Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 533 Willing to Listen to You

Chapter 533 Willing to Listen to You
The conversation in Lin Xiaodan's ward continued.

Hearing what the man said, Lin Xiaodan frowned, and said puzzledly: "I don't understand, since you can let the doctor do the case for me, you should be able to do something with Zhou Niannian, right?"

She pouted outward with her mouth, "You let the doctor tamper with her medicine, so that she will suffer from lifelong sequelae, wouldn't it be more revenge?"

The man chuckled and couldn't help looking at Lin Xiaodan for a moment.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Lin Xiaodan pouted.

The man looked away slowly, "No, I'm just surprised that you, a little girl, are quite ruthless when you speak and do things. You are a good seedling, much better than your aunt."

Lin Xiaodan snorted, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

She was not such a ruthless person, her life was ruined on that night more than a month ago.

Thinking of what happened that night, Lin Xiaodan turned pale, closed his eyes, and said stiffly: "I will cooperate with you in the future, you go first, don't let anyone see you."

The man didn't speak, but got up and walked out neatly. When he reached the door, he said: "Sometimes, the torture of the mind is far more unbearable than the pain of the body."

Lin Xiaodan's lips trembled, and he remained silent.

Lin Xiyun was outside the door. As soon as the man came out, he immediately took his arm, "What are you talking about, talking for so long?"

According to the relationship of the Lin family, when Lin Xiaodan was admitted to the hospital, Lin Xiyun asked her for a single room, which was still on the top floor. At the moment, the corridor was quiet and there was no one there.

The two walked towards the stairs while talking.

Hearing this, the man stood still, raised Lin Xiyun's chin with his fingertips, and smiled charmingly, "What? Even eating jealousy from my niece?"

Lin Xiyun spat at him, "What nonsense are you talking about? I blame you. I haven't seen anyone for several months. Now that I'm back, I'm going to deal with the Zhou family in a mysterious way. The two of us didn't even have the time to sit down and have a good meal." No."

"Hurry up, when I'm done with this matter, the two of us will not only have time to eat." The man clung to Lin Xiyun's ear and blew lightly.

Lin Xiyun blushed, secretly blaming herself for being worthless. After all these years, she could still be so easily teased by this man.

"Yao Shicai!" She couldn't help glancing at the man secretly, "I'm telling you the truth."

The man was Yao Shicai who had been missing for a long time. He chuckled, "I mean it too."

Lin Xiyun had no choice but to thump his arm, "If you want me to say that your methods against the Zhou family were a little too harsh this time, it's just a little girl's film, so you can just teach me a lesson?"

Yao Shicai's eyes became a little gloomy, but there was still a faint smile on his face, "She sent my nephew to prison with her own hands, and caused our Yao family to lose a lot of business. The suspicion has not been cleared yet."

"This account is not something that can make me feel relieved by taking a lesson."

Yao Shicai stood still at the top of the stairs and hummed softly.

If it weren't for Zhou Niannian, he would have already established a one-stop service for the prostitute business and the singing and dancing entertainment industry in Kyoto.

Because of Zhou Niannian, he had no choice but to hastily close the singing and dancing entertainment industry that invested a lot of money.

The singing and dancing entertainment industry has just emerged in China and is developing at an extremely fast speed. His ending just gave others an excellent opportunity.

When his suspicions are completely cleared, this piece of fat will not be eaten by others.

As a result, the Yao family not only lost a large amount of money, but most importantly, his previous plan to expose the Yao family's money failed.

He had to look for opportunities again and invest in capital operations.

All this is because of that yellow-haired girl Zhou Niannian, how could Yao Shicai not hate her.

And more importantly, Yao Shicai did not say that he would take such a ruthless attack on the Zhou family, mainly to attack and warn Zhou Niannian.

He had a strange hunch that if Zhou Niannian wasn't suppressed earlier, she would definitely have a very bad influence on their Yao family in the future.

"I have to stay and take care of Xiaodan. I won't send you back. Be careful." Lin Xiyun's words brought Yao Shicai back to his senses.

The gloom in his eyes faded away, he curled his lips and smiled, pecked Lin Xiyun, reached out and rubbed her again, "I'm leaving, I'll come to you when I'm done."

After that, he lifted his foot and went downstairs.

Lin Xiyun looked around with a guilty conscience, and was quietly relieved when she saw that there was no one. Then she turned her head, and there was no sign of Yao Shicai on the stairs.

She patted her hot face, blaming herself for being worthless.

When she first fell in love, when she met Yao Shicai for the first time, she fell in love with him at first sight. For all these years, for his sake, she did not get married, and under the name of an old girl, she loved it.

This man is probably her descendant in this life.

In the ward downstairs, Zhou Changguo had two broken ribs, and he was awake after undergoing surgery.

Liang Ying went to the cafeteria to order a meal. When she entered the door, she happened to see Zhou Changguo woke up and trying to sit up.

She exclaimed, put the lunch box aside, and quickly pressed Zhou Changguo's shoulder, "What are you doing, the doctor said you can't move for the time being."

Zhou Changguo smiled lightly, "I'm not that weak, it doesn't matter if I move around a bit."

Liang Ying was extremely stubborn, pressing his shoulders and refusing to let go, "No, you have to listen to the doctor's orders, and you are not allowed to move."

Zhou Changguo turned his head and looked at her deeply, his dark eyes were a little bright, and there was a touch of meaningful joy, "You care about me so much? Huh?"

Liang Ying's hands froze, and then she realized that she was holding Zhou Changguo anxiously. The distance between the two of them was a little close, so close that she could clearly smell the disinfectant on Zhou Changguo's body.

She still likes the smell of clean soap on his body before, and the smell of disinfectant is not pleasant at all, Liang Ying thought subconsciously.

Zhou Changguo had already laid down slowly, with an obedient look, "Let me go, I won't move around anymore."

"Really? Are you willing to listen to the doctor?" Liang Ying looked at him suspiciously.

Zhou Changguo shook his head, "No, I'm willing to listen to you. If you don't let me move, I won't move."

What I said sounds weird.

This man seems to like to say some inexplicable things to her recently, which is not like Zhou Changguo before.

Liang Ying pursed her lips, let go of her hand with a complicated expression, and brought the food over, "I went to the cafeteria to order some food, let's eat."

Zhou Changguo looked at her worriedly, "I can't move, how can I eat?"

Liang Ying bit her lip lightly.

Zhou Changguo made a gesture to sit up, "Forget it, I'd better sit up and eat slowly by myself."

Liang Ying held him down, "No, I'll feed you."

She lowered her head and didn't notice the triumphant smile that flashed past Zhou Changguo's mouth.

 The child had a high fever at three o'clock in the middle of the night. I got up and wiped his body with warm water until the fever subsided in the morning, and the high fever reached 40 degrees in the afternoon. The child was suffering from illness and collapsed...

(End of this chapter)

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