guo Cuizhen's Cause of Death
Ding Jun and Guo Cuizhen became lovers just like that.

He has a sweet mouth and can coax people, Guo Cuizhen was soon coaxed towards him by him.

At this time, Ding Jun showed that he was underappreciated for his talents, and he often showed his talents in front of Guo Cuizhen. He should not give in to a small staff member. A small clerk.

Guo Cuizhen felt sorry for her lover, so she helped Ding Jun find a way, and even took out the money she had saved to subsidize Patch Jun, so that he could manage the relationship.

It was at this time that Ding Jun proposed to set up a small timber factory to cooperate with the toilet paper factory, and the timber factory would take orders from the toilet paper factory, but his small timber factory would deliver the goods, and the stamp on it was naturally wood factory.

In short, it is to use the resources of the public to make their own money.

At first Guo Cuizhen was very hesitant and disagreed, but she couldn't bear Ding Jun's teasing.

Ding Jun also said that he had used money to get through the test of their factory manager, and the factory manager would also cover up with him, and half of the money he earned was shared with the factory manager.

Hearing that the director of the toilet paper factory was involved, Guo Cuizhen reluctantly agreed, but she was also afraid of being discovered by the factory leaders, so she only agreed to ship two or at most three orders from Ding Jun's small timber factory every month. .

This continued for half a year, and Ding Jun's small timber factory gradually gained a foothold, earning more and more money, and his appetite became bigger and bigger.

He wanted to expand the size of the timber factory, but the money he made from small businesses was limited.

If you want to expand the scale, you have to invest money in the factory. Ding Jun has already invested a lot of money in it, and he doesn't want to pay for it himself.

After much deliberation, he wanted Wan Shan to pay a sum of money, after all, Wan Shan had taken a lot of money from him in the past six months.

Wan Shan had earned cheap money for more than half a year, and Ding Jun wanted him to pay, but he was a little bit unwilling.

During a meal, Ding Jun introduced Guo Cuizhen to Wan Shan.

When Wan Shan saw Guo Cuizhen for the first time, he was moved by her. He hinted to Ding Jun that as long as Guo Cuizhen could stay with him for one night, he could invest money in the factory.

Speaking of which, Wan Shan is also a scumbag. He used his father-in-law's relationship to get into the position of director of the timber factory. He felt that he had been suppressed by his father-in-law for many years. As soon as his father-in-law passed away, he couldn't wait to mess around.

I heard that several female colleagues in the timber factory were harassed by him.

Now he fell in love with Guo Cuizhen and made such a shameless request.

Ding Jun didn't have any sincerity towards Guo Cuizhen, Wan Shan made a request, and he agreed without too much hesitation.

It was Friday, the day when the toilet paper factory made purchases. Guo Cuizhen went to the bank to withdraw the money. According to the usual practice, she took the money to Ding Jun's small factory and gave the money to Ding Jun's factory.

Ding Jun took her out for dinner and called Wan Shan.

Guo Cuizhen had seen Wan Shan before, so she didn't have any precautions. During the meal, Ding Jun coaxed her to drink a lot of wine.

When the two are together, Guo Cuizhen also drinks some wine, and Ding Jun likes her crazy appearance after drinking.

Guo Cuizhen was so drunk that Ding Jun and Wan Shan led her in through the back door of the guest house.

This is the door that Ding Mao's mother-in-law reserved for him in advance. Every Friday, the door will be reserved for him, and the door of the VIP room will also be opened for him in advance.

Ding Jun left Guo Cuizhen to Wan Shan, and went to live in the next room by himself.

Wan Shan took advantage of Guo Cuizhen's drunkenness to sleep her. Guo Cuizhen thought it was Ding Jun in a daze, so she didn't resist. In the middle of the night, when she woke up, she saw the unshaven and ugly Wan Shan lying beside her. Shan, suddenly the whole person collapsed.

She slapped and scratched Wan Shan frantically, Wan Shan was fast asleep, and was woken up by her scratching. Seeing her crazy energy, she was startled, afraid that something would happen and it would affect her badly, so she hurriedly Put on your clothes and run.

Ding Jun heard the movement and came over to coax Guo Cuizhen.

Guo Cuizhen cried very sadly, scolding Wan Shan relentlessly.

Ding Jun became impatient, couldn't help but lower his face, and said: "What's wrong with Wanshan, the business of the wood factory will be better and the scale will be bigger after following him."

Only then did Guo Cuizhen know that Ding Jun was aware of all this, and it was he who pushed herself into Wan Shan's arms.

This realization made her whole body collapse.

She regards Ding Jun as her love, and feels that she has met a true love. She even plans to divorce her husband, let Ding Jun also divorce, and then they will live together and fly together.

As a result, Ding Jun let someone else sleep on her bed in the blink of an eye.

The beautiful vision and fantasy of love were shattered in an instant, and then she thought that she had paid so much for this relationship, and she, who had never made mistakes in her work, entered Ding Jun's house without telling the factory for Ding Jun's personal benefit. goods.

She even used her salary to subsidize Ding Jun. During the six months of being together, she almost subsidized her salary to Ding Jun.

Now all her efforts have turned into bubbles, an empty dream, Guo Cuizhen can't bear it.

Ding Jun coaxed for a long time, coaxed and lured, seeing that Guo Cuizhen was crying at first, then gradually turned into sobbing, and finally sat blankly in a daze.

It was already midnight, and Ding Jun was sleepy and tired, and fell asleep leaning against the head of the bed.

When he woke up, he was horrified to find that Guo Cuizhen had already collapsed in a pool of blood, and there were so many wounds on his wrist that Ding Jun fell off the bed all of a sudden.

He crawled over trembling, touched with trembling hands and found that Guo Cuizhen was not breathing. Ding Jun was so frightened that he was dumbfounded. After a while, he came to his senses and subconsciously ran out.

In his panic, he didn't forget to go out the back door and ran straight to Ding Mao's house.

Ding Mao happened to be away from home for a few days on a business trip, only his aunt was at home.

Mrs. Ding Mao was also shocked when she heard about Guo Cuizhen's suicide. After being shocked, she looked at Ding Jun who was full of panic, and she calmed down instead.

"What are you afraid of? She killed herself, not you."

Ding Jun was still afraid, "Auntie, I. Although I didn't kill this, if it gets out, I will be ruined."

Mrs. Ding Mao also knew that this matter should not be spread. She raised Ding Jun and counted on him to take care of him in the future.

If something happens to Ding Jun, who will she rely on when she gets old?

"Go, go and dispose of the corpse before dawn," she made a decisive decision and pulled Ding Jun out the door.

Ding Jun looked at her in surprise, "How to deal with it?"

Mrs. Ding Mao rolled her eyes, "Of course it was buried on the spot, and the room should be cleaned up. Anyway, no one knew about the fact that you two had an affair there. Only Wang Dahai saw it. Didn't he let you know?" Is uncle fired?"

"It's just buried in the courtyard of the guest house, no one will find out, why are you panicking?"

In this way, the two buried Guo Cuizhen's body in the courtyard of the guest house overnight, cleaned the VIP room, and left separately when the sky was about to dawn.

(End of this chapter)

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