Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 548 She Didn't Guess Wrong

Chapter 548 She Didn't Guess Wrong

Wang Yumei pursed her lips and said nothing.

When Lin Xiyun approached her back then, she promised her that as long as she spoke against Zhou Niannian, she would guarantee her son a job that everyone envied.

Li Chengyu is currently studying business management. According to the normal arrangement, he will probably be assigned to work in a certain factory after graduation.

Wang Yumei is used to saving face, she can't accept her son becoming an ordinary worker in the factory, even a small leader, she can't accept it.

She wanted her son to work in a government agency. That kind of job is a solid job and a decent job.

But if there is any change in the Yao family.
"It's not a day or two for our colleagues," Wang Yumei interrupted Lin Xiyun's words, "I'll just cut to the chase. I know that the man behind you is from the Yao family. When you came to me, I also believed that someone With the strength of the Yao family, I am willing to promise you."

Lin Xiyun's expression changed suddenly, and she stood up abruptly, "Wang Yumei, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Wang Yumei curled her lips, with a hint of disdain in her expression, "We are no longer colleagues for a day or two. You haven't married for so many years, isn't it because of that man?"

She has known Lin Xiyun since she was young, married and had a child, and the child has grown up, but Lin Xiyun has never been married.

Many colleagues talked about Lin Xiyun in private.

Once by chance, Wang Yumei met Lin Xiyun and Yao Shicai walking together with an intimate expression. Since then, she observed carefully and knew that Lin Xiyun had always had someone in her heart, and it was Yao Shicai.

Wang Yumei didn't tell anyone about this matter, but when Lin Xiyun came to her and asked her to testify against Zhou Niannian, she promised that her position as the eldest brother would be enough to arrange a good job for Li Chengyu.

Wang Yumei didn't really believe it. Lin Xiaodan's father had been in the military for so many years and had little involvement in other departments. She really didn't believe that he had such great power.

What she thought of was the Yao family behind Lin Xiyun.

But now that she heard that the Yao family was about to change, she couldn't sit still.

Lin Xiyun's expression was extremely ugly, but she didn't leave immediately, but sat down slowly.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Wang Yumei couldn't help leaning forward, "I heard that the eldest brother of the Yao family, the second brother will be passive recently? If their positions are lost, how can they be able to arrange work for my son?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Lin Xiyun frowned.

Wang Yumei couldn't help but lower her face, "Lin Xiyun, you don't want to hide it until now? Say your elder brother can arrange work for my son?"

"Everyone is in this circle, and they know more or less about the things in the circle. Your brother's influence is not in this area, and I'm not a fool, so don't be fooled by me."

Lin Xiyun stroked her hair back, pursed her lower lip, and said in a low voice, "Who did you hear that there was a change in the Yao family? Why didn't I hear the news?"

Wang Yumei refused to say that she heard about it at the vegetable market, "Don't worry about whoever you heard it from, just tell me if there is such a thing?"

"Let me tell you, I only agreed to you because I saw that you could arrange a job for my son. If you can't do this, I will regret it."

"You..." Lin Xiyun gritted her teeth, wanted to get angry but held back her temper, took a deep breath and said patiently: "It's nothing, the position of the Yao family is stable, you can rest assured."

"Really?" Wang Yumei looked at her suspiciously.

Lin Xiyun squeezed out a few words, "Of course it's true, do you want me to write you a letter of guarantee?"

Wang Yumei quietly breathed a sigh of relief, secretly blaming the fat woman for talking nonsense.

"There's no need for a letter of guarantee. As long as you remember this matter, you can arrange it for me as soon as possible." She said with a shy expression.

"Of course I'll make arrangements for you after the matter is finished." Lin Xiyun snorted, picked up the satchel on the table, turned her head and left first.

Wang Yumei curled her lips at her back, "What's the air? I've been sleepless by a man for so many years, and I didn't even give you a title, hmph!"

She drank the tea in the cup slowly, then turned and left.

There were three people sitting quietly behind the seat where they were sitting just now. All three of them were wearing hats with their brims pulled down a bit.

After Wang Yumei left, one of them raised his head, and it was Zhou Niannian.

With a pen in her hand, she recorded all the conversation between Wang Yumei and Lin Xiyun just now.

"How is it? Is the picture clear?" She asked Wu Xuan who was opposite in a low voice.

Wu Xuan pulled off the hat on her head and let out a sigh of relief, "This hat is a bit tight, but it strangled me to death."

She gestured to Zhou Niannian that there was no problem, "Don't worry, although the shooting angle is a bit tiring, with my technique, I can still take a clear picture of these two people without letting them find out. "

Zhou Niannian breathed a sigh of relief.

She guessed right, Wang Yumei was bribed to give false testimony.

With the photos taken today and the chat records she compiled, she will be able to refute Wang Yumei's witness at that time.

"At that time, I will go to the court to be a witness to prove today's conversation." Yang Jiarui, who was next to Wu Xuan, said, turned to see Wu Xuan rubbing her head, obviously a little uncomfortable being strangled by the hat, so she subconsciously stretched out her hand to help her rubbed his head.

Zhou Niannian's eyes widened in shock, seeing Yang Jiarui's skillful movements, it was obvious that this was not the first time he had done this.

"You guys." She pointed to Yang Jiarui and Wu Xuan, "You guys... when did it happen?"

Wu Xuan stuck out her tongue at her, feeling a little embarrassed.

Yang Jiarui held Wu Xuan's hand frankly, and said to Zhou Niannian: "It's only recently that I figured out my feelings, so that's why we're together."

Zhou Niannian was overjoyed, "This is a good thing, congratulations, it seems that you will be able to drink your wedding wine soon."

"Who said that?" Wu Xuan raised her head arrogantly, "I haven't thought about it yet."

Yang Jiarui looked at her nervously, "You still want to?"

"Hmph, that depends on your performance." Wu Xuan was very reserved at this time.

Zhou Niannian couldn't help clapping her hands with laughter, "Yes, you should check it out before getting married."

"Hey, where are you from?" Yang Jiarui looked at Zhou Niannian with a bitter look on his face, "It's fine if you don't help, it's a waste of help."

Zhou Niannian made a grimace, "Of course I'm on Axuan's side."

Wu Xuan smiled and hugged Niannian next week, "Niannian, I knew you were after me."

Yang Jiarui was dumbfounded by the two people, shook his head, and turned the topic back to the case, "Isn't it not sufficient to say that Wang Yumei committed perjury based on the photos and the chat records we compiled?"

 It's the last day of 2019, I wish you all a happy new year and all the best in 2020!

(End of this chapter)

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