Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 558 How Did He Get In?

Chapter 558 How Did He Get In?
Lin Xiaodan's face was pale, and her defense lawyer was also pale.

Apart from the high price offered by the client, another very important reason for him to take this case is that he has seen all the evidence, and he himself has deduced the chain of evidence himself, and believes that everything is perfect.

He didn't think the case was too difficult to fight.

But reality slapped him hard.

The witnesses and testimonies they listed, all the evidence was deciphered by Guan Ping one by one.

His defeat has already begun to emerge.

After Guan Ping reprimanded Lin Xiaodan, he turned to the presiding judge, "The reason why I am so convinced that my client is innocent is that there is another very important person, that is, my client has no motive to harm Lin Xiaodan at all."

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden commotion at the scene.

Even Lin Xiaodan's defense lawyer frowned, somewhat puzzled by Guan Ping's defense routine.

Generally speaking, if his client has no motive for committing the crime, as a lawyer, he should raise this point of view at the very beginning of his defense.

Guan Ping did not, but broke through the witnesses and evidence she listed one by one, and finally pointed out that Zhou Niannian had no motive for committing the crime.

What kind of trick is this?

Guan Ping took out a record from his bag and handed it to the presiding judge's bench, "This is the testimony of Zhou Niannian's fiancé's classmate studying abroad, proving that Lu Qingfeng was not close to Lin Xiaodan at school at all, and had never had a relationship with Lin Xiaodan. Lots of contact."

"This testimony has been filed and notarized in foreign police stations."

"In addition, there is Zhou Niannian's fiancé's personal certificate."

After Guan Ping finished speaking, a tall man with a hat suddenly stood up in the auditorium. It was Lu Qingfeng.

Lin Xiaodan looked at Lu Qingfeng in disbelief, he was dumbfounded.

Didn't Yao Shicai say that Lu Qingfeng hasn't come back yet?

Didn't he say that Lu Qingfeng would never appear in court?
How did the man in front of him get in?Did it fly in?
Lu Qingfeng will report to the court one by one the several contacts he had with Lin Xiaodan during his study abroad, and finally concluded: ".That night, I did save Lin Xiaodan, but I went late. When I went, she After being given by one of the thugs, I sent her home"

"Lu Qingfeng! Shut up, shut up, don't talk anymore, don't talk anymore." Lin Xiaodan suddenly stood up emotionally, staring at Lu Qingfeng palely, his eyes full of grief and indignation.

"Why? Why are you saying it?"

Lu Qingfeng pursed his lips, with a sarcastic expression on his face, "I'm not a Bodhisattva, if someone cuts me down, how can I still say I'm doing well?"

Lin Xiaodan glared at Lu Qingfeng angrily, and suddenly broke down emotionally. She was about to rush out of the seat crying.

"I hate you, Lu Qingfeng, I hate you!"

Lin Xiaodan's whole body was a little broken, and his speech was a little incoherent.

"I hate you, why can't you always see my sincerity for you, why? Why is there always only Zhou Niannian in your eyes?"

She rushed out of her seat, staring at Lu Qingfeng obsessively, with endless grief and sadness in her eyes.

"Where am I worse than that Zhou Niannian? We will study abroad together, study together, and stay abroad together in the future. How wonderful it would be."

"Why don't you accept me?"

As she spoke, she burst into tears and rushed towards Lu Qingfeng, "Don't you know that I like you?"

"If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be what I am today. It's all because of you, Lu Qingfeng."

She didn't fall on Lu Qingfeng, but was pulled back by Lawyer Zhao with a dark face.

As her defense lawyer, lawyer Zhao was afraid that Lin Xiaodan would say other words that were not good for her, so he pulled her back at the critical moment.

Lin Xiaodan broke down emotionally, lying on the seat mourning and suffering.

No one knew her inner breakdown at the moment.

That night, she was actually waiting for Lu Qingfeng on the road.

That road is the only way for Lu Qingfeng to go back, and she has secretly observed it many times.

She also spent money to arrange those gangsters. She just wanted to stage a plot where Lu Qingfeng was a hero saving the beauty, but after that, she relied on Lu Qingfeng as a matter of course.

But I don't know which part went wrong.

The gangsters who came here actually made a real move on her, and really gave her to...
However, Lu Qingfeng came back very late that night, and when he passed by, one of the gangsters had already got his hands.

At that time, Lin Xiaodan could be said to be in pain, regret and collapse, and he didn't think about plotting against Lu Qingfeng.

In the following month, she lived in great pain. Every night when she closed her eyes, it was the picture of that night.

But she was pregnant, and when she found out she was pregnant, she even wanted to die, but she didn't have the courage.

Almost all her living expenses were used to hire those gangsters. After thinking about it for several days, she finally decided to go to the hospital to abort the child.

She went to borrow some money from Lu Qingfeng even if she had no money, but she hesitated after getting the money, she was afraid to go to the hospital alone.

In the end, she returned to China with the money, but met Yao Shicai.

Yao Shicai didn't know why, but there was a photo of her being abused by the gangsters in his hand. Yao Shicai used this as a condition to discuss cooperation with her, and she had no way to refuse.

Once those photos were exposed, she could no longer gain a foothold in society.

So she chose Yao Shicai to cooperate
At the moment when Lu Qingfeng appeared, Lin Xiaodan felt panic, fear and hatred. All kinds of complex emotions were intertwined, which completely broke her down.

Although lawyer Zhao defended her in every possible way, when the court pronounced the verdict, Zhou Niannian was still acquitted of the crime of intentional injury.

Lin Xiaodan lost the lawsuit, but the court stated that it would communicate with the corresponding units and deal with the perjury and medical records involved in this case as soon as possible.

After winning the lawsuit, Lin Xiaodan gave Niannian a disgruntled look, and finally lay down on the table silently.

Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng walked out of the courtroom hand in hand.

The reporters who had been waiting outside swarmed forward, scrambling for interviews.

Zhou Niannian announced the result of her victory in an unhurried manner.

In the teahouse opposite the court, Yao Shicai stared darkly at Lu Qingfeng who walked out of the court together with Zhou Niannian, "How did he get in? How did he get in?"

He kicked his subordinate's leg angrily, "Didn't you promise that not even a fly could get in the courtroom? Then how did Lu Qingfeng get in?"

The subordinate had a sharp pain in his leg, but he endured the pain and did not dare to cry out. He hugged his feet and said in a low voice: "This subordinate can see clearly. There are people from us all around the court. It is true that we did not see Lu Qingfeng go in."

As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly widened, and he remembered something.

"Oops, we didn't check the court to pick up the doctor's car!" The subordinate hit his head and suddenly realized.

Yao Shicai glared at him angrily, "Didn't I tell you to keep an eye on it? That's how you do things for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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