Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 597 The second fire

Chapter 597 The First Fire
"What do you regret?" Zhou Niannian blinked, "You regret letting me be a lawyer?"

Lu Qingfeng nodded, "Well, I really want you to stay at home with peace of mind, eat, drink and have fun, just be happy, and I will worry about everything else."

Zhou Niannian sneered, "Eating, drinking and having fun, are you trying to raise me like a useless person?"

Lu Qingfeng hugged her into his arms and kissed her hard, "Even if you are useless, I will still love you."

Zhou Niannian rolled his eyes, "I don't want to be a useless person. To be honest, Qingfeng, I like the profession of lawyers. Although it may be risky, it gives me a sense of accomplishment."

She looked at Lu Qingfeng seriously, "So I hope to get your support, okay?"

Lu Qingfeng looked at her deeply, and for a moment, sighed deeply, "Okay, but you have to promise me that you must pay attention to your own safety in the future, and don't let yourself get hurt, okay?"

Knowing that Lu Qingfeng was worried about her, Zhou Niannian raised her hand to promise with a smile, "I promise that my personal safety will be the premise, okay?"

Lu Qingfeng took her hand and held it tightly, "Let's go, go back."

"How long can you stay here in Zezhou?" Zhou Niannian asked happily, shaking the hands tightly held by the two.

"A week or so. I'm going to the south after that. Some clothing manufacturers in several cities in the south are interested in cooperating with me. This time, I'll go over and talk about cooperation." Lu Qingfeng said.

It seems that Lu Qingfeng's Yunzhishang brand clothing business is doing well, and Zhou Niannian is really happy for him to come here, and thinking about the two of them spending a week together, the joy radiating from the bottom of his heart cannot be concealed.

The two returned to Zezhou County. The couple had been newly married for less than a month, and then suddenly separated for more than half a month. Naturally, it was a good night to say goodbye to the newlyweds.

The result of indulgence was that Zhou Niannian was almost late for work the next day.

Xiang Wei looked at Zhou Niannian who hurried in in a strange way, "Lawyer Zhou usually comes very early, why did he come so late today?"

Zhou Niannian uncomfortably pulled up the collar of her thin sweater, secretly glad that the weather is not too hot and the turtleneck sweater can still be worn.

"Well, that one went to Mengjiang Village yesterday." She recounted what Zhang Lixian did yesterday and took the opportunity to change the subject.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Xiang's nephew and all the interns were very angry and talked a lot, and they forgot to discuss the reason why Zhou Niannian was almost late.

"Lawyer Xiao Zhou, Xiaoxin is still at Meng's house, do you think Zhang Lixian will not give up and go to Meng's house again?" Xiang Jingshan asked worriedly.

Zhou Niannian nodded, "It's very possible. Although I've described it as powerful, it may not be effective. Jingshan, you go to the Investigation Bureau of Jinchuan Town today and report the situation to them to see if they can protect Xiaoxin for a while. "

Xiang Jingshan nodded and took note, packed his things and left.

Zhou Niannian asked everyone to hand in Zhang Peilan's defense reports that she requested earlier, and she read them one by one.

After two days like this, Xiang Jingshan hurried into the office with a stack of newspapers.

He is responsible for collecting the newspapers of the consulting firm.

"Lawyer Zhou, lawyer Xiao Zhou, guess what the theme of this legal moment is?" Putting the newspaper in his hand on the table, Xiang Jingshan picked up the top newspaper and smiled excitedly at Zhou Nian.

Zhou Niannian raised his brows, and said with a smile, "Should there be no suspicion or no crime?"

The excited smile on Xiang Jingshan's face suddenly froze, and it took a long time before he asked in a daze, "How do you know?"

Zhou Niannian smiled mysteriously, pulled out the newspaper from his hand, saw the big headline on it, couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth in satisfaction.

Legal Moment is now a nationally distributed newspaper, but it takes time from Kyoto to Zezhou. When they saw this newspaper in Zezhou, Kyoto had already published it for at least two days.

As expected, Wu Xuan still acted so vigorously, she probably started to act after hanging up her phone.

Zhou Niannian continued to look down. Wu Xuan invited many lawyers to discuss their views. Of course, everyone's views were different, but it was undeniable that Wu Xuan had set her on fire.

"Lawyer Zhou, your phone number." Gao Zhiyong called Zhou Niannian from the office next to him.

"Here we come." Zhou Niannian put down the newspaper, got up and walked out.

Xiang Wei walked over curiously and picked up the newspaper to read it. When he saw the headline on it, he raised his eyebrows.

"Third Uncle, don't you think Lawyer Xiao Zhou is so powerful that she can even guess the topic of the newspaper." Xiang Jingshan whispered with admiration.

Xiang Wei patted him on the head with a newspaper, "You idiot, does Lawyer Xiao Zhou know the foresight?"

Xiang Jingshan scratched his head in confusion, "Then why do you think Lawyer Xiao Zhou can guess the title?"

Xiang Wei looked down at the topics in the newspaper, then shook his head towards Xiang Jingshan, "Are you stupid, where did Lawyer Xiao Zhou come from?"

"Kyoto!" Xiang Jingshan said without thinking, and then frowned even higher, "But what does this have to do with where she comes from?"

Xiang Wei shook his head, took the newspaper and returned to his seat, "Don't say you are my nephew when you go out, I am so honored."

Xiang Jingshan reacted quickly this time, "Third uncle, do you want to say that I am embarrassing for you, you have used the wrong idiom."

Xiang Wei: "."

When Zhou Niannian picked up the phone, it was Wu Xuan who called, "How is it? Niannian, have you read the newspaper?"

"Well, you did a good job. You are indeed the most famous editor-in-chief in Kyoto." Zhou Niannian praised with a smile.

Wu Xuan's happiness was heard very clearly on the phone, and she didn't hide it, "This is only the first issue. I did it again today, and I specially invited Mr. Guan. I told Mr. Guan about your case. I will definitely support you.”

"You still hired a teacher?" Zhou Niannian said, "I didn't even call the old man, for fear of exhausting him."

Wu Xuan was somewhat disapproving, "Guan Lao is a highly respected senior in the judicial circle, and his two sentences are more effective than other lawyers' ten sentences."

"Nian Nian, it's fine if we don't have such resources, it's useless if we have them."

Zhou Niannian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I can't tell you, I'll tell the teacher face to face when I go back, by the way, when will you and Yang Jiarui come back?"

"I bought a train ticket for tomorrow and arrived in Zezhou early the morning of the day after tomorrow. You just happened to pick us up. I have already thought about it. Using your case as the theme of the third issue fits the current theme, perfect!"

Zhou Niannian was speechless, "You still haven't forgotten about your work when you come back to see your future in-laws. It seems that you really want to be a strong woman."

The two smiled and chatted for a few words before hanging up the phone.

"You don't need to ask, this thing seems to be your idea." Gao Zhiyong shook the legal time in his hand, and looked at her with a smile.

Zhou Niannian shrugged, "Whether it is successful or not, the first fire must be lit first."

(End of this chapter)

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