Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 564 Happy Birthday, Mrs. Lu

Chapter 564 Happy Birthday, Mrs. Lu
Lu Qingfeng's low laughter came from the darkness, with a hint of drunkenness.

"Today is the day of our marriage registration. How can I get drunk on such an important day?"

The corners of Zhou Niannian's mouth could not help but curl up.

"Actually, I remembered that there was one important thing I didn't tell you, so I came here." Even in the dark, Lu Qingfeng accurately captured her lips, and kissed her deeply.

"What are you talking about?" Perhaps in the dark, people's senses are more sensitive, Zhou Niannian felt his breath, and his whole body was a little dazed by him.

Lu Qingfeng opened her lightly, fresh air came in, and her mind was a little clear, and then she heard his hoarse voice.

"Happy birthday, Mrs. Lu!"

Zhou Niannian was stunned for a moment, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raised high, "Thank you, my Mr. Lu!"

Her words were like turning on a switch of a certain seal of Lu Qingfeng. She clearly heard Lu Qingfeng's low smile, and then the passionate breath covered her again.

In the darkness, she only had time to say vaguely: "I have to go to work tomorrow."

(You know, please make up your own brain for content that is not suitable for children.)
Zhou Niannian woke up in Lu Qingfeng's arms.

When she opened her eyes, she met a pair of bright black eyes, staring at her intently.

After being stunned for a second, Zhou Niannian remembered that she and Lu Qingfeng had obtained the certificate yesterday.

Lu Qingfeng didn't go back last night.

"Morning, wife." Seeing her wake up, Lu Qingfeng pressed a kiss on her forehead.

Zhou Niannian frowned, "Good morning, husband."

Lu Qingfeng's eyes deepened, and he couldn't help covering her eyes with his hand, and said in a rough voice, "Don't look at me like this early in the morning, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it."

Zhou Niannian couldn't help but blushed, subconsciously shrank back into the bed, and muttered in a low voice: "Actually, well, I can actually do it."

Last night, Lu Qingfeng went through almost all the steps, except for the last important link.

Obviously, the two of them had obtained their marriage certificates and were legally husband and wife, but Zhou Niannian couldn't understand why he stopped at the last moment.

Lu Qingfeng smiled wryly, and after he calmed down for a long time, he murmured sullenly, "It's even more painful if you can't enjoy yourself to your heart's content. I'd better wait until the day of our wedding ceremony."

Zhou Hongshan insisted on waiting for Zhou Niannian and Lu Qingfeng to finish their wedding ceremony before letting Zhou Niannian move to Lu's house.

Zhou Niannian was full of confusion, not understanding what Lu Qingfeng meant,
However, Lu Qingfeng patted her on the cheek and hugged her tightly, "Hey, go to sleep, you will understand when the time comes."

Zhou Niannian: "."

When Lu Qingfeng heard Zhou Niannian's soft murmur that it was okay, the look in his eyes seemed to be darkened, he took a deep breath, and jumped up from the bed in a moment.

"Aren't you going to go to work? Get up quickly, I'm going to work too."

After that, he put on his clothes indiscriminately, and jumped out of the window, his back was in a hurry as if there was a dog chasing after him.

Zhou Niannian couldn't laugh or cry.

She pulled the quilt and stayed in bed for a while, remembering what happened last night, her face couldn't help getting hot, and it took a long time to wake up.

She got up and tidied up before going to work. It was almost the Chinese New Year, and she had to go to work for a few days before the year.

There was still some time to tidy up, so she found some blank paper, sat down and quietly sketched out the style of the wedding dress she wanted to wear.

She decided to take Lu Qingfeng's suggestion and design her own wedding dress.

Zhou Niannian drew two sketches and two suits for Lu Qingfeng, and decided to go back and discuss with Lu Qingfeng.

Seeing that it was almost time, she got up and went downstairs to have breakfast, and then went out to work with the wedding candy prepared yesterday.

The people in the legal counsel office were all surprised when they received her wedding candy.

Ever since Zhou Niannian was involved in Lin Xiaodan's case, she has been suspended from work. Now that she won the lawsuit, she can return to work.

Unexpectedly, on the first day of her return, she sent out wedding candies and told everyone that she was married.

Liu Sisi excitedly bumped her with his arm, "You're quick enough, you will get married as soon as you win the lawsuit, are you going to have a double happiness?"

Zhou Niannian chuckled, "Of course."

She took a bag of wedding candy to Li Anming's office.

Li Anming was also a little surprised, and immediately blessed her happily, "Mr. Guan will be very happy when he finds out."

"I haven't told him yet. I'll go see his old man after get off work today." She planned to go to Guan Ping's house for dinner with Lu Qingfeng after work, and send invitations and wedding candies.

Li Anming nodded, "The trial that day was very exciting. Mr. Guan is Mr. Guan. The opponent who hit him as soon as he made a move has no power to fight back. It is admirable."

Zhou Niannian really admired Guan Ping from the bottom of his heart.

Speaking of which, it was the first time she saw Guan Ping defending in court. She didn't look as sharp as lawyers usually do, and her attitude was calm and even a little kind, but the questions she asked were interlocking and she kept stepping closely. Forced, making people powerless to fight back.

After work, Zhou Niannian took Lu Qingfeng to Guan Ping's house.

Guan Pengtian was not at home and went to other places, saying that he was going to open branches in other cities, so he went to investigate first.

Guan Ping was very happy to know the news of the registration of the two people, took out a rare wine and drank two glasses with Lu Qingfeng, and then babbled a lot about asking Lu Qingfeng to take good care of Zhou Niannian.

Zhou Niannian saw that there was a hint of sadness in his words, and knew that he was a little drunk, probably thinking of his daughter.

Leaving from Guan's house, the two held hands and walked slowly towards the compound.

"Old Guan really loves you." Lu Qingfeng whispered, it was the first time he saw Guan Ping nagging like this, "Let's take good care of him in the future."

Zhou Niannian nodded, Guan Ping really loved her as his junior, she was really lucky.

In the evening, she showed Lu Qingfeng the wedding dress design she had drawn, "Help me see which one looks better."

Lu Qingfeng took it over, looked at it carefully, pointed to the first picture and said, "This one, it looks elegant and elegant, it's very suitable for you."

Zhou Niannian lowered her head and took a look. The wedding dress in the blueprint had a wide skirt, and a layer of light gauze trailed the floor. It was full of stars, which looked eye-catching.

Another piece of light gauze layered on top of each other looks really complicated.

"Then the first one, do you want to send the drawings to Guangcheng?" Zhou Niannian really liked the first one.

Lu Qingfeng shook his head, "I've already selected a place today, and I'm going to go to the industrial and commercial department to register tomorrow. I'm going to set up my own clothing brand first, and open a clothing factory first."

"I've already thought about the name, it's called Yun Zhishang, how about it?"

Zhou Niannian silently said it a few times, and couldn't help clapping her hands, "That's a good name."

I didn't expect Lu Qingfeng to be so active, planning so many things in just one day.

"It seems that studying abroad is very hard, and I learned a lot." She praised Lu Qingfeng with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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