Chapter 526

Lin Xiaodan looked at the stack of money on the table, and slowly wiped away the tears on his face, the sadness in his eyes faded, and he became expressionless.

After a long time, she picked up the stack of money, with a wicked smile on the corner of her mouth.

She has already been dragged into hell, why should she care about other people's happiness?

So what if Lu Qingfeng won't admit that he has something to do with her?
Sooner or later, whatever she wants will be his.

After eating, Zhou Niannian went to the Investigation Bureau to find Li Dongxing. Li Dongxing was not there, and Yang Jiarui happened to be on duty. Seeing Zhou Niannian approaching, he asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Zhou Niannian told about Yue Xiaomeng and asked them to help find someone.

Yang Jiarui responded immediately, "Don't worry, I'm not busy these two days, I'll help you find it, I believe there will be news soon."

Zhou Niannian just returned home.

That night, she tossed and turned, and had a dream all night. In her dream, she dreamed that Lu Qingfeng took a strange woman's hand and left, and then dreamed that Yue Xiaomeng ran away far away. I can't catch up.

She didn't sleep well all night, and she felt a little top-heavy when she woke up the next day. When she got up, her eyes went dark, and she sat back on the bed with a plop.

It was belatedly that she realized that she had a fever. She must have returned from the park yesterday, sweating all over and being blown away by the wind.

She lay down with her eyes closed for a while, then got up and went downstairs to call the Legal Counsel's Office, asking for a day off.

Zhou Niannian decided to rest at home for a day. During this time, she was too tired to work on Guo Cuizhen's case.

Li Xiangxiu found her cold medicine, let her take it and then go to bed.

Zhou Niannian squinted again, woke up and found the house was quiet, presumably Li Xiangxiu went out to buy groceries.

She lay in bed and would be dazed.

Sunlight poured in through the windows, illuminating the room brightly, and half of the bed was bathed in sunlight, making people feel warm.

Zhou Niannian got up and took out a pen and paper, wanting to write a letter to Lu Qingfeng.

After writing a beginning, she paused again, hesitating whether to write what Wang Yumei said.

I wrote it and went to ask, I felt as if I didn't trust him, but if I didn't ask, I always felt like I had something in my heart.

Zhou Niannian felt a little contradictory.

Writing stopped and stopped, and she didn't finish writing a page for a long time, so she simply put away the pen and paper and stopped writing.

It's a pity that I can't make overseas calls now, otherwise I can make a phone call and ask, and everything will be explained clearly.

She wrote letters like this, and it would take a month for Lu Qingfeng to come back after seeing the letter, and it would take a month to write back and forth, which is troublesome when you think about it.

Hearing the sound of the door opening downstairs, Zhou Niannian got up and got out of bed, it must be that Li Xiangxiu came back from shopping.

She was about to go downstairs for some activities, but she heard Li Xiangxiu's exasperated voice from downstairs, "Listen to what she said, what does it mean that Qingfeng doesn't want my house to read, bah, I want to tear her mouth apart. "

Zhou Niannian paused when she went downstairs and stopped on the stairs.

The people downstairs are Li Xiangxiu and Yang Shutong.

Yang Shutong was obviously also a little angry, but her tone was quite calm, "Wang Yumei's mouth is unreasonable, you can't make her proud, I understand my son, he will not want anyone else in his life except Nian Nian. "

After Yang Shutong finished speaking, he patted Li Xiangxiu's hand, "I won't let you argue with her in the compound, because I don't want those good people to see the joke, it doesn't mean we are afraid of her."

Li Xiangxiu snorted, and sat on the sofa angrily, "We don't care about her, why don't we let her talk nonsense that fills the compound."

Yang Shutong sneered, "The mouth is on her face, let her talk, let's ignore her, and anyone with a discerning eye will know what's going on."

"Besides, Qingfeng will come back at the end of the year, and our two families will hold a lively wedding for Qingfeng and Niannian, and then it's time to slap her in the face."

Li Xiangxiu hesitated for a moment, but finally couldn't hold back, and sighed, "You said that Qingfeng won't be true."

"Impossible." Yang Shutong stared, "This kid has been following Nian Nian closely since he was ten years old. I know my son very well. Except for Nian Nian, he doesn't like anyone."

Li Xiangxiu was still a little worried, "Then what's the matter with you talking about this gossip? I'm not worried about Qingfeng, I'm just afraid that this kid is honest and will be tricked by those out there with a lot of heart. "

Yang Shutong frowned, "If that's the case, this kid deserves a beating too much. How about it, I'll go back and write him a letter to ask him what's going on."

After all, she couldn't sit still anymore, and immediately got up and went home.

When she walked to the door, she thought of Zhou Niannian and told Li Xiangxiu, "This matter sounds a bit sad, if Niannian hears some gossip..."

"Aunt Lu, I heard it yesterday." Zhou Niannian couldn't help laughing as she came down from the stairs.

Yang Shutong didn't know that she was resting at home today. When she saw her coming down the stairs, she was startled, and quickly said, "Nian Nian, you can't believe these crazy words. I'll write a letter to ask Qingfeng to come back. I will explain it to you myself."

Zhou Niannian shook her head, "No need, Aunt Lu, I believe in Lu Qingfeng, if he really has second thoughts, I won't let him go."

Yang Shutong: "."

Listening to the tone, there is a bit of pettiness, forget it, she should go back and write to her son as soon as possible.

After Yang Shutong left, Li Xiangxiu looked at Zhou Niannian worriedly, "Niannian, are you okay? Mom also thinks that Qingfeng is not this kind of person."

Zhou Niannian smiled slightly, "I'm fine, Mom, don't worry."

Even so, Li Xiangxiu was still worried, touched her forehead, and found that the fever had subsided, and urged her to go upstairs to rest.

"It's rare for you not to go to work, so lie down and rest."

Zhou Niannian couldn't resist her, so she had to go upstairs.

When she returned to her room and saw that she had written half of the letter, she suddenly smiled.

Yes, what is she struggling with? The two mothers understand better than her. In fact, she doesn't even need to write a letter to ask for proof. Lu Qingfeng grew up with her. It makes no sense that she doesn't believe in Lu Qingfeng's behavior. To believe Wang Yumei's two words of instigation.

After thinking about it, Zhou Niannian felt that his mind was much clearer, and he felt that his moodiness all morning must be due to a fever and confusion.

She picked up the pen and paper again and wrote a letter to Lu Qingfeng, without mentioning a word of what Wang Yumei said.

After she mailed the letter the next day, she went back to work.

Yue Xiaomeng just disappeared from the capital.

Yang Jiarui checked for two days, but only found out that Yue Xiaomeng had bought a train ticket going south, and the last time he appeared was at the Kyoto train station.

As for where she went and what she did, no one knew.

She didn't even go to school to go through any withdrawal or suspension procedures, and just disappeared.

Li Chengyu looked for Yue Xiaomeng for a long time, but there was no news, and he gradually fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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