I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 175 First Love 15

Chapter 175 First Love 15
After get off work, Qin Hao asked Ye Piaopiao to have dinner together.

Qin Hao chose a western restaurant.

"Where did you go for dinner last night?" Qin Hao casually asked, last night Piao Piao went to eat with Yan Xi and the others, he wanted to go too, but Piao Piao refused to let him go, after all he and Piao Piao hadn't been together for long , Maybe it hasn't reached the stage of introducing and knowing each other's friends.

"I went to the colorful square to eat food." Only then did Ye Piaopiao realize that it was no wonder that He Qingshan was willing to treat guests last night. It turned out that there was a conspiracy.

"Is it delicious?" Qin Hao picked up the water glass to drink.

"That's right, I like the Korean ginseng tea in that restaurant." Ye Piaopiao flipped through the menu, not knowing what to order, she had no appetite for Western food.

"I heard a male employee discussing Yan Xi in the administration department today. It seems that someone wants to pursue her. Does she have a boyfriend?" Qin Hao asked calmly.

"No, who wants to pursue Yan Xi?" Ye Piaopiao instantly raised his curiosity. Before, because Yan Xi was a loner and often did not go to work, the male employees in the company were not familiar with Yan Xi, nor had he met any of them. Men pursue Yanxi.

"I don't know, I just heard it vaguely in the bathroom." Qin Hao thought to himself, this person is the president!

Ye Piaopiao understands that in a large company, the bathroom is not just a bathroom, it is a unique place where men and women are separated, gossiping, telling secrets, putting on makeup, smoking, even fighting, venting, and crying place.

"Does Yanxi have any male friends around him, and no one pursues Yanxi?"

"I've never seen anyone pursue Yan Xi, and I've never heard Yan Xi mention his ex-boyfriend. Yan Xi is like an insulator, and usually has a good relationship with Hua Cuo. Maybe I don't know what Yan Xi still has. What kind of friend, she never talks about personal matters. However, there was a superb one last night. "

"What is the best?" Qin Hao didn't know why.

"Yan Xi's first love, we had dinner together last night." Ye Piaopiao couldn't help sighing, from her perspective as a woman, Yin Zimo, a man, seemed more attractive the more he looked at him.

"What? Why did Yanxi's first love show up?" Qin Hao was surprised. The first love, that is, broke up?Break up and still have dinner together?This is very bad.

"I don't know." Ye Piaopiao waved to the waiter and ordered food.

Qin Hao casually ordered a few items, and continued chatting with Ye Piaopiao.

"Who is Yan Xi's first love?"

"Coincidentally, Yan Xi's first love turned out to be He Qingshan's eldest nephew, a doctor."

"Then how about this doctor?" Qin Hao felt that it was necessary to understand that the profession of a doctor is quite noble, and it is easy to make people feel good about it.

"Why do you become so gossip?" Ye Piaopiao glanced at him, usually he wouldn't talk about these topics.

"It's just a casual survey. There are many single men in the administration department." Qin Hao said, one of them is the president.

Ye Piaopiao just laughed. Maybe there are many elite men in the company, but she feels that there is almost no one comparable to Yin Zimo. It has nothing to do with family background, appearance and talent, but the kind of modest gentleman's demeanor and gentle temperament. Yan Xi has a good eye of.

"What do you mean by laughing?" Qin Hao frowned, looking down on the single men in the company?Never underestimate the president.

"You don't have to worry about this matter." Ye Piaopiao said, judging from the situation last night, it seems that Yin Zimo has no more love for Yan Xi, and it is very likely that they will get back together.


(End of this chapter)

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