Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 552 She Was Testing

Chapter 552 She Was Testing
Li Xiangxiu didn't think much, and said casually, "He's upstairs."

As soon as the words fell, he suddenly realized that there was not only Zhou Changguo upstairs, but also Lu Qingfeng.

She glanced at Zhou Niannian nervously.

Zhou Niannian's hand holding the kitchen knife was tight, and then let go calmly, "Mom, you can go up with her to see big brother."

Li Xiangxiu reacted and nodded.

She pulled Bai Yuqing upstairs, and shouted loudly upstairs: "Chang Guo, Qingqing has come to see you."

Bai Yuqing glanced at her, "I'll just go up and see my elder brother, don't be so loud, and wake him up again."

Li Xiangxiu smiled embarrassingly, but did not speak.

Zhou Niannian looked at the backs of the two people upstairs, knowing that Li Xiangxiu was giving a reminder to Lu Qingfeng upstairs.

She didn't say much, and with Lu Qingfeng's vigilance, she was sure to be able to hide early.

Bai Yuqing went upstairs to chat with Zhou Changguo and expressed concern, and Zhou Niannian went upstairs to ask them to eat.

Li Xiangxiu and Bai Yuqing came out of Zhou Changguo's room, and when they were walking towards the stairs, Lu passed Zhou Niannian's room.

Bai Yuqing suddenly became unsteady, staggered, bumped into Zhou Niannian's door on the left, and knocked the door open.

Li Xiangxiu screamed subconsciously.

Bai Yuqing grabbed the doorknob and stood up straight, but smiled wryly in the next second, "It's broken, I seem to have sprained my foot."

Li Xiangxiu screamed the moment she pushed the door open, and subconsciously glanced at the room, but she didn't see Lu Qingfeng's figure, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhou Niannian frowned and looked at Bai Yuqing, but said nothing.

Bai Yuqing raised her head and looked at Zhou Niannian timidly, "Niannian, you don't mind resting in your room for 2 minutes?"

Li Xiangxiu stepped forward to support Bai Yuqing, and gave her a bad look, "You are so old, you can't even walk steadily, are you okay? Mom will help you go downstairs to rest."

Bai Yuqing shook her head, "It's fine."

She tried to take a step forward, then ouched again, and fell limply to the ground.

"Nian Nian, it seems that I can only rest in your room for a while, don't you want to?"

Zhou Niannian folded her arms around her chest and looked at her slightly mockingly, "You can do whatever you want."

With Li Xiangxiu's hand strength, Bai Yuqing slowly moved to the side of the bed, sat down on her buttocks, and then swept across Zhou Niannian's room seemingly unintentionally.

Li Xiangxiu followed her eyes nervously.

She didn't know why she was nervous. She didn't think that Bai Yuqing had to hide this matter, but Zhou Niannian said it, and she just followed suit.

But she was still subconsciously nervous.

"Speaking of which, I really seldom come to think about the room. I didn't expect you to tidy it up so neatly." Bai Yuqing's eyes swept over the cabinets, the dressing table and even the corners of the balcony.

Zhou Niannian curled the corners of her lips, but said nothing.

"Qingqing, the food downstairs is cold, why don't mom help you go down to eat first." Li Xiangxiu stepped forward to help Bai Yuqing, "after dinner, mom will take you to the hospital to have a look at your feet."

"It's okay, I just twisted my tendons. I didn't know what happened just now. My eyes went dark and I almost fell down. Maybe it's because I'm too tired recently." Bai Yuqing looked back and stood up with Li Xiangxiu's hand .

The two walked out of the room, Zhou Niannian scanned the room before closing the door of her own, and was also a little surprised where Lu Qingfeng was hiding.

She closed the door and was about to go downstairs when Qi Jiayan just came out of the room and pointed to her, Zhou Niannian immediately understood.

It turned out that Lu Qingfeng ran to the room of the second brother and Jiayan.

He really reacted quickly, otherwise, with Bai Yuqing's temptation just now, it would really be unsafe for Lu Qingfeng to hide in his room.

Yes, to test, Zhou Niannian felt that Bai Yuqing was here for Lu Qingfeng.

She just wanted to test whether Lu Qingfeng was at Zhou's house.

Zhou Niannian frowned, a little confused about Bai Yuqing's motive for doing this.

Did she simply find herself disliked and wanted to make trouble for herself, or did she have other purposes? ,

Zhou Niannian rolled her eyes and went downstairs thoughtfully.

Li Xiangxiu had already packed up the food and put it on the table. Seeing Zhou Niannian coming down, she quickly put a large bowl of food in a porcelain jar, added two more bowls of rice, and handed it to Zhou Niannian.

"Send it to your elder brother first, or it will be cold in a while."

Zhou Niannian glanced at the portion of the food, knowing that she was serving Lu Qingfeng's and Zhou Changguo's food together, she took it calmly, went back to the kitchen to get the chopsticks, turned and went upstairs.

Bai Yuqing swept a bowl of Li Xiangxiu's meal, "Brother has such a good appetite, how can you eat so much?"

Li Xiangxiu groaned, and Qi Jiayan next to her covered her mouth and smiled, "No, ever since elder brother was injured, mom was always afraid that he would not have the strength to recover from his injury, so she tried hard to let elder brother eat every meal. I think elder brother will gain weight soon Woke up."

"That's right." Bai Yuqing said oh.

Li Xiangxiu handed her a bowl of pointed rice, and said following Qi Jiayan's words, "If you can come back every day, Mom will definitely make you fat, come on, eat more."

Bai Yuqing was distracted by the bowl of pointed rice, "It's too much, I don't want to get fat."

When Zhou Niannian went upstairs, Lu Qingfeng was already in Zhou Changguo's room.

She was afraid that Bai Yuqing would become suspicious, so she didn't dare to stay longer, so she went downstairs to eat.

While eating, Bai Yuqing asked about Zhou Niannian's lawsuit with concern.

"The child in that woman's belly can't really be Lu Qingfeng's, right? If that's the case, Lu Qingfeng is going too far."

Zhou Niannian frowned, and retorted coldly, "Of course not, Qingfeng is not that kind of person."

"That's good, that's good." Bai Yuqing patted her chest, with a relieved look on her face, "After I found out about this, I was always worried about you."

In fact, she wished that the child belonged to Lu Qingfeng, so that Zhou Niannian would be abandoned by Lu Qingfeng, or break up with Lu Qingfeng, she was happy to see a joke.

"But Qingfeng is far away abroad. If you can't prove this when you start the trial, you have the motive to hurt others." Bai Yuqing asked with concern, "How are you going to deal with it?"

Zhou Niannian was eating with her head down, pursed her lips when she heard this, seemed a little angry.

For a moment, she muttered in a low voice, "Anyway, Qingfeng will be back soon, and he will definitely be able to prove that the child is not his."

"What? Is Lu Qingfeng coming back? When?" Bai Yuqing asked in surprise.

Li Xiangxiu and Qi Jiayan looked at each other in dismay, not understanding why Zhou Niannian brought up this matter in front of Bai Yuqing.

But Qi Jiayan still has a tacit understanding with Zhou Niannian. Although she didn't understand Zhou Niannian's actions, she immediately cooperated with a surprised expression, "Niannian, have you connected with Lu Qingfeng? That's great." Now, when will he come back?"

(End of this chapter)

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