I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 119 Misunderstanding Relationship 09

Chapter 119 Misunderstanding Relationship 09
This morning, Yan Xi came to the company on time.

After walking into the elevator, Yan Xi received a text message on his mobile phone. Yan Xi didn't reply, so he directly deleted the text message.

Yan Xi got out of the elevator, and before he reached the administration department, he met Qin Hao who came in a hurry.

"Secretary Yan, good morning." Qin Hao greeted.

"Assistant Qin, good morning." Yan Xi replied.

"The president asked you to go to his office now." Qin Hao was very depressed. If the president wanted to call Yan Xi, there was no need for him to come down in person. He could just call Secretary Yan's inside line or send a message through the working group.

"I see." Yan Xi walked towards the administration department.

Qin Hao looked at Yan Xi's back suspiciously, the CEO's office is not over there, could it be that Secretary Yan didn't hear his words clearly?
Yan Xi came back to the administration department and turned on the computer.

"Yan Xi, your landline rang just now, and I answered it for you. The president came to you and told you to go to his office right away." Zhen Ni said, before it was time for work, Yan Xi's landline rang It rang.

"I see." Yan Xi clicked on the document, selected a printer, and printed the document.

Seeing Yan Xi's indifferent expression, Zhen Ni couldn't help asking, "Aren't you going to the CEO's office immediately?"

"I'll go." Yan Xi waited for the printing to finish without rushing.

A trace of jealousy flashed in Zhen Ni's eyes. Miss Han said last night that it was Lan Shao who was pursuing Yan Xi, no wonder Yan Xi was so defiant!
Lan Shao is noble, handsome, humorous, what kind of woman does he want, why would he like Yan Xi, who is so plain and boring?
Hmph, Young Master Lan is so careless, and with the beauty around him, he will dump Yan Xi sooner or later, how arrogant will Yan Xi be then?


After Yan Xi printed and bound the documents, he went up to the 29th floor, but not to the president's office, but to Qin Hao's office.

Qin Hao was surprised, why did Yan Xi come to him?Tian Na usually comes here, because Secretary Yan is an idle job.Although they worked together with Yan Xi, they didn't have much to talk about or interact with except for the usual greetings.

"The president asked me to give it to you for correction." Yan Xi put the document on the table.

"Why are you here?" Qin Hao opened it and saw that it was the statistical result of the sales center's regional sales questionnaire.

"The president ordered."

"What? Why did you work in the sales center?" Qin Hao was puzzled, this is not the scope of the secretary's work.

"The president ordered." Yan Xi just followed the boss's arrangement, but she didn't want to do it either.

The corners of Qin Hao's lips twitched, Yan Xi's speech was very blunt and boring.

However, why did the president assign Yan Xi a job in the sales center?Did he intend to transfer Yan Xi?
The span of promotion from maintenance department clerk to president's secretary is already very long. To be honest, Yan Xi is so serious and cold, he is really not suitable to be a salesman.

"Okay, I'll make corrections. Have you been to the CEO's office yet?" Qin Hao suddenly remembered that Yan Xi had just returned to the administration department, and now he came to his office again.

"Now get ready to go."

"Then go quickly!" Qin Hao urged helplessly, this questionnaire was not urgently needed, she didn't have to bring it by the way, and she made the president wait for so long.

Yan Xi walked out of Qin Hao's office and met Tian Na.

"Secretary Yan, the CEO asked you to go to his office." Tian Na just came out of the CEO's office.

"I'm going now." Yan Xi left.

(End of this chapter)

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