I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 170 First Love 10

Chapter 170 First Love 10
"Is this really just a classmate relationship?" Ye Piaopiao expressed doubts.

"Hmph, just looking at it, I know that there has been a romantic relationship." Zhuang Xiaoxia rubbed her chin.

"Dirty thoughts!" He Qingshan said angrily.

"Director He, you don't have to put on an air! Tell me, what's the relationship between the two?" Ye Piaopiao looked at He Qingshan threateningly.

"It is said that he is a first love, but don't look at his puppy love, he will still be the first in the exam!" He Qingshan thinks that there is no chance for a puppy love, whoever has never had a crush on someone while studying, it is just that no one has a crush on him.

"Yan Xi also has puppy love?" Zhuang Xiaoxia couldn't believe it.

"Don't think that everyone is like you. You haven't been in love at the age of 23." Ye Piaopiao said, when she was the class monitor and class flower, she was soft when she received a love letter.

Zhuang Xiaoxia curled her lips, it's not that there are no men pursuing her, it's just that she really doesn't feel it.

"It's almost nine o'clock, let's all go back, we have to go to work tomorrow." He Qingshan drove away.

Ye Piaopiao was also about to leave, but saw Hua Cuo standing there motionless.

"Wrong flower, why don't you go?"

"You guys go first." Hua Cuo still didn't move.

"You seem to be very silent tonight." Ye Piaopiao glanced at him, usually quite talkative.

"Sore throat."

"There is a pharmacy in front, do you want to buy some medicine?" Ye Piaopiao asked with concern.

"No, I'm leaving first, goodbye." Hua Cuo took out the car key, got in the car, and drove away.

Ye Piaopiao felt baffled, and said that you go first, and that I go first, it doesn't matter who goes first.


In the past seven years, the rapid development of Jingyang City is enough to bring about earth-shaking changes.

"Yan Xi, long time no see..." Yin Zimo looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar road ahead, so long that he lost his way.

"It's been a long time." Yan Xi thought of it like this, it seems to have been six or seven years.

"You, are you okay?" Yin Zimo had been brewing in his heart for a long time, thousands of words, and he didn't know where to start.

"It's okay." Yan Xi looked at the scenery outside the car window. Maybe it wasn't so good before, but it's okay now.

"When will you come back?" Yin Zimo asked. He missed her too much. If he knew that she was back, he would definitely not stay in Country M for a moment longer.

"What come back?" Yan Xi gave him a puzzled look.

"Six years ago, your neighbor said that your family immigrated." Yin Zimo said, he had been abroad for less than a year, and came back to look for her, but he didn't expect that she had left.

"I came back last year." Yan Xi said, she didn't expect to come back back then, that's why she said immigrant.

Then why don't you come to me?Yin Zimo didn't ask in the end, even though he regretted it too much, he was the one who left first anyway, and he was no longer qualified to ask why she disappeared.

After a while, when they arrived at Tianhe Xiaoyuan, Yin Zimo parked in the parking space on the side of the road.

"Thank you for taking me back." Yan Xi opened the door and got out of the car.

"Yan Xi, can you take a walk with me for a while?" Yin Zimo looked at her nervously, he had a lot to say.

"Well, yes. Actually, you don't have to be so cautious." Yan Xi felt very baffled, he seemed a little cautious towards her, even if he hadn't seen her for a long time, he didn't have to be so cautious.

Yin Zimo was slightly taken aback, he was not cautious, but afraid, he felt that Yan Xi had left him and treated him like a stranger.

The two got out of the car and walked on the sidewalk near the community.

(End of this chapter)

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