I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 106 Han Jiajin 06

Chapter 106
Han Mengli waited until three o'clock in the afternoon and made an international long-distance call.

"Auntie, good morning, did I bother you?"

"Mengli, don't disturb me. I'm having breakfast. I'm also happy to have you talking with me." The woman's voice was obviously very happy.

The phone call took about 10 minutes to end.

Han Mengli changed into a suit of clothes, hailed a private car, and went out.

I looked at the time, it was almost 03:30.

"Uncle Feng, you can drive faster."

"Yes, miss." The driver shifted gears and accelerated. He knew that the lady was getting motion sick, so he drove slowly.

After driving for more than ten minutes, the car broke down suddenly. Fortunately, I was taking the side lane and had to park on the side of the road.

The car stopped suddenly, Han Mengli frowned: "Uncle Feng, what's going on?"

The driver said: "Miss, the car seems to have broken down. Wait for a while, I'll go out and check."

The driver hurriedly got out of the car to check.

Han Mengli got out of the car, and it was difficult to hail a taxi here.

The driver checked it, and couldn't help but feel a little worried: "Miss, I can't find the reason for the time being, are you in a hurry?"

Han Mengli was in a terrible mood. She was about to call her home and ask the driver to pick her up when her phone ran out of battery.

"Uncle Feng, call home and ask someone to pick me up. I'm in a hurry."

"Yes, miss." The driver immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed.

At this time, a dazzling red sports car passed by, and it backed up after a while, and the windows were lowered.

"Miss Han?"

"Mr. Lan?" Han Mengli was surprised.

"Miss Han, where are you going?" Lan Muge looked at the private car parked on the side of the road. Where is this direction going?
"I'm going to Jin Luo's company, but the car..." Han Mengli looked annoyed.

"Today is your lucky day, and I'm going too. If you don't mind, please get in my car." Lan Muge unlocked the car door.

"Why would I mind, thank you very much." Han Mengli sat in Lan Muge's sports car gracefully.

"Mind if I call your name?" Lan Muge drove away.

"Of course I don't mind." Han Mengli was very happy. Although she knew that Jin Luo and Lan Muge had a good relationship, Jin Luo never introduced her to Lan Muge, and the Lan family and the Han family had no friendship.

"Mengli, you can also call me by my name, you don't have to look outside." Lan Muge was very friendly.

"Hehe, okay, Muge." Han Mengli smiled, and Lan Muge seemed to be a very easy person to get along with.

Lan Muge looked at the inside mirror of the car. Although she didn't know what Han Mengli's personality was, she could tell that Han Mengli was beautiful and elegant, and A Luo had a high vision.

"Are you looking for Jin Luo too?" Han Mengli asked, Lan Muge went in this direction.

"No, I'm looking for A Luo's secretary." Lan Muge said, Yixue went to A Luo's company to attend a meeting this afternoon, and he also went to join in the fun while waiting for Yan Xi to get off work.

"What secretary?" Han Mengli looked puzzled, was it Tian Na?Or the new Yan Xi?
"It's an employee of the administration department, A Luo's new secretary." Lan Muge smiled happily.

"What can I do with her?" Han Mengli was surprised. Lan Muge didn't seem to be going to work, and judging from his tone, he seemed to have a good relationship with the new secretary.

"A secret that cannot be told." Lan Muge smiled and gave an ambiguous answer.

"Hehe." Han Mengli smiled, Lan Muge is quite humorous, could it be that Jin Luo took extra care of Yan Xi because of Lan Muge?
(End of this chapter)

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