I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 111 Misunderstanding Relationship 01

Chapter 111 Misunderstanding Relationship 01
"So, how long have you been together?" Han Mengli looked at the two with ambiguous eyes.

Lan Muge's expression was weird, how could he explain it, he did plan to pursue Yan Xi, but he didn't dare to act too hastily, for fear of frightening her.

"Miss Han misunderstood, Mr. Lan and I are just ordinary friends." Yan Xi explained seriously, how could Han Mengli misunderstand her relationship with Lan Muge?
"I'm sorry, I don't know, I thought..." Han Mengli apologized, Yan Xi just called Mr. Lan, was she covering it up on purpose, or was it really just an ordinary friendship?
"You don't have to apologize, I didn't make it clear, but I actually like making friends with Yan Xi very much." Lan Muge's meaning was very cryptic, neither admitting nor denying it.

Han Mengli was a little surprised, and had vaguely understood Lan Muge's meaning. He just wanted to pursue Yan Xi, but Yan Xi hadn't agreed yet?
With Lan Muge's identity and handsome face, most ordinary women would not refuse. If Yan Xi really refused, then Yan Xi is either a fool or a smart person.

Only a fool would refuse the opportunity to marry into a wealthy family.

Anyone who is smart knows that Lan Shao is just playing with you.

But to be honest, even if Lan Muge really likes Yan Xi, and even wants to marry Yan Xi, it is difficult for Yan Xi to marry into the Lan family, the difference in status between the two is too far away.

She didn't despise Yan Xi, but in reality, being well-matched is very important.

Don't forget, Cinderella was never an ordinary girl, but a lady of noble birth. She has a beautiful singing voice, profound talents, noble and elegant, and no prince will fall in love with an ordinary woman.

It is not about family background and money, but about completely different knowledge, vision, experience, living habits, etc., as well as completely different outlook on life, values ​​and worldview, so it is difficult to adapt.

Han Mengli looked at Yan Xi, everyone could hear Lan Muge's implication, but seeing that Yan Xi had been calm and composed, was Yan Xi too confident?

At this time, there were footsteps outside the door, and about five or six people came.

Lan Muge looked over: "A Luo, Yixue, is the meeting over?"

Gu Jinluo was wearing a well-tailored suit. He was tall and straight, handsome and handsome. His glasses covered the coldness in his eyes, so he couldn't see a trace of emotion.

And Song Yixue beside him was wearing a white dress, with an impeccable figure, smooth black hair tied behind her ears, a beautiful face without makeup, and a pure and elegant temperament.

The two stood together, handsome and beautiful, complementing each other.

Followed by several senior executives, as well as Song Daxing's makeup artist and manager.

"Why are you here?" Gu Jinluo frowned slightly, his dark eyes swept over Lan Muge and Yan Xi.

"I sent someone here for you." Lan Muge's smile had a deep meaning, he was kind enough to help Ah Luo send Han Mengli here.

"What do you mean?" Gu Jinluo's attitude became much colder.

"Mengli's car broke down on the road, so I'll drop her off." Lan Muge felt puzzled. A Luo seemed unhappy, which is understandable. Ex-girlfriend Yixue and current girlfriend Han Mengli actually bumped into each other .

When Song Yixue heard this, she subconsciously looked at Han Mengli. What is the relationship between A Luo and Han Mengli?Miss Han's daughter, such a family background almost defeated all her hard work and self-confidence.

Lan Muge gloated a bit: "The person has already been delivered, Yan Xi and I will leave first."

Without hesitation, Yan Xi got up and left with Lan Muge.

(End of this chapter)

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