Seventy Legally Blonde

Chapter 695 I Know It Was Wrong

Chapter 695 I Know It Was Wrong

Lu Qingfeng kissed her on the forehead, hugged her and lay down again, and said silently for a moment: "You two brothers are fine, dad... is a little sad."

To say that he was a little sad would be an understatement. Zhou Hongshan's state was distressed mixed with remorse, and sad with self-blame.

Bai Yuqing really hurt the old man too badly.

Lu Qingfeng told Zhou Niannian what Bai Yuqing had said, and Zhou Niannian was very angry when she heard it, "She made a mistake herself and blamed all the mistakes on others. How come she hasn't realized her own problem until now."

Lu Qingfeng sighed, "A person has grown crooked from the root, no matter how much you break it, you can't straighten it."

Bai Yuqing's growth environment from childhood to adulthood made her grow crooked from the root.

"If my mother finds out about this, I don't know how sad it will be." Zhou Niannian said worriedly.

Lu Qingfeng tightened her grip, "No, think of a reason to hide it from Mom, and the two brothers will take her to surrender. If she surrenders, the sentence should not be too severe."

"It's getting late, go to bed quickly."

Zhou Niannian hummed lightly, but she still couldn't sleep well. She woke up at dawn and went to Zhou's house nearby.

"Why don't you go to work?" Li Xiangxiu asked in surprise when she saw her coming.

Zhou Niannian hugged Li Xiangxiu's arm and acted like a baby, "I want to eat the pimple soup made by my mother."

Li Xiangxiu felt amused and relieved, hugged her and said: "You child, if you want to eat pimple soup, ask Qingfeng to tell me, mom will bring it to you when it's ready."

Zhou Niannian hummed, "I have to move around too. It's not porcelain, it will break if you move it."

Zhou Hongshan came out of the room with a tired expression and blue eye circles. It looked like he hadn't slept all night.

Zhou Niannian's lips moved. After all, she couldn't say anything in front of Li Xiangxiu, so she said with a smile, "Dad, send me to work after dinner. You haven't seen me off for a long time."

"You child," Li Xiangxiu nodded her forehead with a smile on her face, "you are so grown up, you still want to act like a baby to us two."

"No matter how old she is, she's still your daughter." Zhou Niannian squinted her eyes and sat in Li Xiangxiu's arms, looking satisfied.

Zhou Hongshan and Zhou Niannian looked at each other, saw the worry in her eyes, nodded slightly, "Okay, Dad will take you to work."

After dinner, the father and daughter went out together and got into the car to take Zhou Hongshan to work. Zhou Hongshan asked the driver to take Zhou Niannian first.

"Dad, are you okay?" Zhou Niannian looked at Zhou Hongshan worriedly, "This matter"

Zhou Hongshan sighed deeply, and patted Zhou Niannian on the shoulder, "Don't worry, Dad is fine, he will be fine in a few days."

He thought a lot last night, and repeatedly thought that if he would be stricter with Bai Yuqing when he got back, would she not be like this now?
But then he thought that if he had been strict with her from the beginning, it might cause her to retaliate even more. These thoughts repeatedly tormented in his heart, causing him great pain.

"Dad, these things are not to be blamed on you and mother. A person's personality has been fixed, and it is difficult to be easily changed. Everything is the result of fate." Zhou Niannian didn't know how to explain Zhou Hongshan, so he could only talk about fate.

Zhou Hongshan hummed lightly, "I just hope that she can change her mind and change her past in the future."

Zhou Niannian was noncommittal about whether Bai Yuqing could change her mind and change her past. When she was a teacher in a mountain village in her previous life, she also read information about Bai Yuqing from newspapers. At that time, Lu Qingfeng was already a very successful businessman. Follow him and help him with his business.

The scraps of information read in the newspapers could not determine Bai Yuqing's personality.

When they arrived at the legal counsel's office, Zhou Hongshan sent Zhou Niannian to the office before turning around and leaving.

Zhou Hongshan's back was a little hunched, as if he had aged a lot overnight, and Zhou Niannian's eyes were a little sour.

Besides, Zhou Changguo and Zhou Changan, as soon as the sky was bright, they twisted Bai Yuqing to the investigation bureau to find Li Dongxing and Yang Jiarui, saying that Bai Yuqing was going to surrender.

Bai Yuqing spent the night in extreme torment and collapse, crying, scratching Zhou Changguo, Zhou Changan brothers, and finally even knelt on the ground begging, the Zhou brothers were unmoved and insisted on taking her to the investigation bureau.

When she arrived at the investigation bureau, Bai Yuqing's eyes were already red and swollen, her expression was haggard, and she didn't look like a popular star at all.

Yang Jiarui was fine, he went all the way to Hong Kong with Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Niannian, and then returned to Kyoto. On the way, he and Zhou Niannian had analyzed and deliberated about the port bombing, and more or less guessed that it was related to Bai Yuqing.

Li Dongxing was very surprised. Besides being surprised, he felt the Zhou family's integrity and righteousness.

He asked the question in person, and Yang Jiarui recorded it, but Bai Yuqing remained silent and didn't say anything.

Li Dongxing looked at Zhou Changguo in embarrassment.

Zhou Changguo frowned slightly, with suppressed anger between his brows. He lowered his voice and said to Bai Yuqing: "The things you did are not without trace, but there are still witnesses. If you take the initiative to confess now, the sentence will still be fine. Take it lightly, if you have to wait for witnesses to testify against you in court before arresting you, then you may have to squat in it for many years."

With a pale face, Bai Yuqing glanced at Zhou Changguo bitterly, and finally lowered her eyes dejectedly, "I confess."

She intermittently explained the process of her conspiracy with Yao Shicai, and kept emphasizing, "I just provided information to Yao Shicai, and I made an agreement with him not to hurt my mother. If I hadn't cooperated with him, Yao Shicai would have planned to kidnap my mother." , maybe my mother will be seriously injured."

Li Dongxing said with a blank face: "You just need to explain the facts, and don't speculate on things that haven't happened."

Bai Yuqing's expression froze and she didn't say anything.

After the confession was over, Li Dongxing told Yang Jiarui to temporarily take Bai Yuqing into custody. Before Bai Yuqing was taken away, he suddenly pulled Zhou Changguo beggingly, "Big brother, second brother, please help me, okay? I want to go out and film."

"I beg you, please help me talk to my father, I know I'm wrong, I really know I'm wrong."

Perhaps it was the people from the Investigation Bureau who stood behind Bai Yuqing, which finally gave her a sense of fear, and begged Zhou Changguo bitterly.

Zhou Changguo and Zhou Changan looked at each other, then sighed, and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, we will arrange the work for you. You should reform inside and strive to come out as soon as possible."

Bai Yuqing was taken away by the investigators while crying.

The two brothers of the Zhou family walked out of the investigation bureau with a heavy heart.

Zhou Changguo is the eldest brother after all, and he has been in the army for many years, so he adjusted his emotions quickly, and told Zhou Changan, "Go home and talk to your siblings, don't let your mouth slip, and let our mother know."

"Don't worry, I understand." Zhou Changan nodded solemnly.

Evidence of the Yao family's corruption has been submitted to the court, and the whole set of procedures has been completed, and the Yao family was soon sentenced to a heavy sentence.

Because of Bai Yuqing's testimony and Xiao Wei's testimony, Yao Shicai was the murderer of the port bombing. Within a few days, Yao Shicai was sentenced to death.

(End of this chapter)

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