I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 131 Business Reception 11

Chapter 131 Business Reception 11
Qin Hao was already waiting here. Seeing Gu Jinluo and Yan Xi coming out of the elevator together, Qin Hao was a little surprised and almost didn't recognize Yan Xi.

"President, just now Young Master Lan asked if you've arrived." Qin Hao walked behind Gu Jinluo and joined Yan Xi. He and Yan Xi were only assistants and secretaries.

"Where is he?" Gu Jinluo asked.

"Young Master Lan is in the drink area. Just now, Young Master Lan asked me if Secretary Yan has arrived?" Qin Hao glanced at Yan Xi next to him, and Young Master Lan seemed to take special care of Yan Xi.

Yan Xi also glanced at Qin Hao, how did Lan Muge know she would come?
"What do you say?" Gu Jinluo's face darkened slightly, he just sent Yan Xi here by the way.

"I said I don't know." Qin Hao said, even if he knew, he would not say more, after all his boss is not Lan Shao.

Gu Jinluo was silent, feeling a little irritable suddenly.

Qin Hao was a little surprised when he didn't hear the president's words for a long time. The president acquiesced in his answer, and the president didn't want Lan Shao to know, so he would get acquainted with it in the future.


Luxurious and gorgeous banquet hall, panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows, you can overlook the colorful high-rise buildings outside, and you can have a panoramic view of Bihu Bay.

This reception was held privately by Mr. Lu Li, a wine tycoon, and many famous bartenders were invited to make drinks on the spot.

All kinds of cocktails are placed on the glass table, which looks crystal clear under the light.

The visitors are all people from Jingyang City who are either rich or expensive, sons of wealthy families, high-ranking political officials, popular stars and so on.

Gu Jinluo came to the scene in a low-key manner, but it still caused a small commotion, most of which were the admiring gazes of the ladies.

Many people wanted to come forward to chat, but stopped because of Gu Jinluo's indifference.

Gu Jinluo went to the dining area and glanced at Yan Xi: "Din here, don't go away."

Yan Xi didn't say anything, she will eat here, but it's hard to say if she doesn't walk away.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Gu Jinluo shouted in a low voice, "Did you hear that?"

"I heard." Yan Xi said.

Gu Jinluo and Qin Hao then walked to the wine tasting area.

Qin Hao had countless questions in his mind, just now Young Master Lan wanted to find Yan Xi, but now the CEO deliberately left Yan Xi in the dining area, what does this mean?Don't you want Lan Shao to see Yan Xi?

Yan Xi picked up a plate of food at random, sat down at the table in the corner, and observed the venue while eating.

After eating, he checked the time, Yan Xi didn't intend to sit up all the time.

Yan Xi got up to leave, and when she left the dining area, she saw someone, even though she was always calm, she was shocked.

"Yan Xi?"

At this moment, Huacuo is really elegant, wearing a black high-necked long dress, with a black ribbon around her neck, and long brown slightly curly hair. The originally slightly feminine face is painted with heavy makeup, and her long eyebrows are thick and black. The phoenix eyes have a playful smile, the lips are naturally dark red, and there is a heroic spirit in the enchanting, a mixture of contradictions.

It simply killed most of the ladies present, except for his excessively tall height, it was difficult to tell his gender.

Yan Xi was a little uneasy, especially when he saw his chest, how could she not know that Hua Cuo had a penchant for wearing women's clothes.

Hua Cuo noticed her gaze, and he was a little helpless: "Fake."

Yan Xi immediately looked back, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, Hua Cuo was here to hit women.

Huacuo pointed to the man next to him, and introduced: "Yan Xi, this is my male companion, Yun Su."

Yan Xi couldn't calm down again, and looked at Hua Cuo's male companion in surprise. Based on his appearance alone, this man gave off a cold and iron feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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