Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 592 The Key

Chapter 592 The Key
Director Zheng looked at Zhang Lixian and his decadent couple with gloomy faces, sighed, and reached out to pat Zhang Lixian on the shoulder.

"You used to be a village cadre, so you shouldn't be unable to understand the country's policies. I still say that if Zhang Peilan is really proven to be a murderer, the law will definitely not bypass her, but if your son proves otherwise You have to accept the cause of death."

After finishing speaking, he turned to Gao Zhiyong and Zhou Niannian and said, "Let's go in too."

Zhou Niannian and Gao Zhiyong looked at each other, and silently followed Director Zheng into the consulting office.

In an instant, only Zhang Lixian and his wife and the Zhang family relatives they brought were left at the door.

They looked at each other, a little dumbfounded, and they didn't know why they were the only ones left all of a sudden.

"Lixian, what should we do now?" Someone asked Zhang Lixian in a low voice.

Zhang Lixian didn't expect that his move not only didn't hurt Zhou Niannian at all, but also attracted the leaders of the county.

He gritted his teeth sullenly, "Let's continue to sit here."

After finishing speaking, he greeted his mother-in-law to pull up the white cloth again and sat down.

The people behind looked at each other, and an old man who was older than Zhang Lixian said in a low voice: "Lixian, I think this trick is useless, the county leaders have already said it, this is just a judicial procedure, not necessarily to cover up that piece of paper Perrin."

"How about we go home and wait and see?"

Zhang Lixian moved his lips, but said nothing.

His mother-in-law sat on the ground and cried, cursing as she cried, "I don't understand what policies are or are not. Dongzi must have been killed by that bad woman Zhang Peilan. I want her to pay for Dongzi's life."

Since her son's death, Mrs. Zhang Lixian has been cursing Zhang Peilan day and night at home, and now she is a little crazy.

The relatives of the Zhang family saw that someone took the lead in speaking out what was in their hearts, and they all got up and began to persuade Zhang Lixian.

"Brother Lixian, I don't think there is any use for us to do this. This... This can be regarded as going against the county. You are willing that the brothers all have families, so they can't stay here with you all the time."

"Yes, Lixian, why don't you go back first."

Everyone persuaded Zhang Lixian with a few words, and they all thought of retreating in their hearts.

At first they really felt that Zhang Dong's death was wronged, so they defended the Zhang family, but after so many troubles, their views on this matter gradually changed.

Even the cadres in the county came out to explain. If they persisted, would they also break the law?

Everyone muttered in their hearts, and gradually retreated. Seeing that everyone knew the same, they said a few words of relief and got up and left.

They all still have a living to do, and those who have families and mouths, no one can stay here with Zhang Lixian and his wife.

"Let me tell you, Lixian and his wife are too stubborn. Didn't Director Zheng say just now that the defense is not a cover-up? If Zhang Peilan really killed him, he will be sentenced." Someone whispered, and the figures gradually faded away. went.

Zhang Lixian and his wife were the only ones left at the door of the consulting office.

Zhang Lixian stared at the door of the consulting office with a gloomy expression, hesitation and struggle flashed in his eyes.

Zhou Niannian followed Director Zheng into the office, and said solemnly: "Thank you Director Zheng for making a rescue today. If you don't come in time, I really don't know what to do."

Director Zheng waved his hand and smiled, pointing at Gao Zhiyong, "Comrade Gao reacted very quickly, and went to my office to find me as soon as he found something wrong."

Zhou Niannian was a little surprised. He didn't expect Gao Zhiyong to find Director Zheng.

"Boss Gao, thank you very much."

Gao Zhiyong looked a little unnatural, and snorted, "You think this matter is your own business, but this is our business, we can't let you, a little girl, carry it alone in the front."

Zhou Niannian couldn't help laughing, he didn't expect Gao Zhiyong to have such an obvious change after talking openly and honestly with Gao Zhiyong.

If I knew she should have talked to Gao Zhiyong earlier.

"I know that the public opinion in front of you is not good for you, but I am very pleased that the two of you can persevere." Director Zheng sighed, "What are you going to do next?"

Gao Zhiyong glanced at Zhou Niannian and motioned for her to explain.

Zhou Niannian said that he had already submitted an application for another autopsy, " we will wait for the investigation bureau to notify you."

Director Zheng pondered for a moment, "Re-doing the autopsy is not an easy task. Even if the Bureau of Investigation agrees, the Zhang family will not agree."

Speaking of Zhang Lixian and his wife, Director Zheng did not forget to tell Gao Zhiyong: "Remember to get them water and food, don't let them suffer too much."

Gao Zhiyong nodded and wrote it down, knowing in his heart that there is really no better way to deal with Zhang Lixian and his wife.

"The most difficult thing is the autopsy, if the Zhang family disagrees," Gao Zhiyong asked hesitantly.

Zhou Niannian pursed her lips, "According to the law, when designing a criminal case, sudden death or sudden death, or suspected homicide or suicide, the Bureau of Investigation can force an autopsy. Now it depends on the situation of the Bureau of Investigation."

To conduct a new autopsy, the Bureau of Investigation must approve the analysis report submitted by Zhou Niannian, and they will also seek medical experts for identification and analysis before making a final decision.

The next thing they can do is to prepare materials and wait for the notification from the Bureau of Investigation.

Zhou Niannian was not idle while waiting, she began to prepare to write a defense report for Zhang Peilan.

Because Gao Zhiyong had already approved of Zhou Niannian's approach, Zhou Niannian asked all the interns in the institute to make a defense report to exercise them.

Zhang Lixian and his wife sat at the entrance of the consulting office for two days, and the people in the consulting office took good care of them. They really couldn't do it after sitting for two days. Finally, under the persuasion of their village cadres, they followed back to the village.

Seeing this, Zhou Niannian breathed a sigh of relief, she was really afraid that Zhang Lixian and his wife would not leave, so she kept sitting at the door of the consulting office.

She was very confident in the analysis report she submitted, and sure enough, within five days, the Bureau of Investigation informed her to come over.

After she went there, comrades from the investigation bureau told her that the expert committee organized by the bureau had approved the analysis report she submitted and officially approved her report on re-conducting the autopsy.

Zhou Niannian let out a long sigh, the result of the re-autopsy is the key to this case.

To redo the autopsy report, people from the Investigation Bureau need to go to the Zhang family to issue a notice, and then the autopsy can be carried out.

The re-autopsy was scheduled for the next morning. Zhou Niannian, Xiang Wei and Xiang Jingshan went to Ershengtou Village together with the two forensic doctors invited by the Investigation Bureau from the hospital.

Zhang Dong had already been buried, and they went to Zhang's cemetery under the leadership of Ershengtou village officials.

Before the construction started, a cry was heard, and Mrs. Zhang Lixian rushed out from the crowd, and fell down in front of Zhang Dong's grave, crying.

She was still holding a kitchen knife in her hand. Mrs. Zhang Lixian put the kitchen knife across her neck and shouted hoarsely: "Whoever dares to touch my son's grave, I will die in front of you."

 Dear friends, please rest at home during the Chinese New Year, and remember to wear a mask when you go out!

(End of this chapter)

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