I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 201 Inspection Project 01

Chapter 201 Inspection Project 01
Until a sweet female voice came: Customers of No. 126 please dine.

"It's our time." Xu Yonglin handed the number to the waiter.

The restaurant was full of seats. In fact, it was just a very ordinary cafeteria. The food was also very ordinary, but the price was cheap and there were many dishes, including Chinese, Western, Japanese and so on.

The smallest seat in the restaurant is a four-seater, and due to the peak passenger flow, it can only be arranged in a four-seater.

The four sat in four-seater seats, Xu Yonglin and Yan Xi sat next to each other, Gu Jinluo and Lan Muge sat next to each other, it was quite crowded.

"A total of 272 yuan." The waiter was placing an order.

All buffets are paid in advance and then eaten.

Xu Yonglin and Yan Xi are preparing to pay, they are both under the AA system, but Lan Muge has already paid first.

"You wait for a seat, we'll invite you." Lan Muge handed three banknotes to the waiter.

"Thank you Lan Shao." Xu Yonglin was flattered.

"Thank you, Mr. Lan." Yan Xi remained expressionless.

"You're welcome." Listening to Mr. Lan's voice, Lan Muge was very depressed.

After placing the order, Yan Xi picked up the plate and got up to get the food.

"Yan Xi, what do you want to eat? I'll go with you." Lan Muge was quite enthusiastic and followed Yan Xi.

Xu Yonglin was surprised. When Yan Xi first came to the Administration Department, Young Master Lan deliberately picked up Yan Xi, and now it is because of Yan Xi that Young Master Lan eats the buffet with them.

Seeing a big Buddha sitting in front of her, Xu Yonglin felt very pressured, so she also ran away.

Yan Xi took sushi, steak, salad, and a glass of plum juice.

"How about steak with sour plum juice?" Lan Muge followed her, and he took whatever she took.

"Personal taste." Yan Xi didn't explain, why did Lan Muge eat the same food as her?

"Is this enough?" Lan Muge looked at her plate, taking only a little of each item.

"I can't finish it, don't waste it." Her teeth are a little uncomfortable today, and she doesn't want to eat.

The two walked around the food area and then went back.

Gu Jinluo has already picked up the food and has been back for a long time.

"Ah Luo, this is what you want to eat?" Lan Muge saw that Gu Jinluo's dinner plate only had a few pieces of baked potatoes, a few pieces of pastries, and a glass of what looked like lukewarm water.

"Can't you?" Gu Jinluo was in a bad mood, especially when he saw that the food on their dinner plates was exactly the same?
"Okay, you can eat as long as you like." Lan Muge ignored it. A Luo has chronic gastrointestinal problems and is very picky about food. In fact, A Luo should not come to the buffet.

Xu Yonglin came back at the latest, the food on the plate was piled full, and they were all taken from the expensive ones. Just now, she had an argument with her ex-boyfriend and was upset.

When she saw Gu Jinluo's dinner plate, Xu Yonglin immediately felt ashamed, as if she could eat it, but, CEO, how many potatoes can you eat for 68 yuan?
"Do you usually eat buffet?" Lan Muge was very good at finding topics.

Yan Xi ate silently. When biting the food, the wisdom teeth that grew in scratched the inner wall of the mouth, causing a little pain.

Xu Yonglin kicked Yan Xi quietly, didn't you see Lan Shao looking at you?But Yan Xi didn't seem to respond, Xu Yonglin said awkwardly: "Sometimes I will eat."

"Where do you usually go to eat?" Lan Muge still looked at Yan Xi, who was sitting directly opposite Yan Xi.

"It's all eaten nearby." Xu Yonglin regretted asking Yan Xi to have lunch together at the moment, but Lan Shao's intention was obviously Yan Xi, and she instantly became a foil!
(End of this chapter)

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