I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 104 Han Jiajin 04

Chapter 104
This morning, news came from the top management that Song Daxing will arrive at the company at three o'clock in the afternoon.

"Who is interested in seeing the demeanor of Song Daxing?" Kong Ru likes to join in the fun.

"After seeing Song Daxing, I dare not look at myself anymore." Xu Yonglin picked up a small mirror and took a picture.

"If I had the face and figure of Song Daxing, I wouldn't be a clerk." Kong Ru was full of envy.

"With your brain, you will not be able to catch up with the big star Song in ten lifetimes." Xu Yonglin said bluntly, did Xiao Ru think that she could become a star just because of her face and figure?

Zhen Ni sneered in her heart, the president was not interested in a beauty like Song Daxing, but was interested in an ordinary woman like Yan Xi.

The landline suddenly rang, and Yan Xi picked up the receiver to answer it.

"What are you doing?" Gu Jinluo asked, did she finish the work arranged yesterday?

"Nothing." Yan Xi played the game very bored.

"Are you free?"

"Hmm." Even if she doesn't do anything, the company still pays her salary. Where can I find such a position.

"Come to my office, and I'll arrange a job for you." Gu Jinluo said, he had countless jobs to keep her busy.

Yan Xi hung up the line, left the administration department, and went up to the 29th floor.

A trace of doubt flashed in Zhen Ni's beautiful eyes, did the CEO call Yan Xi up again?


CEO's office.

Gu Jinluo sat on the swivel chair to prevent her from skipping work, so he decided to arrange some difficult tasks for her.

"Have you completed the task assigned to you by Secretary Tian yesterday?"


"It's very efficient. Enter the data into the form, count the results, and hand it over to Assistant Qin for proofreading after completion." Gu Jinluo rolled out a stack of thick questionnaires, which he deliberately found work from other departments.

"Understood." Yan Xi picked up the questionnaire.

When Yan Xi walked out of the CEO's office, he happened to meet Tian Na.

Tian Na's eyes darkened, and she looked at the documents in Yan Xi's hand. Before that, Yan Xi's secretary was just a casual job, but yesterday afternoon, the president suddenly handed over her job to Yan Xi. Of course, she was worried that Yan Xi would replace her, and she couldn't lose for the time being. This job.

The two met head-to-head and looked at each other, which was regarded as a greeting between colleagues, but they passed by without speaking to each other.

Tian Na went to the president's office.

"President, the content of the meeting has been prepared. Ms. Song and her agent will come to the company around three o'clock in the afternoon."

"She finished all the work assigned to Secretary Yan yesterday?"

"When I got off work yesterday, Secretary Yan sent me all the completed work. I haven't finished proofreading yet." Tian Na deliberately worked overtime for half an hour yesterday, and has already proofread most of it. She was busy preparing for the meeting this morning and had no time to finish it. , and these copywriting is not urgently needed.

"How is Secretary Yan doing? Tell me straight from your point of view."

"Well, Secretary Yan's work efficiency is very high, and no mistakes have been found in the filing of the file. The drafting structure of the draft of the Longshan Waterfront project is rigorous, and there is no problem with a slight modification of the expression." Tian Na said pertinently, she did not ask Yan Xi finished all the work in one afternoon, but Yan Xi didn't expect to finish it so quickly. Even she might not be able to finish it in one afternoon.

After Tian Na left the CEO's office, she inevitably had a lot of worries. Was the CEO just now inspecting Yan Xi's ability?
She had to admit that Yan Xi's sudden promotion to the president's secretary was not because of the relationship that Xiaoru and the others said.


(End of this chapter)

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