Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 560 Unforgivable

Chapter 560 Unforgivable
"Of course the child will come back." Zhou Changguo said with certainty.

Only then did Liang Ying realize that she had spoken what was in her heart.

She stared blankly at Zhou Changguo.

Zhou Changguo held her hand tightly, with a focused and affectionate expression, "Liang Ying, after going through so many things, I have deeply seen my own mind."

"Early after we got married and returned to Kyoto, I fell in love with you, but I didn't know it myself."

Having said that, Zhou Changguo sighed.

"If I could know my mind earlier and tell you earlier, you wouldn't have to spend the whole day in anxiety, and neither would our children."

"In short, everything is my fault, it's my fault, but, Liang Ying, my feelings for you are real, I really love you, give me another chance, okay?"

Liang Ying stared blankly at Zhou Changguo, as if Zhou Changguo spoke the language of an alien planet and she couldn't understand it at all.

Zhou Changguo said he loved her?

Did she hear it right?

It took Liang Ying a long while to find her voice, and when she spoke, she felt her throat tightened and her voice was dry.

"Didn't you say...that it was an instinctive reaction when you saved me last time?"

She thought that Zhou Changguo would confess that he loved her last time, so he saved her without hesitation, but Zhou Changguo said it was an instinctive reaction.

Instinctive reaction
Liang Ying still remembers how disappointed she was when she heard these four words.

But Zhou Changguo now says he loves her
"It is indeed an instinctive reaction, because I love you, so when danger strikes, the instinctive reaction is to protect you." Zhou Changguo clasped her hand and explained in a low voice.

Liang Ying was dumbfounded.

Is that what he meant by the instinctive reaction he said at the time?

Zhou Changguo let out a dry cough in embarrassment, and lowered his head, "Actually, I was not sure about your thoughts at the time, and I was afraid of you."

After a pause, he continued: "I was afraid that you would be grateful because I saved you. If I confessed to you at that time, it would be difficult for you to reject me because of gratitude, but I didn't want to force you."

Liang Ying was annoyed and funny when he heard this.

Just because of this inexplicable reason, I have been suffering for so long like a frying pan?

She really wanted to slap Zhou Changguo's head away and see what was going on in his mind?
"Then why are you willing to say it now?"

Zhou Changguo pursed his lips, "It's Nian Nian, Nian Nian came to see me yesterday and chatted with me."

"Nian Nian said that if you didn't have feelings for me, you wouldn't delay divorce with me for so long, it's just that you were hurt, so you should be more cautious."

"I'm a man, I should be brave."

When Zhou Changguo said this, his face was a little dark red, but his eyes were unusually firm.

"I thought about it for a long time last night, and finally figured it out. Since I'm sure I'm in love with you, I shouldn't be vague about it,"

"Today I will make it clear, if you love me, we will live a good life in the future, if you don't love me"

Liang Ying tilted her head and looked at him curiously, "If I don't love you, what should I do? Divorce me?"

A look of sadness flashed in Zhou Changguo's eyes, and he blurted out without thinking, "Impossible, I will kill you and not divorce you, at most. At most, I will treat you twice as well in the future, and one day you will fall in love with me again."

He looked at Liang Ying stubbornly and intently.

Liang Ying couldn't help but chuckle.

Seeing her smile, Zhou Changguo's eyes lit up, and he asked cautiously, "Then your answer is."

Liang Ying lowered her eyes. She is not a shy woman. After thinking about it, she said straightforwardly: "Zhou Changguo, have you made up your mind? I only give you this chance, if you return later."

"I promise it won't happen again. There won't be any more things like before. I won't let you suffer any more." Zhou Changguo was ecstatic, and pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly.

Liang Ying's words were interrupted, she hesitated for a while, but in the end she didn't finish the rest, but reached out and hugged Zhou Changguo gently.

The two hugged each other quietly for a while, before Liang Yingcai said in a low voice, "You mean our child, can he come back?"

"Yes, definitely will." Zhou Changguo said firmly.

The case between Zhou Niannian and Lin Xiaodan was reported in great detail by the legal system at all times, and the incident involving Wang Yumei's perjury and the hospital's opening of false medical records were all reported mercilessly.

Lin Xiaodan's attending doctor and two nurses were naturally fired, and their careers came to an end here.

Wang Yumei was fired from her work unit.

She was going to retire in less than two years, but now she was expelled by her unit on the grounds of perjury, poor character, and tainted moral character.

It can be said that Wang Yumei has lost everyone. Her husband Li Chengyu's father has also been implicated. Although the work unit did not fire him, they also criticized him by name.

Li Chengyu's father thought about it for two days, quietly retired early, and returned home.

It is said that Wang Yumei cried at home for two days and quarreled with Li Chengyu's father almost every day. Neighbors often heard their house throwing and smashing things.

Li Chengyu came to Zhou's house once, saw Zhou Niannian, sighed, and apologized to Zhou Niannian.

"I'm sorry, I didn't stop my mother, she..." He wanted to say that Wang Yumei's character was too stubborn, but thinking that Wang Yumei was doing it for his own good, he couldn't say these words after all.

Zhou Niannian smiled, "I understand."

She didn't blame Li Chengyu, but she couldn't forgive Wang Yumei either.

For Wang Yumei, she wanted to help her son have a good future, but a single testimony from her might ruin her own future.

Li Chengyu also understood this truth, and he was not in a position to beg Zhou Niannian to forgive Wang Yumei.

He couldn't let it go, let alone Zhou Niannian.

Li Chengyu fell silent, sat for a while and then left.

I met Lu Qingfeng outside.

"Brother Lu." Li Chengyu glanced at Lu Qingfeng, put his hands in his pockets, and silently kicked the pebbles under his feet.

"Let's go out and have a drink." Lu Qingfeng walked out with his arms around his shoulders.

Li Chengyu froze, but did not refuse.

The two went to the small restaurant they frequented, ordered some dishes and two bottles of wine.

Li Chengyu poured wine for himself, and before the food came, he had already drank two glasses with a sullen head.

Lu Qingfeng looked at him silently, without stopping him.

Li Chengyu was a little drunk, his head hung on the table, and he slowly closed his eyes, "Brother Lu, why do you think people have to live within the framework they set for themselves?"

"Is the vision and evaluation of others really that important?"

"Why do people have to live so vainly? Isn't it good to be more comfortable? Why do you have to compare status, background, and money?"

Li Chengyu had a nasal voice, and there was a hint of pain in his voice.

(End of this chapter)

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